Overzicht Medische Radiologische Proefschriften 1912-2016
Eerder verscheen in NetRad een overzicht van Medische Proefschriften 1912-1999, opgesteld door Paul Algra. Toelichting en verantwoording zie het artikel door Dr. P.R. Algra .
Op initiatief van de Historische Commissie heeft Frans Zonneveld na uitgebreide research een update gemaakt. De lijst met Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften beslaat nu de periode van 1912-2015. Veel tijd is besteed aan het opzoeken van links voor de online versies.
Gaarne correcties en aanvullingen doorgeven aan de redactie via:
Prof. (em) Dr. Ir. Frans W. Zonneveld: f.w.zonneveld-at-hetnet.nl
In onderstaande links staan de radiologische proefschriften geschreven door medici en niet medici
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : A-D
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : E-I
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : J-N
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : O-R
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : S-Z
Overzicht Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften van niet-medici
Eerder verscheen in NetRad een overzicht van Medische Proefschriften 1912-1999, opgesteld door Paul Algra. Toelichting en verantwoording zie het artikel door Dr. P.R. Algra .
Op initiatief van de Historische Commissie heeft Frans Zonneveld na uitgebreide research een update gemaakt. De lijst met Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften beslaat nu de periode van 1912-2015. Veel tijd is besteed aan het opzoeken van links voor de online versies.
Gaarne correcties en aanvullingen doorgeven aan de redactie via:
Prof. (em) Dr. Ir. Frans W. Zonneveld: f.w.zonneveld-at-hetnet.nl
In onderstaande links staan de radiologische proefschriften geschreven door medici en niet medici
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : A-D
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : E-I
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : J-N
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : O-R
Overzicht Medische Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften : S-Z
Overzicht Nederlandse Radiologische Proefschriften van niet-medici
Naam, vooretters [1] | Promotor(es) | Copromotor(es) | Universiteit | Vak [2] | Datum | Titel Proefschrift |
Aardema, mw M.W. | Prof. Dr. J.G. Arnoudse | Dr. H. Oosterhof | Groningen | GYN | 22-11-00 | The uteroplacental circulation in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy; Doppler ultrasound and histopathological studies |
Dr. A. Timmer | ||||||
Aarts, N.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 11-06-69 | Medische thermographie: verkenningen op het gebied der toepassingsmogelijkheden | |
Abràmoff, M.D. | Prof. Dr. J.S. Stilma | Dr. M.Ph. Mourits | Utrecht | OOG | 20-09-01 | Objective measurement of motion in the orbit |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Ackerstaff, R.G.A. | Prof. Dr. J.M.F.A. Mol | Dr. P.J. Breslau | Maastricht | NRF | 30-05-85 | Ultrasonic duplex scanning in atherosclerothic disease of the vertebrobasilar arterial system |
Prof. Dr. R.S. Reneman | ||||||
Prof. Dr. M. Hennerici | ||||||
Adams, A.L.L. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. S.G. Elias | Utrecht | RAD | 20-05-14 | Molecular imaging of breast cancer |
Adams, H.H.H. | Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. M.A. Ikram | Rotterdam | RAD | 22-11-16 | Complex neurological diseases: insights from genetics and neuroimaging |
Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | Dr. M.W. Vernooij | |||||
Adel, mw B. den | Prof. Dr. R.E. Poelmann | Dr. L. van der Weerd | Leiden | ANE | 28-02-13 | MRI of Atherosclerotic Lesions |
Adriaanse, mw B.M.E. | Prof. Dr. J.M.G. van Vugt | Dr. M.C. Haak | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 23-10-15 | Fetal echocardiography from a new perspective |
Adriaensen, mw M.E.A.P.M. | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. C.M. Schaefer-Prokop | Utrecht | RAD | 26-04-11 | Imaging in tuberous sclerosis complex |
Dr. B.A. Zonnenberg | ||||||
Agool, A. | Prof. Dr. E. Vellenga | Dr. R.H.J.A. Slart | Groningen | IGK | 02-03-11 | PET and SPECT imaging of bone marrow disorders |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Agour, mw E.N.E. | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Dr. Ir. G.J. Strijkers | Utrecht | CDL | 31-10-12 | Proton and sodium MRI assessment of myocardial viability |
Prof. Dr. C.J.A. van Echteld | Dr. F. Arslan | |||||
Ai, mw H. | Prof. Dr. A. Aleman | Dr. M.J. van Tol | Groningen | NEU | 21-12-15 | Functional neuroimaging of state, course, and symptom specificity in affective psychopathology |
Dr. E.M. Opmeer | ||||||
Akker, H.P. van den | Prof. Dr. J.B. van der Schoot | Amsterdam (UvA) | NGK | 21-01-88 | Aspects of salivary gland scintigraphy with 99mTc-pertechnetate | |
Prof. Dr. G.J. Kusen | ||||||
Akkersdijk, G.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.H. van Bockel | Dr. J.B.C.M. Puylaert | Leiden | VCH | 23-11-95 | Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm: aspects of screening |
Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | ||||||
Akkersdijk, W. | Prof. Dr. S. Talma | Utrecht | FAR | 21-05-18 | Studie over de verzakking van de maag | |
Akkerveeken, P.F. van | Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | Utrecht | NCH | 12-09-89 | Lateral stenosis of the lumbar spine | |
Prof. Dr. H. Verbiest | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.J. van der Linden | ||||||
Alberts, A.R. | Mw Prof. Dr. M.J. Roobol-Bouts | Dr. I.G. Schoots | Rotterdam | EPI | 10-01-18 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and multivariable risk-stratification on prostate cancer screening and active surveillance |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Alberts, Ch. | Prof. Dr. P. Formijne | Dr. J.B. van der Schoot | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 01-04-71 | De betekenis van 99m Tc pertechnetaat voor het onderzoek van de schildklierfunctie |
Algra, P.R. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 16-12-92 | MRI and CT of vertebral metastases | |
Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | ||||||
Algra, mw S.O. | Prof. Dr. F. Haas | Dr. N.J.G. Jansen | Utrecht | NON | 13-12-13 | Neonatal cardiac surgery: preventing collateral damage |
Prof. Dr. L.S. de Vries | ||||||
Alharbi, N.M. | Prof. Dr. D. Wismeijer | Dr. R. Osman | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 14-11-18 | Integration of three-dimensional (3D) printing in prosthodontics |
Alizadeh Dehnavi, R. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Romijn | Dr. J.W. Jukema | Leiden | IGK | 06-10-09 | Magnetic resonance imaging of atherosclerosis. Studies in visceral obesity |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Aluwini, S. | Prof. Dr. Dr. L. Incrocci | Rotterdam | RAT | 16-11-16 | Hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer: how far can we go? | |
Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Heijmen | ||||||
Andel, G.J. van | Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | Utrecht | RAD | 22-06-76 | Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. The Dotter procedure: a manual for the radiologist | |
Andel, J.G. van | Prof. Dr. B.H.P. van der Werf-Messing | Rotterdam | RAT | 19-12-73 | Nasopharynx carcinoom | |
Annema, J.T. | Prof. Dr. K.F. Rabe | Leiden | LOZ | 14-06-05 | Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer and the assessment of sarcoidosis | |
Anssari Moin, D. | Prof. Dr. D. Wismeijer | Dr. B.A. Hassan | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 17-01-18 | New dimensions in tooth implant and transplantation |
Prof. Dr. J.P.R. van Merkesteyn | Dr. A. Tahmaseb Eghbali | |||||
Antoni, mw M.L. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Dr. V. Delgado | Leiden | CDL | 19-01-12 | Improving risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction: focus on emerging applications of echocardiography |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Appelman, A.P.A. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. M.I. Geerlings | Utrecht | EPI | 22-05-08 | Brain atrophy in patients with arterial disease: the SMART-MR study |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. Ir. K.L. Vincken | |||||
Appelman, A.C. | Prof. Dr. W. Bronkhorst | Utrecht | LOZ | 09-06-53 | Stoflongen met tuberculose bij arbeiders in Nederlandsche steenkolenmijnen | |
Arisz, L. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 23-06-14 | Sol- en geltoestand van gelatineoplossingen | |
Arndt, J.W. | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Leiden | NGK | 07-05-96 | Scintigraphy for the assessment of inflammatory bowel disease | |
Prof. Dr. C.B.H.W. Lamers | ||||||
Arnold, L.V. | Prof. Dr. J. van Aken | Utrecht | THK | 08-02-83 | The radiographic detection of initial carious lesions on the proximal surfaces of teeth | |
Asselen, B. van | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Dr. C.P.J. Raaijmakers | Utrecht | RAT | 04-11-03 | Intensity-modulated radiotherapy for breast and head-and-neck cancer |
Prof. Dr. C.H.J. Terhaard | ||||||
Assendelft, W.J.J. | Prof. Dr. L.M. Bouter | Amsterdam (VU) | EPI | 19-04-96 | Chiropractic in The Netherlands; diagnosis and effects of treatment. | |
Prof. Dr. P.G. Knipschild | ||||||
Astreinidou, mw E. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Dr. C.P.J. Raaijmakers | Utrecht | RAT | 30-05-06 | Spitting image. Image based prevention and measurement of radiation-induced xerostomia |
Baal, J.G. van | Prof. Dr. W.H. Brummelkamp | Dr. P. Fleury | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 17-12-87 | Angiomyolipoma renis and its relation to tuberous sclerosis |
Baalen, J.M. van | Prof. Dr. R.S. Reneman | Maastricht | CDL | 06-02-87 | Noninvasive detection of lesions in the carotid artery bifurcation | |
Baarslag, H.J. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. E.J.R. van Beek | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 24-10-03 | Diagnosis and management of upper extremity deep vein thrombosis. |
Dr. M.M.W. Koopman | ||||||
Baatenburg de Jong, R.J. | Prof. Dr. C.D.A. Verwoerd | Rotterdam | KNO | 04-04-90 | Ultrasound examination of the head and neck | |
Rongen, R.J. | Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | |||||
Badcock, P.C. | Prof. Dr. B.H.P. van der Werf-Messing | Rotterdam | RAD | 30-09-83 | Computerised Tomography in radiotherapy planning | |
Prof. Drs. A.H. Tierie | ||||||
Baerts, W. | Prof. Dr. J.W. Mettau | Rotterdam | KGK | 27-06-84 | Intracraniële bloedingen bij preterm geborenen: een echografische studie | |
Prof. Dr. M. de Vlieger | ||||||
Bahce, I. | Prof. Dr. N.H. Hendrikse | Amsterdam (VU) | FAR | 22-05-17 | Tumor characterization using radiolabeled anti-cancer drugs in NSCLC patients | |
Prof. Dr. E.F. Smit | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.A. Lammertsma | ||||||
Bakker, A. | Prof. Dr. J.H. Gaarenstroom | Groningen | FAR | 21-02-61 | In vitro schildklier diagnostiek. Een onderzoek met behulp van radioactief thyroxine en trijodothyronine | |
Bakker, mw J. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 29-01-99 | Radiological studies related to renovascular disease | |
Bakker, mw M. | Prof. Dr. C.M. Bilardo | Groningen | GYN | 06-02-17 | Challenges in prenatal screening and diagnosis in the Netherlands | |
Bakker-Niezen, mw S.H. | Prof. Dr. H.A.D. Walder | Nijmegen | NCH | 14-11-86 | De gekluisterde conus of "tethered spinal cord" | |
Prof. Dr. H.O.M. Thijssen | ||||||
Baks, T. | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Dr. R.J.M. van Geuns | Rotterdam | CDL | 18-10-06 | MRI and MSCT for the assessment of myocardial function and viability |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Băleanu-Curaj, mw A. | Prof. Dr. F.C.S. Ramaeckers | Maastricht | MBL | 02-11-17 | Molecular ultrasound imaging - a powerful tool for the diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction and arterial inflammation | |
Prof. Dr. M.A.M.J. van Zandvoort | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F. Kiessling | ||||||
Balkissoon-Grool, mw A.M. zie Grool, mw A.M. | ||||||
Balm, R. | Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | Dr. M.S. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | VCH | 17-09-96 | Transfemoral Endovascular aneurysm Management |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Balner, H | Prof. Dr. C.A. Wagenvoort | Amsterdam (UvA) | PAN | 21-11-63 | Bonemarrow transplantation after whole body irradiation. An experimental study in the rat | |
Bangma, Ch.H. | Prof. Dr. F.H. Schröder | Dr. B.G. Blijenberg | Rotterdam | URN | 20-12-95 | Prostate specific antigen and ultrasonography in detection and follow-up of prostate carcinoma |
Barendswaard, mw E.C. | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Leiden | NGK | 10-04-02 | Radiolabeled monoclonal antibody A33 for the detection and treatment of colon carcinoma | |
Barentsz, J.O. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Nijmegen | RAD | 11-01-90 | Kernspin tomografie (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) bij het urineblaascarcinoom | |
Prof. Dr. F.M.J. Debruyne | ||||||
Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | ||||||
Barentsz, M.W. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. H.M. Verkooijen | Utrecht | RAD | 20-01-15 | The central role of imaging for breast cancer patients |
Barkhof, F. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 09-12-92 | Gadolinium enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in multiple sclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. O.R. van Eikema Hommes | ||||||
Barnaart, A.F.W. | Prof. Dr. P.M. Rozing | Leiden | ORT | 03-09-92 | De total condylar knieprothese. Een klinische en radiologische studie | |
Barneveld Binkhuysen, F.H. | Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puijlaert | Utrecht | RAD | 23-02-88 | The effectivity and medical efficiency of radiology stressing Computed Tomography | |
Prof. Dr. A.P.W.P. van Montfort | ||||||
Bartelink, A. | Prof. Dr. H.O. Nieweg | Groningen | IGK | 12-06-68 | Onderzoek van het maagslijmvlies met pertechnetaat-99m: een experimentele en klinische studie | |
Bartelink, G.M.M. | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 05-06-80 | Lymfkliemetastasen van plaveiselcelcarcinomen in het hoofd-halsgebied; de rol van de radiotherapie | |
Prof. Dr. E.A. van Slooten | ||||||
Bartels, J. | Prof. Dr. E. Huizinga | Groningen | KNO | 21-12-49 | De tumoren van het glomus jugulare: de tumoren van het glomus caroticumtype van het middenoor en rotsbeen | |
Bartheld, M.B. | Prof. Dr. K.F.G. Rabe | Leiden | LOZ | 06-12-16 | Advancements in pulmonary endosonography | |
Prof. Dr. J.T. Annema | ||||||
Bartstra, D.S. | Prof. Dr. D. Steenhuis ? | Leiden | RAD | 08-07-38 | Het röntgenologisch onderzoek van het slijmvlies van den gezonden en zieken dikken darm | |
Barzouhi, A. el | Prof. Dr. W.C. Peul | Dr. C.L.A.M. Vleggeert-Lankamp | Leiden | NCH | 03-12-13 | Paradigm shift in MRI for sciatica |
Bastos Gonçalves, F. | Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Verhagen | Rotterdam | VCH | 01-04-15 | Endovascular aortic repair. Clarifying risk factors, complications and follow-up strategies | |
Prof. Dr. R.J. Stolker | ||||||
Bastos Leite, A.J. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 16-11-07 | Pathological ageing of the brain: a neuroimaging perspective | |
Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | ||||||
Baumert, mw B.G. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Maastricht | RAT | 02-12-04 | Millimetres do count. Methodologica and clinical investigations of intra-cranial stereotactic radiotherapy | |
Bavelaar-Croon, mw C.D.L. | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Dr. D.E. Atsma | Leiden | NGK | 23-11-00 | Myocardial functional imaging: an evaluation with quantitative gated SPECT |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | ||||||
Bax, J.J. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. F.C. Visser | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 24-01-96 | Detection of myocardial viability with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography |
Dr. Ir. A. van Lingen | ||||||
Bax, mw L. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J.J. Beutler Mol | Utrecht | RAD | 29-08-08 | Renal function and atherosclerotic renovascular disease |
Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | ||||||
Beckers, mw R.C.J. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. D.M.J. Lambregts | Maastricht | RAD | 12-07-18 | Texture analysis in colorectal liver metastases; a potential imaging biomarker |
Prof. Dr. G.L. Beets | ||||||
Becking, H.B.M. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 28-05-57 | De röntgendiagnostiek van de kleinere liggingsafwijkingen van de oesophagus-maagovergang | |
Bedaux, mw W.L.F. | Prof.Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Dr. M.B.M. Hofman | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 20-12-02 | MRI assessment of flow reserve in coronary arteries and bypass grafts |
Beek, A.M. | Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 05-11-09 | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging: applications in patients with myocardial Infarction and ischemic cardiomyopathy | |
Beek, E.J.R. van | Prof. Dr. J.W. ten Cate | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 10-06-94 | The epidemiology and diagnosis of pulmonary embolism | |
Beek, F.J.A. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 14-02-95 | Ultrasound of the lower spinal canal in infants | |
Prof. Dr. N.M.A. Bax | ||||||
Beek, mw M.E.A.B. van | Prof. Dr. J.A.W.M. van der Donk | Dr. D.G. de Rooij | Utrecht | MBL | 09-09-86 | Radiobiologische eigenschappen van de spermatogoniale stamcelpopulatie gedurende de cyclus van het spermatogenetische epitheel |
Beek, S.C. van | Prof. Dr. D.A. Legemate | Dr. R. Balm | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 09-10-14 | Advances in abdominal aortic aneurysm care - Towards personalized, centralized and endovascular care |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. A.C. Vahl | |||||
Prof. Dr. W. Wissink | ||||||
Beekman, R.Ph. | Prof.Dr. J. Ottenkamp | Dr. O. Daniëls | Leiden | CDL | 14-10-99 | The role of MRI in the morphological diagnosis of congenital heart disease |
Prof.Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Beekman, Mw Z.M. | Prof. Dr. P. Muntendam | Leiden | EPI | 05-07-62 | Genetically significant dose from diagnostic röntgenology. A study concerning a defined population in the Netherlands. | |
Been, H.D. | Prof. Dr. R.K. Marti | Dr. G.H. Slot | Amsterdam (UvA) | ORT | 02-02-89 | Congenitale scoliose |
Dr. B.E.E.M.J. Veraart | ||||||
Beers, A.P.A. | ? | Dr. G.L. van der Heide | Amsterdam (VU) | OOG | 29-05-96 | On the mechanism of accommodation: ultrasonography used to investigate the physiology and pathophysiology of human accommodation in vivo |
Beets-Tan, mw R.G.H. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. G.L. Beets | Maastricht | RAD | 08-12-00 | High resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the anorectum. |
Prof. Dr. C.G.M.I. Baeten | ||||||
Bennink, R.J. | Prof. Dr. B.L.F. van Eck-Smit | Dr. G.E. Boeckxstaens | Amsterdam (UvA) | NGK | 29-04-04 | Nuclear gastroenterology: novel techniques in clinical and experimental gastrointestinal mobility, IBD and hepatology |
Prof. Dr. S.J.H. van Deventer | Prof. Dr. T.M. van Gulik | |||||
Bennink-Ferns, mw S.P. zie Fems, mw S.P. | ||||||
Berengoltz-Zlochin, mw S. | Prof. Dr. E.O. Robles de Medina | Utrecht | CDL | 11-04-95 | Percutaneous Nd:YAG laser-assisted recanalization of occluded femoropopliteal arteries - a prospective clinical and angiographic study | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Berfelo, M.W. | Prof. Dr. R. Braakman | Rotterdam | NCH | 07-06-89 | Kinematics of the lumbar spine. Clinical significance of lateral X-rays of the lumbar spine in anteflexion and retroflexion in healthy individuals, in cases of symptomatic herniated lumbar disc disease and of spondylolisthesis | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.D.F. Habbema | ||||||
Berg, W.C. | Prof. Dr. E. Huizinga | Groningen | KNO | 27-06-62 | Bronchografie bij tuberculose | |
Berg, D. van den | Prof. Dr. J.W.G. Ter Braak | Leiden | NEU | 1965 | Meting van de cerebrale bloeddoorstroming met behulp van radioactieve isotopen | |
Berg, J.C. van den | Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | Dr. F.B.M. Joosten | Nijmegen | RAD | 24-04-01 | Groin hernia. The role of diagnostic imaging. |
Prof. Dr. J.B.M.J. Jansen | ||||||
Berg, mw N.S. van den | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 10-11-16 | Advancing surgical guidance: from (hybrid) molecule to man and beyond | |
Berg, R. van den | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. A.G.L. van der Mey | Leiden | RAD | 28-01-04 | Head and neck paragangliomas: from imaging to management. |
Berg, mw R. van den | Prof. Dr. D.M.F.M. van der Heijde | Dr. F.A. van Gaalen | Leiden | REU | 29-10-14 | Spondyloarthritis: recognition, imaging, treatment |
Dr. M. Reijnierse | ||||||
Berg, W.J.B.W. van den | Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing | Rotterdam | CDL | 07-02-07 | Functional cardiovascular assessment in congenital heart disease | |
Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | ||||||
Berg-de Lange, mw C. van der | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. J.J. Duvekot | Rotterdam | NON | 09-12-10 | The contribution of acupuncture and moxibustion to healthcare |
Bergers, mw E. | Prof. Dr. J.P.A. Baak | Amsterdam (VU) | NON | 19-12-97 | Flow cytometry in breast cancer: methodological and clinical aspects | |
Prof. Dr. P.J. van Diest | ||||||
Bergh, J.P.W. van den | Prof. Dr. A.R.M.M. Hermus | Dr. B.J. Otten | Nijmegen | IGK | 22-05-01 | Quantitative ultrasound of bone: in-vitro and in-vivo studies. |
Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Huiskes | ||||||
Berghauser Pont, J.A.W. | Prof. Dr. C.D. de Langen | Utrecht | IGK | 02-04-46 | Diagnostiek van de ulceratieve darmtuberculose en de resultaten van de behandeling volgens Mc Conkey | |
Berghuis, P.H.E. | Prof. Dr. J. Gerbrandy | Dr. G. Hennemann | Rotterdam | IGK | 23-06-76 | Een scintigrafisch onderzoek van morfologie en functie van de lever |
J.H.P. Wilson | ||||||
Bergmann, W. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 15-02-40 | The calcified pineal gland | |
Bergsma, D. | Prof. Dr. E. Huizinga | Groningen | KNO | 26-03-47 | Tracheobronchitis tuberculosa | |
Berkhemer, O.A. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. H.A. Marquering | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 18-11-16 | Intra-arterial treatment for acute ischemic stroke |
Prof. Dr. Y.B.W.E.M. Roos | ||||||
Berkum, F.N.R. van | Prof. Dr. J.C. Birkenhäger | Dr. H.A.P. Pols | Rotterdam | IGK | 13-11-91 | Bone mineral mass in clinical perspective |
Besseling, R.M.H. | Prof. Dr. A.P. Aldenkamp | Dr. J.F.A. Jansen | Maastricht | NEU | 04-04-14 | Brain wiring and neural dynamics. Advances in MR Imaging of focal epilepsy |
Prof. Dr. Ir. W.H. Backes | ||||||
Bettman, R.H.R. | Prof. Dr. E.H. Huizing | Dr. A.F. van Olphen | Utrecht | KNO | 20-04-04 | Imaging of the temporal bone in cochlear implant surgery |
Prof. Dr. Ir. F.W. Zonneveld | ||||||
Prof. Dr. G.J. Hordijk | ||||||
Beusekom-Voogt, mw M.J. van zie: Voogt, mw M.J. | ||||||
Bevers, K. | Prof. Dr. J.W.J. Bijlsma | Dr. A.A. den Broeder | Utrecht | REU | 27-01-15 | Pathophysiologic and prognostic value of ultrasonography in knee osteoarthritis |
Dr. C.H.M. van den Ende | ||||||
Beyerbacht, H.P. | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Dr. H.J. Lamb | Leiden | CDL | 07-02-02 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and phosphorus spectroscopy of the hypotrophied human heart |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Bhagirath, P. | Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra | Dr. M.J.W. Götte | Rotterdam | CDL | 09-11-17 | Design and clinical validation of novel imaging strategies for analysis of arrhythmogenic substrate |
Dr. N.M.S. de Groot | ||||||
Biggelaar, F.J.H.M. van den | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. K. Flobbe | Maastricht | RAD | 06-11-09 | New approaches to improve the evaluation of mammograms |
Bijl, mw N. van der | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. L.J.M. Kroft | Leiden | RAD | 17-11-11 | Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, technical developments and clinical applications |
Dr. M.V. Huisman | ||||||
Bijlsma, P. | Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | Groningen | RAD | 06-04-88 | Renewed complaints in patients after coronary artery bypass grafting: coronary angiographic findings | |
Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | ||||||
Binkhorst, P.G. | Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Weve | Utrecht | OOG | 09-07-40 | Resultaten der diathermische behandeling van netvliesloslating over de jaren 1935 tot 1939 in het Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders te Utrecht | |
Binnewijzend, mw M.A.A. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. J.P.A. Kuijer | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 21-03-14 | Functional and perfusion MRI in dementia |
Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | ||||||
Bipat, mw S.B. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 30-03-07 | Systematic reviews of imaging gynecological and gastrointestinal malignancies for developing evidence-based guidelines | |
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.H. Zwinderman | ||||||
Birgelen, C. von | Prof. Dr. P.W. Serruys | Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Rotterdam | CDL | 16-12-98 | Three-Dimensional intravascular ultrasound assesment of coronary lumen and atherosclerotic plaque dimensions |
Bison, S.M. | Mw Prof. Dr. Ir. M. de Jong | Mw Dr. M.R. Bernsen, | Rotterdam | NGK | 04-09-18 | Combination treatments and dose optimization to enhance peptide receptor radionuclide therapy |
Dr. M.K. Konijnenberg | ||||||
Bisschop, A. | Prof. Dr. B.J. van Royen | Dr. I. Kingma | Amsterdam (VU) | ORT | 13-01-15 | Spinal stability following single level lumbar laminectomy. A biomechanical study of the human spine |
Prof. Dr. J.H. van Dieën | ||||||
Bisschops, R.H.C. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. van der Grond | Utrecht | RAD | 02-09-03 | Hemodynamic, metabolic, and topographic evaluation of ischemic brain lesions. |
Blaha, K. | Prof. Dr. R. Hladký | Brno, Jan Evangelist Purkyně- University | KNO | 01-05-66 | The influence of desoxycorticosteron acetate-albumin emulsion (DOCA) on reactivity of suprarenal glands | |
Prof. Dr. T. Martinec | ||||||
Bleeker, E.J.W. | Prof. Dr. A.G. Webb | Leiden | RAD | 01-06-11 | Quantitative assessment of brain perfusion with Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | ||||||
Bleichrodt, R.P. | Prof. Drs. B. Binnendijk | Groningen | HEE | 09-12-87 | Diagnostiek van het laterale enkelbandapparaat | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | ||||||
Bles, Ch. | Gent | NON | 1904 | (zonder proefschrift gepromoveerd) | ||
Blickman sr., J.R. | Prof. Dr. I. Boerema | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 18-01-51 | Pulmonary tuberculosis and pulmonary resection | |
Blickman jr., J.G. | Prof. Dr. R.J. Scholtmeijer | Rotterdam | URN | 06-02-91 | Pediatric urinary tract infection: imaging techniques with special reference to voiding cystoerethrography | |
Prof. Dr. M. Meradji | ||||||
Bloem, J.L. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 30-03-88 | Radiological staging of primary malignant musculoskeletal tumors; a correlative study of CT, MRI, 99mTc scintigraphy and angiography | |
Bloemenkamp, mw D.G.M. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | EPI | 31-05-02 | Infections and peripheral arterial disease in young women | |
Prof. Dr. F.L.J. Visseren | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.P.T.M. Mali | ||||||
Bloemsma, C.A. | Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | Prof. Dr. A.C. Drogendijk | Rotterdam | GYN | 29-11-78 | Echoscopische meting van de foetale schedel- en rompgrootte |
Dr. H.C.S. Wallenburg | Dr. M. de Vlieger | |||||
Blom, J.M.H. | Prof. Dr. P. Thomas | Leiden | RAT | 26-06-74 | Lymphography and the barrier function of the lymph node | |
Prof. Dr. J. Oort | ||||||
Blom, P.S. | Prof. Dr. A. Querido | Leiden | IGK | 02-06-54 | Radioactive iodine studies in thyroid disease | |
Bluekens, mw A.M.J. | Prof. Dr. G.J. den Heeten | Dr. K.H. Schuur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 09-10-15 | Digital mammography in breast cancer screening. Evaluation and innovation |
Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Karssemeijer | Dr. M.J.M. Broeders | |||||
Bochove, W.M. van | Prof. Dr. G.A. Lindeboom | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 05-06-70 | Hepatografie met 99mTc-pertechnetaat | |
Bode, A.S. | Prof. Dr. P.J.E.H.M. Kitslaar | Dr. J.H.M. Tordoir | Maastricht | VCH | 01-06-12 | Tailoring hemodialysis vascular access. Preoperative imaging techniques and computational modeling |
Dr. T. Leiner | ||||||
Boei, J.J.W.A. | Prof. Dr. A.T. Natarajan | Leiden | SGE | 18-06-98 | Radiation induced chromosomal aberrations in mammalian cells | |
Boekhorst, B. te | Prof. Dr. G. Pasterkamp | Dr. M.J. Cramer | Utrecht | CDL | 11-05-10 | MRI of atherosclerosis |
Prof. Dr. C.J.A. van Echteld | ||||||
Boellaard, Th.N. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-12-13 | Refining CT colonography methods | |
Boender, J. | Prof. Dr. H. E. Schütte | Rotterdam | RAD | 19-04-95 | Endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy: results, complications and contra-indications | |
Prof. Dr. J.H.P. Wilson | ||||||
Boer, M.J. de | Prof. Dr. M.L. Simoons | Dr. H.W.M. Plokker | Rotterdam | CDL | 21-09-94 | Primary coronary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction |
Boer, mw S.A. de | Prof. Dr. T.P.W. Kamphuisen | Groningen | IGK | 27-09-17 | Advanced vascular imaging. Technical and clinical applications in type 2 diabetes | |
Prof. Dr. R.H.J.A. Slart | ||||||
Prof. Dr. H.J. Lambers Heerspink | ||||||
Boer, mw S.P.M. de | Prof. Dr. Ir. E. Boersma | Dr. H.M. Garcia Garcia | Rotterdam | CDL | 26-01-16 | Innovations to improve characterisation and prognostication of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention |
Prof. Dr. P.W.J.C. Serruys | Dr. M.J. Lenzen | |||||
Boer, W.G.R.M. de | Prof. Dr. A. Arends | Groningen | PAN | 02-10-63 | Experimentele en therapeutische röntgenbestraling als oorzaak van arteriële en cardiale beschadiging | |
Boer, mw S.L. den | Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing | Dr. M. Dalinghaus | Rotterdam | CDL | 30-03-16 | Dilated cardiomyopathy in children. Unraveling the determinants of disease progression |
Boering, G. | Prof. Dr. K.G. Bijlstra | Groningen | THK | 01-06-66 | Arthrosis deformans van het kaakgewricht: een klinisch en röntgenologisch onderzoek | |
Boetes, mw C. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Dr. R. Holland | Nijmegen | RAD | 11-12-95 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of breast cancer. A clinical study |
Dr. J.O. Barentsz | ||||||
Boeve, W.J. | Prof. Dr. B.V. Szabó (noodpromotor) | Groningen | RAD | 18-10-00 | Contrast enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography versus intra-arterial Digital Subtraction Angiography in transplantation medicine: a multiperspective approach | |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos (1e promotor) | ||||||
Boheemen, G. van | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 08-07-63 | Het meten van de dosis bij röntgen cinematografie | |
Bohte, mw A.E. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 31-01-14 | Quantitative imaging of liver fat and fibrosis |
Prof. Dr. P.L.M. Jansen | Dr. S. Bipat | |||||
Bois, M.H.W. de | Prof. Dr. F.C. Breedveld | Leiden | REU | 08-11-95 | Technetium-99m labelled human immunoglobulin scintigraphy in rheumatoid arthritis | |
Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | ||||||
Boiten, H.-J. | Prof. Dr. F.J. Zijlstra | Dr. R.T. van Domburg | Rotterdam | CDL | 28-09-16 | Long-term outcome after cardiac stress imaging |
Dr. A.F.L. Schinkel | ||||||
Boiten, J. | Prof. Dr. R.S. Reneman | Dr. J. Lodder | Maastricht | CDL | 28-06-91 | Lacunar stroke: a prospective clinical and radiological study |
Bokkers, R.P.H. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. Hendrikse | Utrecht | RAD | 08-07-11 | Arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI in cerebral ischaemia |
Boks, mw S.S. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra | Rotterdam | RAD | 21-03-07 | MR Imaging in patients with knee injury: an observational study in general practice |
Dr. D. Vroegindeweij | ||||||
Bol, G.H. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Utrecht | RAT | 25-06-15 | Towards online MRI-guided radiotherapy | |
Prof. Dr. B.W. Raaymakers | ||||||
Bolhuis, J.H. | Prof. Dr. P.C. Flu | Leiden | IGN | 02-10-25 | De biologische werking van primaire en secundaire röntgenstralen op bacteriën | |
Bollaan, C.W. | Prof. Dr. G.D.L. Huët | Leiden | IGK | 22-12-1881 | Over het ontstaan van den percussietoon aan den normalen thorax | |
Bollineni, V.R. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | Dr. R.J.H.M. Steenbakkers | Groningen | RAT | 14-01-15 | PET-based analysis of tumor glucose metabolism and tumor hypoxia before and during anti-neoplastic treatment |
Prof. Dr. J. Pruim | ||||||
Bondt, R.B.J. de | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. J.W. Casselman | Maastricht | RAD | 15-12-10 | New horizons in lymph node imaging in head and neck cancer |
Prof. Dr. B. Kremer | Dr. P.J. Nelemans | |||||
Boo, D.W. de | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Dr. C.M. Schaefer-Prokop | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 29-03-12 | Advances in digital chest radiography: impact on reader performance |
Boogers, M. | Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema | Leiden | CDL | 14-06-12 | Novel insights into cardiac imaging in cardiovascular disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | ||||||
Boom, mw R. van den | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. J. Haan | Leiden | RAD | 09-03-06 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging characteristics of CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leuco-encephalopathy) |
Prof. Dr. M.D. Ferrari | ||||||
Boomsma, J.H.B. | Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | Utrecht | RAD | 05-10-82 | Percutaneous transluminal dilatation of stenotic renal arteries in hypertension | |
Boomsma, M.F. | Prof. Dr. M. Maas | Dr. C.C.P.M. Verheyen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 17-05-17 | Heavy reading in heavy metal: Unraveling the mystery of hip tissue in metal on metal total hip athroplasty |
Dr. Ir. G.J. Streekstra | ||||||
Boon, A.J.W. | Prof. Dr. C.J.J. Avezaat | Rotterdam | 31-03-99 | The Dutch normal pressure hydrocephalus study | ||
NCH | ||||||
Boone, mw J. | Prof. Dr. R. van Hillegersberg | Utrecht | HEE | 29-01-09 | Strategies to improve the outcome of esophagectomy for esophageal cancer | |
Prof. Dr. I.H.M. Borel Rinkes | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F.J.W. ten Kate | ||||||
Boorsma, J.P. | Prof. Dr. J.F. Nuboer | Utrecht | HEE | 07-07-59 | Cholangiografie en manometrie der galwegen en het post cholecystectomie syndroma | |
Bootsma, mw A.L. | Prof. Dr. M.F. Kramer | Utrecht | MBL | 30-05-78 | Radiation response of spermatogonial stem cells in the mouse | |
Bootsman, F. | Prof. Dr. R.S. Kahn | Dr. N.E.M. van Haren | Utrecht | NEU | 31-05-16 | Brain structure in bipolar disorder. A longitudinal neuroimaging study in twins |
Prof. Dr. W.A. Nolen | Dr. R.M. Brouwer | |||||
Bor, A.S.E. | Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rinkel | Drs. M.J.H. Wermer | Utrecht | NEU | 30-10-14 | Unruptured intracranial aneurysms: initial and follow-up screening |
Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | ||||||
Borden, J. van der | Prof. Dr. J. van Limborgh | Amsterdam (UvA) | ANE | 03-12-64 | Het ontstaan van misvormingen van hersenen en binnenoor bij embryonen van de muis na röntgenbestraling | |
Boroffka, S.A.E.B. | Prof. Dr. J. Rothuizen | Utrecht | DGK | 14-06-07 | Diagnostic imaging of the canine eye and orbit | |
Borren, mw A. | Prof.Dr. M. van Vulpen | Dr. Ir. M.E.P. Philippens | Utrecht | RAT | 03-06-14 | Functional MR Imaging in prostate radiotherapy - relationship with prostate histology |
Prof. Dr. P.J. van Diest | Dr. U.A. van der Heide | |||||
Borst, J. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. H.A. Marquering | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-10-16 | CT imaging in acute ischemic stroke |
Prof. Dr. E.T. van Bavel | Prof. Dr. Y.B.W.E.M. Roos | |||||
Bos, mw A.N. | Prof. Dr. C. Borst | Dr. M.J. Post | Utrecht | CDL | 11-01-94 | Thermal angioplasty: platelet adhesion to the heated arterial wall |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Sixma | Dr. Ph. G. de Groot | |||||
Bos, C.F.A. | Prof. Dr. P.M. Rozing | Leiden | ORT | 22-11-90 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging in paediatric hip disorders | |
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | ||||||
Bos, D. | Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | Dr. M.W. Vernooij | Rotterdam | RAD | 11-12-13 | Atherosclerotic calcification: determinants and clinical neurological consequences |
Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. M.A. Ikram | |||||
Bos, mw I.C. van den | Prof. Dr. S.M. Hussain | Dr. R.A. de Man | Rotterdam | RAD | 16-05-07 | State-of-the-art Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the work-up of primary hepatocellular tumors |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Bos, J.S. | Prof. Dr. F.L. Meijler | Utrecht | CDL | 17-09-85 | Electrocardiografie en coronair risico-profiel van jonge Nederlandse mannen | |
Prof. Dr. E.O. Robles de Medina | ||||||
Bosch, A.M. | Prof. Dr. M.F. von Meyenfeldt | Dr. G.L. Beets | Maastricht | HEE | 21-09-05 | Diagnostic procedures in breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | ||||||
Bosch, J.L. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Groningen | EPI | 05-11-97 | Outcome assessment of the percutaneous treatment of iliac artery occlusive disease | |
Prof. Dr. L. Koopmans | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Bosch, H.C.M. van den | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. J.J.M. Westenberg | Leiden | RAD | 17-05-18 | Clinical advances in cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging and angiography |
Bosch, M.A.A.J. van den | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | EPI | 22-01-02 | Peripheral arterial occlusive disease in young women | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Bosch, M.R. van den | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Dr. Ir. M.A. Moerland | Utrecht | RAT | 24-05-11 | MRI-guided robot for needle interventions in the prostate |
Prof.Dr. M. van Vulpen | ||||||
Bosker, H.A. | Prof. Dr. A.V.G. Bruschke | Leiden | CDL | 22-11-90 | Thrombolysis and coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction | |
Bosma, G.P.Th. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 25-03-04 | Quantitative MRI in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus: contributions to diagnosis and aetiology. | |
Prof. Dr. T.W.J. Huizinga | ||||||
Boss, E.A. | Prof. Dr. H. Boonstra | Nijmegen | GYN | 17-06-03 | Clinical value of analytes in cyst fluid from ovarian tumors | |
Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | ||||||
Bot, J.C.T. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 08-10-06 | MR imaging of the spinal cord in MS: indications, accuracy and histopathological correlation | |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | ||||||
Botelho de Carvalho, mw S. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Dr. C. Oberije | Maastricht | RAT | 30-06-16 | Biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer. Imaging and blood |
Dr. Ir. W. van Elmpt | ||||||
Botenga, A.S.J. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 16-12-70 | Selective bronchial and intercostal arteriography | |
Bouwman, mw F.H. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 20-06-08 | CSF biomarkers in dementia: longitudinal aspects and combination with MRI |
Prof. Dr. M.A. Blankenstein | ||||||
Bouwmans, mw A.E.P. | Prof. Dr. W.H. Mess | Dr. W.E.J. Weber | Maastricht | FYS | 26-01-17 | Transcranial sonography in parkinsonian disorders: clear window or blurred vision? |
Dr. A.F.G. Leentjens | ||||||
Boven, A.J. van | Prof. Dr. K.I. Lie | Groningen | CDL | 09-12-96 | Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring in stable coronary artery disease and preserved LV function | |
Bovens, mw S. | Prof. Dr. G. Pasterkamp | Utrecht | CDL | 03-02-12 | Cardiovascular applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.A. van Echteld | ||||||
Boyen, mw K. | Prof. Dr. P. van Dijk | Groningen | KNO | 09-01-13 | Tinnitus. An MRI study on brain mechanisms | |
Braak, S.J. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. M.J.L. van Strijen | Utrecht | RAD | 23-10-12 | Cone-Beam CT-guidance in interventional radiology |
Dr. J.P.M. van Heesewijk | ||||||
Braam, mw P.M. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Dr. C.P.J. Raaijmakers | Utrecht | RAT | 29-05-07 | Parotid gland sparing radiotherapy |
Prof. Dr. C.H.J. Terhaard | Dr. J.M. Roesink | |||||
Brabander, mw T. | Prof. Dr. D.J. Kwekkeboom | Rotterdam | NGK | 11-10-17 | Imaging and therapy of neuroendocrine tumors with radiolabeled Somatostatin analogs | |
Prof. Dr. W.W. de Herder | ||||||
Braber, T.L. | Mw Prof. Dr. B.K. Velthuis | Dr. A. Mosterd | Utrecht | RAD | 03-07-17 | Cardiac CT in middle-aged athletes |
Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Dr. N.H.J. Prakken | |||||
Brakel, K. | Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | Dr. J.S. Laméris | Rotterdam | RAD | 15-04-92 | Radiological aspects of nonsurgical therapy of gallbladder stones |
Brand, M.J.B.M. van den | Prof. Dr. E. Bos | Rotterdam | CTC | 21-11-90 | Percutaneous transluminal balloon catheter aortic valvuloplasty in elderly patients | |
Prof. P.G. Hugenholz | ||||||
Brandts, mw A. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. J.J.M. Westenberg | Leiden | RAD | 10-03-11 | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques in hypertension and diabetes |
Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. J.T. Tamsma | |||||
Braun K.P.J. | Prof. Dr. K. Nicolay | Dr. R.H.J.M. Gooskens | Utrecht | MBV | 26-09-00 | Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in hydrocephalus |
Prof. Dr. W.P. Vandertop | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | ||||||
Breda Vriesman, A.C. van | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 11-05-04 | Infarction and idiopathic inflammation of intraperitoneal fat | |
Dr. J.B.C.M. Puylaert | ||||||
Breest Smallenburg, mw V. van | Prof. Dr. J.W.W. Coebergh | Dr. L.E.M. Duijm | Rotterdam | EPI | 06-06-13 | Improving the sensitivity of screening mammography in the South of the Netherlands |
Dr. W.J. Louwman | ||||||
Brekel, B.A.M. van den | Prof. Dr. L.B.W. Jongkees | Amsterdam (UvA) | KNO | 19-02-59 | Over de canalis facialis en zijn röntgenbeeld | |
Brekel, M.W.M. van den | Prof. Dr. G.B. Snow | Amsterdam (VU) | KNO | 24-04-92 | Assessment of lymph node metastases in the neck | |
Breman, H. | ? | Amsterdam (VU) | SGE | 16-03-72 | Herstel van bacteriofaag DNA na beschadiging door gammastraling | |
Bresser, J.H.J.M. de | Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Utrecht | MBV | 25-08-11 | MRI-based quantification of brain damage in cerebrovascular disorders | |
Prof. Dr. L.J. Kappelle | ||||||
Prof. Dr. G.J. Biessels | ||||||
Breur, K. | Prof. Dr. A. Schaberg | Leiden | PAN | 08-04-65 | Groeisnelheid en stralengevoeligheid van gezwellen bij de mens | |
Briel, J.W. | Prof. Dr. H.W. Tilanus | Dr. H. van Dekken | Rotterdam | HEE | 06-09-00 | Treatment of faecal incontinence |
Prof. Dr. H.A. Bruining | Dr. J. Stoker | |||||
Prof. Dr. C.G.M.I. Baeten | ||||||
Brink, mw M. | Prof. Dr. L.J. Schulze Kool | Dr. M.J.R. Edwards | Nijmegen | RAD | 16-09-09 | The clinical efficacy of chest Computed Tomography in trauma patients |
Prof. Dr. A.B. van Vugt | ||||||
Brink, mw M. van den | Prof. Dr. J. Kievit | Leiden | EPI | 28-06-05 | Economic evaluation of preoperative radiotherapy in rectal cancer | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.H. van de Velde | ||||||
Brink, mw R. van den | Prof. Dr. A.J. Dunning | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 10-10-90 | Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of native and prosthetic valves | |
Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | ||||||
Brinkbok, G.Ch.F. | Prof. Dr. B. Brouwer | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 10-07-41 | Anatomische beschouwingen naar aanleiding van twee gevallen van gekruiste cerebro-cerebellaire atrophie | |
Broeders, G.H.B. | Prof. Dr. W.P. Plate | Utrecht | GYN | 06-06-67 | Röntgencastratie wegens climacteriële bloedingen | |
Broeders, mw M.J.M. | Prof. Dr. A.L.M. Verbeek | Nijmegen | EPI | 19-04-04 | Impact of breast cancer service screening: facts and uncertainties | |
Prof. Dr. R. Holland | ||||||
Broersma, mw M. | Mw Prof. Dr. Ir. N.M. Maurits | Groningen | FYS | 01-11-17 | Neuroimaging in tremor and functional motor disorders | |
Mw Prof. Dr. M.A.J. de Koning-Tijssen | ||||||
Broks, P.D.C. | Prof. Dr. B.A. den Herder | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 19-01-73 | Röntgenologische aspecten van het longoedeem | |
Bronkhorst, W. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 06-07-26 | De contrasten in het röntgenbeeld | |
Brons, mw J.T.J. | Prof. Dr. N.F.Th. Arts | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 07-12-88 | Skeletal dysplasias. Pre- and postnatal identification. An ultrasonographic, radiologic and pathologic study. | |
Harten, J.J. van der | Prof. Dr. C.J.L.M. Meijer | |||||
Brouwer, H.A. | Prof. Dr. J.H. ten Thije | Utrecht | IGK | 17-10-63 | De normale en pathologische anatomie en histologie van de arteriële component van het coronaire circulatiesysteem. Een röntgenografische en microscopische studie van de verschijningsvormen bij de hond, beschouwd in vergelijking ten opzichte van de situatie bij de mens | |
Brouwer, mw J. | Prof. Dr. C.R. Leemans | Prof. Dr. E.F.I. Comans | Amsterdam (VU) | KNO | 30-09-08 | Diagnostic imaging in detecting recurrent and metastatic head and neck cancer |
Prof. Dr. R. de Bree | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | ||||||
Brouwer, mw M. | Prof. Dr. M.J.N.L. Benders | Dr. F. Groenendaal | Utrecht | KGK | 29-10-15 | Neonatal ventriculomegaly; diagnostic and prognostic implications |
Prof. Dr. L.S. de Vries | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Brouwer, O.H. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 02-12-70 | Een bijzondere vorm van osteosclerose | |
Brouwer, W.P. | Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Dr. T. Germans | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 30-01-14 | Clinical assessment of the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Prof. Dr. J. van der Velden | ||||||
Brouwers, H.B. | Prof. Dr. L. Regli | Dr. J.N. Goldstein | Utrecht | NEU | 12-06-14 | Continued bleeding following acute intracerebral hemorrhage |
Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rinkel | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J. Rosand | ||||||
Bruggen-Bogaarts, mw B.A.H.A. van der | Prof. Dr. J.W.J. Lammers | Utrecht | LOZ | 23-01-96 | The clinical value of HRCT of the lungs | |
Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | ||||||
Bruijn, G.W. (ook Bruyn) | Prof. Dr. W. G. Sillevis Smitt | Utrecht | NEU | 27-10-59 | Pneumoencephalography in the diagnosis of cerebral atrophy. A quantative study | |
Bruijne-Dobben, mw A.C. de | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 14-12-06 | Fecal incontinence: tests and therapy | |
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | ||||||
Bruin, mw C. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 26-06-42 | Röntgentherapie bij Glioma Cerebri | |
Bruin, H.G. de | Prof. Dr. C.P. Engelfriet | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 24-06-82 | Application of flow cytofluorometry in immunohaematology | |
Bruïne, mw F.T. de | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. G. van Wezel-Meijler | Leiden | RAD | 11-06-13 | Advanced MR brain imaging in preterm infants |
Dr. J. van der Grond | ||||||
Bruïne, J.F. de | Prof. Dr. J.B. van der Schoot | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 21-04-88 | Brain SPECT with TL-201 DDC. | |
Bruïne, T.L.A. de | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Bouwdijk Bastiaanse | Amsterdam (UvA) | GYN | 08-07-54 | De behandeling van het carcinoma colli uteri in de Amsterdamse vrouwenkliniek van 1939 tot 1950 | |
Bruinsma, G.J.B.B. | Prof. Dr. T.J.C. Ruigrok | Dr. C.J.A. van Echteld | Utrecht | CDL | 22-06-99 | Brain death and myocardial energy metabolism: in vivo and ex vivo 31P MRS studies on the feline donor heart |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Bredée | ||||||
Brunet de Rochebrune, W.F.H. | Prof. Dr. Th. M. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | DMT | 27-01-42 | Over de werking van röntgenstralen op de ontsteking van de huid | |
Bruschke, A.V.G. | Prof. Dr. J. Nieveen | Groningen | CDL | 13-05-70 | The diagnostic significance of the coronary arteriogram; a study on its value in relation to other diagnostic methods | |
Brussel, A.S.A. van | Prof. Dr. P.J. van Diest | Dr. P.M.P. van Bergen Henegouwen | Utrecht | PAN | 19-12-13 | Optical molecular imaging of hypoxic breast cancer: from prospect to preclinical practice |
Prof. Dr. E. van der Wall | Dr. S. Oliveira | |||||
Bruyn, G.W. zie Bruijn, G.W. | ||||||
Buchem, M.A. van | Prof. Dr. R. Willemze | Dr. Ph. M. Kluin | Leiden | DMT | 20-06-92 | On leukostasis in leukemia |
Prof. Dr. T.J.M. de Witte | ||||||
Buckens, C.F.M. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | EPI | 24-04-15 | The Prognostic value of vertebral fractures on chest CT | |
Budde, R.P.J. | Prof. Dr. C. Borst | Dr. P.F.Gründeman | Utrecht | CDL | 01-03-05 | Epicardial ultrasound in coronary artery bypass surgery |
Dr. P.F.A. Bakker | ||||||
Burg, L.W. van der | Prof. Dr. B.J. van der Plaats | Batavia | RAD | 07-05-37 | Over het elimineeren van darmgassen, storend voor de röntgendiagnostiek | |
Burg, mw P.S. van der | Prof. Dr. J.H. Horn-Kok | Dr. Ir. F.H.C. de Jongh | Amsterdam (UvA) | GYN | 06-02-15 | Electrical Impedance Tomography: effect of clinical interventions on (regional) lung volume in preterm infants |
Prof. Dr. A.H.L.C. van Kaam | ||||||
Burger, H. | Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. H.A.P. Pols | Rotterdam | EPI | 06-12-95 | Epidemiologic studies on bone mineral density and fractures |
Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | ||||||
Burgers, mw L.Th. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Severens | Dr. W.K. Redekop | Rotterdam | EPI | 18-12-15 | Challenges in assessing the cost-effectiveness of cardiovascular disease technologies |
Burggraaf, J. | Prof. Dr. A.F. Cohen | Leiden | FAR | 26-03-98 | Liver blood flow in clinical pharmacology. Assessment with echo-Doppler | |
Prof. Dr. D.D. Breimer | ||||||
Burgmans, M.C. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 26-10-17 | Advancements in minimally invasive image-guided liver therapies | |
Busard, mw M.P.H. | Prof. Dr. C. van Kuijk | Dr. J.H.T.M. van Waesberghe | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 01-11-12 | Advances of MR Imaging in endometriosis |
Dr. V. Mijatovic | ||||||
Busch, H.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Vonk | Nijmegen | CDL | 14-11-75 | Congenitale pulmonalis atresie: diagnostische en therapeutische aspecten | |
Prof. Dr. E.D.A.M. Schretlen | ||||||
Buskens, E. | Prof. Dr J. Hess | Rotterdam | CDL | 21-12-94 | Prenatal ultrasound screening for congenital heart disease; an epidemiologic perspective | |
Prof. Dr. D.E. Grobbee | ||||||
Prof. Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | ||||||
Buul, P.P.W. van | Prof. Dr. F.H. Sobels | Leiden | SGE | 01-12-76 | A correlative study on the frequencies of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in somatic and germ cells of mammals | |
Cademartiri, F | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Rotterdam | RAD | 16-03-05 | Multislice Computed Tomography coronary angiography | |
Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | ||||||
Calkoen, mw E.E. | Prof. Dr. N.A. Blom | Dr. M.R.M. Jongbloed | Leiden | CDL | 24-03-16 | Atrioventricular septal defect: Advanced imaging from early development to long-term follow-up |
Dr. A.A.W. Roest | ||||||
Campi, mw A. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 17-11-05 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of inflammatory disorders of the spinal cord | |
Camps, J.A.J. | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Leiden | NGK | 15-02-96 | Aspects of quality assurance in nuclear medicine | |
Cappendijk, V.C. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. M.E. Kooi | Maastricht | RAD | 23-03-07 | MRI of atherosclerosis. Identification and quantification of plaque components in the carotid artery |
Prof. Dr. M.J.A.P. Daemen | Dr. S. Heeneman | |||||
Carelsen, B. | Prof. Dr. M.B. van Herk | Dr. Ir. G.J. Streekstra | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 11-01-08 | Intraoperative and dynamic 3D rotational X-ray imaging |
Dr. S.D. Strackee | ||||||
Carlier, S.G. | Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Bom | Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | Rotterdam | MBV | 26-09-01 | A clinician's contribution to biomedical engineering in experimental echocardiography |
Prof. Dr. P.W. Serruys | ||||||
Castelein, R.M. | Prof. Dr. B. van Linge | Rotterdam | ORT | 31-05-89 | The value of ultrasonography as a screening procedure for congenital dysplasia of the hip in newborns. | |
Prof. Dr. M. de Vlieger | ||||||
Castelijns, J.A. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 11-12-87 | MR Imaging of laryngeal cancer | |
Prof. Dr. G. B. Snow | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | ||||||
Catalano, O.A. | Prof. Dr. A. Signore | Dr. B. Rosen | Groningen | NGK | 30-05-18 | PET/MR imaging of neoplastic and inflammatory lesions |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Cate, A.H. ten | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Bouwdijk Bastiaanse | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 1946 | Eenige toepassingen van de ultra-kortegolftherapie in de gynaecologie | |
Cate, D.F. ten | Mw Prof. Dr. J.M.W. Hazes | Dr. J.J. Luime | Rotterdam | REU | 08-04-15 | Ultrasound in rheumatology. Fundamental background and clinical applications |
Dr. J.W.G. Jacobs | ||||||
Cate, F.J. ten | Prof. P.G. Hugenholz | Rotterdam | CDL | 07-06-78 | Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH): echocardiographic manifestations | |
Cauberg, mw E.C.C. | Prof. dr. J.J.M.C.H. de la Rosette | Dr. Th.M. de Reijke | Amsterdam (UvA) | URN | 12-10-11 | Advancements in diagnostic imaging for urothelial carcinoma |
Chaillet, J.L. | Prof. Dr. R.L.J. van Ruyven | Utrecht | CDL | 18-05-65 | Cineradiography of cardiac valves in man | |
Chandie Shaw, M.P. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 14-10-87 | Biphasic radiological examination of the stomach and duodenum compared with fiberoptic endoscopy | |
Cheebsumon, P. | Prof. Dr. A.A. Lammertsma | Prof. Dr. R. Boellaard | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 15-02-12 | Quantification and tumour delineation in PET |
Dr. F.H.P. van Velden | ||||||
Cheng, J.M. | Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Boersma | Dr. K.M. Akkerhuis | Rotterdam | CDL | 12-05-15 | Coronary Artery Disease: from atherosclerosis to cardiogenic shock |
Dr. I. Kardys | ||||||
Christianen, mw M.E.M.C. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | Groningen | RAT | 18-11-15 | Functional neuroimaging of state, course, and symptom specificity in affective psychopathology | |
Ciet, P.L. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Rotterdam | RAD | 14-12-16 | Thoracic Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Prof. Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens | ||||||
Claes, mw Dr. F. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Grotenhuis | Dr. W.I.M. Verhagen | Nijmegen | NCH | 22-01-15 | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Aspects of diagnosis and outcome. |
Dr. J. Meulstee | ||||||
Clercx, mw C. | Prof. Dr. H.W. de Vries | Dr. W.E. van den Brom | Utrecht | DGK | 28-01-88 | Scintigraphical analysis of pulmonary function in dogs |
Cobben, J.J. | Prof. Dr. G.A. Lindeboom | Amsterdam (VU) | MGE | 28-10-60 | De opvattingen van Johannes Wier over bezetenheid, hekserij en magie. | |
Cobben, L.P.J. | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Dr. J.B.C.M. Puylaert | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 10-06-09 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging in acute appendicitis |
Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | ||||||
Coene, P.P.L.O. | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tydgat | Dr. K. Huibregtse | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 25-10-90 | Endoscopic biliary stenting. Mechanisms and possible solutions of the clogging phenomenon |
Dr. A.K. Groen | ||||||
Coenegrachts, K.L.S | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 25-02-09 | Development of new imaging techniques for improved detection and characterization of focal liver lesions using magnetic resonance imaging | |
Cohen, P. | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 03-10-74 | Het osteosarcoom van de lange pijpbeenderen. | |
Conijn, mw M.M.A. | Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. M.I. Geerlings | Utrecht | RAD | 28-04-11 | Imaging cerebral small vessel disease at 7 Tesla MRI |
Prof. Dr. W.P.T.M. Mali | Dr. J. Hendrikse | |||||
Cornel, E.B. | Prof. Dr. F.M.J. Debruyne | Dr. A. Heerschap | Nijmegen | URN | 24-05-94 | Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy in urological oncology |
Dr. G.O.N. Oosterhof | ||||||
Dr. J.A. Schalken | ||||||
Cornelissen, mw S.A.P. | Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | Utrecht | MBV | 06-09-12 | MRI follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysms after endovascular repair |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F.L. Moll | ||||||
Corstens, F.H.M. | Prof. Dr. P.W.C. Kloppenborg | Dr. J.I.M. Drayer | Nijmegen | IGK | 21-11-80 | Hyperthyreoidie en radioactief jodium |
Cox, P.H. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 24-09-74 | The use of radiocolloids for the evaluation of lymphnode function. | |
Creutzberg, mw C.L. | Prof. Dr. P.C. Levendag | Dr. A.G. Visser | Rotterdam | RAT | 02-10-98 | Treatment verification in Radiation Oncology - portal imaging in clinical practice |
Crijns, S.P.M. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Utrecht | RAT | 21-03-13 | On-line MRI guidance for Radiotherapy | |
Prof. Dr. B.W. Raaymakers | ||||||
Cromme-Dijkhuis, mw A.H. | Prof. Dr. J.R.G. Kuipers | Groningen | CDL | 29-04-87 | Echocardiographic evaluation of congenital aortic stenosis in children and adolescents | |
Prof. Dr. G.A. Mook | ||||||
Croughs, R.W.M. | Prof. Dr. H.K.A. Visser? | Groningen | NGK | 07-04-65 | Schildklierfunctie-onderzoek op de kinderleeftijd in het bijzonder met behulp van radioactief jodium | |
Cuper, N.J. | Prof. Dr. C.J. Kalkman | Dr. Ir. R.M. Verdaasdonk | Utrecht | ANT | 05-07-12 | Near-infrared vascular imaging in peripheral venous and arterial access |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Dr. J.C. de Graaff | ||||||
Daan, A. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 24-11-38 | De specifieke werkingen der korte golven | |
Daatselaar, A.N. van | Prof. Dr. P.F. van der Stelt | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 06-05-04 | Local CT in dental radiography | |
De Cocker, L.J.L. | Prof. Dr. J. Hendrikse | Dr. M.I. Geerlings | Utrecht | RAD | 10-12-15 | Cerebellovascular disease: MR Imaging |
Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | ||||||
Daemen, B.J.G. | Prof. Dr. W. Vaalburg | Groningen | MFY | 05-06-91 | Evaluation of tumor therapy by PET. Use of 11C-amino acids and 18FDG | |
Prof. Dr. A.W.T. Konings | ||||||
Dahele, M.R. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 21-11-12 | The implementation of advanced technologies in high-precision radiotherapy | |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Dam, A.P.M. van | Prof. Dr. I. Kazem | Nijmegen | RAT | 22-09-72 | Gastric emptying time in normals and surgical patients utilizing the gamma camera | |
Prof. Dr. W.J.H. Schmidt | ||||||
Dam, G. van | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 21-06-35 | Het Röntgenbeeld van de hand bij chronisch rheumatische gewrichtsandoeningen | |
Dam, mw J.H. van | Prof. Dr. H.A. Bruining | Dr. W.R. Schouten | Rotterdam | HEE | 06-10-99 | Rectocele repair in women with obstructed defecation [3] |
Prof. Dr. H.W. Tilanus | ||||||
Dam, mw V.H. ten | Prof. Dr. R.G.J. Westendorp | Leiden | IGK | 21-06-07 | A MRI Study into the effect of Pravastatin on cerebrovascular pathologies | |
Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | ||||||
Damoiseaux, mw J. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. S.A.R.B. Rombouts | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 20-05-08 | The brain at 'rest'. An exploration of intrinsic brain connectivity in healthy subjects and patients with Alzheimer's disease |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. C.J. Stam | |||||
Damsté, P.H. | Prof. Dr. E. Huizinga | Groningen | KNO | 03-12-58 | Oesophageal speech after laryngectomy | |
Damstra, J. | Prof. Dr. Y. Ren | Groningen | THK | 26-09-11 | Application of cone beam Computed Tomography in 3D cephalometry | |
Daniels-Gooszen, mw A.W. | Prof. Dr. H.G. Gooszen | Dr. R.A.E.M. Tollenaar | Leiden | NON | 21-01-99 | Surgery for left-colonic diseases |
Prof. Dr. O.T. Terpstra | ||||||
Dankbaar, J.W. | Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rinkel | Mw Dr. I.C. van der Schaaf | Utrecht | NEU | 21-05-10 | Complications of hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke: a CT perfusion evaluation |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | |||||
Das, M. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. R.W. Günther | Aken (D) | RAD | 08-08-06 | Computer-assistierte Diagnose intrapulmonaler Rundherde in der Mehrschicht Spiral CT | |
Prof. Dr. Th. Kraus | ||||||
Das, M. (Habilitation) | Prof. Dr. R.W. Günther | Aken (D) | RAD | 20-10-08 | Mehrschicht-Spiral CT in der Früherkennung des Lungenkrebses | |
De, D.Ch. | Prof. Dr. F. Jesserun | Paramaribo | NEU | 04-04-79 | Contrast study of the nasopharynx. Experiences in Suriname | |
Prof. Dr. W.L. Luyendijk | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | ||||||
De Man, K. | Prof. Dr. J.C.H.M. van der Meulen | Rotterdam | PCH | 11-06-82 | Orbitabodemfracturen | |
Prof. Dr. D.L. Westbroek | ||||||
Debonnaire, P.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 28-04-16 | Advanced echocardiography and clinical surrogates to risk stratify and manage patients with structural heart disease | |
Deddens, mw L.H. | Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. H.E. de Vries | Utrecht | MBV | 28-03-13 | Molecular MRI of neurovascular inflammation and angiogenesis |
Dr. R.M. Dijkhuizen | ||||||
Dedic, A. | Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra | Dr. K. Nieman | Rotterdam | RAD | 05-10-16 | Coronary CT in acute cardiac care |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Deelen, K.A.F. | Prof. Dr. J.E. van Iterson I.A.zn | Leiden | HEE | 27-6-1887 | Over lichen ruber planus | |
Dekker, M. | Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | Groningen | NCH | 21-10-87 | Chemonucleolysis | |
Dekker, M.A.M. den | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 22-10-14 | Imaging biomarkers for detection of coronary artery disease | |
Delden, O.M. van | Prof. Dr. D.J. Gouma | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 24-06-97 | Laparoscopic ultrasonography for abdominal tumor staging | |
Delemarre, J.B.V.M. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 09-11-93 | Aspects of anorectal physiology and anorectal pathophysiology | |
Kruyt, R.H. | Prof. Dr. H.G. Gooszen | |||||
Delgado, mw V. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 11-11-10 | Novel cardiac imaging technologies: Implications in clinical decision making | |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Demenescu, mw L.R. | Prof. Dr. A. Aleman | Groningen | NEU | 22-11-10 | On the neural basis of emotion processing in depression and anxiety. An fMRI study in outpatients | |
Prof. Dr. J.A. den Boer | ||||||
Demir, mw R.Z.N. | Prof. Dr.. M.B. Jackson | Dr. P. Lipton | Madison (USA) | NEU | 20-12-98 | Voltage imaging of epileptiform activity in slices from rat piriform cortex |
Prof. Dr. L.B. Haberly | Dr. Ph. Smith | |||||
Dendale, P.A.C. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 05-03-98 | Perfusion, function and metabolism after acute myocardial infarction | |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wal | ||||||
Deserno, W.M.L.L.G. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Mw Dr. Y.L. Hoogeveen | Nijmegen | RAD | 22-12-10 | New horizons in lymph node imaging in oncology |
Prof. Dr. A.J. Witjes | Dr. G.J. Jager | |||||
Dethmers, P. | Prof. Dr. H.W. Siemens | Leiden | DMT | 29-11-50 | Grensstralen-reacties en aetiologie van de röntgenkater | |
Deurloo, mw E.E. | Prof. Dr. G.M.M. Bartelink | Dr. K.G.A. Gilhuijs | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 12-01-05 | Correlation of diagnostic breast imaging data and pathology: application to diagnosis and treatment. |
Dibbets, J.M.H. | Prof. Dr. G. Boering | Dr. J.J. ten Bosch | Groningen | THK | 20-04-77 | Juvenile temporomandibular joint dysfunction and craniofacial growth |
Prof. Dr. H.S. Duterloo | ||||||
Dicker, G.J.F.M. | Prof. Dr. D.B. Tuinzing | Dr. T. Forouzanfar | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 06-09-12 | Adaptation of jaw muscles after surgical mandibular advancement |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Dr. Ir. J.H. Koolstra | |||||
Dieleman, mw N. | Prof. Dr. J. Hendrikse | Utrecht | RAD | 29-09-16 | MR imaging of intracranial vessel wall pathologies and parenchymal brain damage | |
Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | ||||||
Diepstraten, mw S.C.E. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. H.M. Verkooijen | Utrecht | RAD | 18-06-14 | Optimization of image-guided sampling techniques in breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Dijck, mw J.A.A.M. van | Prof. Dr. A.L.M. Verbeek | Dr. R. Holland | Nijmegen | EPI | 07-11-96 | The efficacy of mammographic screening for breast cancer in elderly women |
Dr. J.H.C.L. Hendriks | ||||||
Dijk, B. van | Prof. A.K.M. Noyons | Utrecht | FYS | 12-05-36 | Over grondslagen en voorwaarden voor optimale röntgen-doorlichting | |
Dijk, E.J. van | Prof. Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Rotterdam | EPI | 26-05-04 | Causes of cerebral small vessel disease: a prospective population-based MRI study | |
Prof. Dr. P.J. Koudstaal | ||||||
Dijk, J. van | Prof. Dr. A.Ch. van Rossum | Dr. O. Kamp | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 28-11-08 | Mechanical dyssynchrony with novel imaging techniques: clinical applications in left bundle branch block |
Dijk, L.C. van | Prof. Dr. H. van Urk | Rotterdam | VCH | 06-11-96 | "Closed" in-situ vein infrainguinal bypass | |
Dijk Azn, R. van | Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | Nijmegen | RAD | 14-05-91 | Echografie van scrotum en inhoud: correlatie met klinische diagnostiek | |
Prof. Dr. F.M.J. Debruyne | ||||||
Dijk, R.A. van | Prof. Dr. J.A. Oosterhuis | Leiden | OOG | 13-09-78 | The 32P test and other methods in the diagnosis of intra-ocular tumours | |
Dijk, R.A.J.M. van | Prof. Dr. C.D.A. Stehouwer | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 22-03-02 | Large artery properties in metabolic disease: studies in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus, impaired glucose tolerance and hyperhomocysteinaemia | |
Prof. Dr. A.J.M. Donker | ||||||
Dijke, C.F. van | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Maastricht | RAD | 13-10-00 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of microvascular characteristics using bloodpool contrast agent | |
Prof. Dr. H.K. Genant | ||||||
Prof. Dr. R.C. Brasch | ||||||
Prof. Ch.G. Peterfy | ||||||
Dijkema, mw E.J. | Prof. Dr. T. Leiner | Dr. H.B. Grotenhuis | Utrecht | RAD | 25-09-18 | Cardiovascular outcome after repair of aortic coarctation |
Prof. Dr. F. Haas | Dr. M.G. Slieker | |||||
Dijkema, T. | Prof. Dr. M. van Vulpen | Dr. C.P.J. Raaijmakers | Utrecht | RAT | 28-03-13 | Salivary gland sparing radiotherapy |
Prof. Dr. C.H.J. Terhaard | ||||||
Dijken, B.G. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 16-12-59 | De waarde van peristaltiek bevorderende farmaca bij het röntgenogische maag onderzoek | |
Dijkers, E.C.F. | Prof. Dr. E.G.E. de Vries | Groningen | IGK | 28-11-11 | Development of new radiopharmaceutical for molecular imaging in oncology | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J.G.W. Kosterink | ||||||
Dijkhuis, C.M. | Prof. Dr. H. van Houten | Rotterdam | HEE | 11-06-82 | De behandeling van slokdarmkanker [4] | |
Prof. Dr. D.L. Westbroek | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.C. de Jong | ||||||
Dijkman, P.R.M. van | Prof. Dr. A.V.G. Bruschke | Leiden | CDL | 30-10-91 | Gadolinium-DTPA enhanced MRI in myocardial infarction - an experimental and clinical study | |
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | ||||||
Dijkmans, P.A. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. O. Kamp | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 20-06-07 | Ultrasound contrast agents : from diagnosis to therapy |
Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | ||||||
Dijkstra, J. | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tytgat | Dr. J.W.A.J. Reeders | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 21-05-92 | Endoscopic-radiologic correlation in idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease: comparison of colonoscopy and double contrast barium enema in 99 patients with previously well-established Crohn's disease of the colon and ulcerative colitis |
Dijkstra, P.F. | Prof. Dr. F.L.M. Peeters | Dr. H.W. Venema | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-01-93 | Metacarpophalangeal pattern profile analysis |
Prof. Dr. M. Niermeyer | ||||||
Dikkers, mw R. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 08-10-08 | New developments in non-invasive coronary imaging | |
Dinkla, mw A.M. | Prof. Dr. C.R.N. Rasch | Dr. A. Bel | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 12-03-15 | Stepping source prostate brachytherapy: from target definition to dose delivery |
Dr. B.R. Pieters | ||||||
Prof. Dr. R. van der Laarse | ||||||
Dirksen, M.S. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. J.W. Jukema | Leiden | RAD | 17-03-04 | Cardiac imaging by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Multidetector-row CT |
Dr. H.J. Lamb | ||||||
Dirksen, Th. | Prof. Dr. A.G. Brom | Leiden | CTC | 16-05-73 | Coarctatio aortae | |
Ditzhuijzen, mw N.S. van | Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra | Dr. E. Regar | Rotterdam | CDL | 09-05-17 | Coronary artery disease. Assessing the development and treatment of coronary atherosclerosis |
Djiang, O.O. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 21-05-30 | Bijdrage tot de roentgen-diagnostiek in de zwangerschap. | |
Dobbenburgh, J.O. van | Prof. Dr. T.J.C. Ruigrok | Dr. C.J.A. van Echteld | Utrecht | CDL | 24-05-94 | 31P MRS studies on the energy metabolism of the transplanted human heart |
Prof. Dr. E.O. Robles de Medina | ||||||
Dobbenburgh, O.A. van | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 15-10-70 | Wilms' tumor bij kinderen in Nederland 1955-1965 | |
Dockum, W.G. van | Prof. Dr. A.Ch. van Rossum | Dr. J.P.A. Kuijer | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 05-06-08 | Evaluation of alcohol septal ablation in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Doesschate, J. ten | Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Weve | Utrecht | OOG | 07-07-42 | Physiologisch-optische beschouwingen betreffende de visuele beoordeling van röntgenphotogrammen | |
Dogan, H. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 09-06-15 | Pulmonary embolism and right ventricular function | |
Prof. Dr. M.V. Huisman | ||||||
Domen, P.A.E. | Prof. Dr. J.J. van Os | Dr. M.C. Marcelis | Maastricht | NEU | 12-04-17 | Stay connected: a family-based diffusion imaging study in psychotic disorder |
Dongen, K.J. van | Prof. Drs. K. Hoornstra | Rotterdam | RAD | 02-06-82 | Computer tomography in management and prognosis of patients with severe brain injury | |
Prof. Dr. R. Braakman | ||||||
Dongen, R.J.M.A. van | Prof. Dr. U.G. Bijlsma | Utrecht | FAR | 18-12-56 | Fysiologische aspecten van de aortografie. Proefondervindelijke en klinische studie van de cardiovasculaire reacties, welke teweeggebracht worden door een snelle injectie van organische jodiumhoudende contrastmiddelen in de aorta | |
Donkers-van Rossum, mw A.B. zie: Rossum, mw A.B. van | ||||||
Doorduin, mw J. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Dr. H.C. Klein | Groningen | NGK | 06-01-10 | Herpes viruses and neuroinflammation: PET imaging and implication in schizophrenia |
Dr. E.F.J. de Vries | ||||||
Dorrius, mw M.D. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Dr. R.M. Pijnappel | Groningen | RAD | 08-06-11 | New diagnostic developments to prevent unnecessary invasive procedures in breast cancer diagnostic work-up |
Dr. P.E. Sijens | ||||||
Dresen, mw R.C. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. H.J.T. Rutten | Maastricht | RAD | 27-03-09 | Multidisciplinary approach to locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer |
Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | Dr. G.J. Beets | |||||
Driessen-Waaijer, mw A. | ||||||
zie: Waaijer, mw A. | ||||||
Driessen, mw J.P. | Prof. Dr. W. Grolman | Dr. L.M. Janssen | Utrecht | RAT | 19-05-16 | Diffusion weighted MRI in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas |
Prof. Dr. C.H.J. Terhaard | Dr. Ir. M.E.P. Philippens | |||||
Driessen, L.F. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. C.H. Kuhn | Freiburg | PAN | 1892 | Untersuchungen über glykogenreiche Endotheliome. | |
Driessen, O.M.J. | ? | Leiden | NGK | 1965 | De invloed van testosteronpropionaat op de verdeling van radioactief jodide in de schildklierloze rat | |
Dronkers, D.J. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 20-12-66 | Het opsporen van tumormetastasen in het skelet met behulp van strontium-85 | |
Dubbelman, M. | Prof. Dr. H.J. Völker-Dieben | Amsterdam (VU) | OOG | 10-01-03 | Changes in the anterior eye segment with age and accommodation: in vivo measurements of the human cornea and lens using Scheimpflug imaging and ultrasonography | |
Duijm, L.E.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 27-10-98 | Breast imaging for general practice -A transmural management study | |
Duijnhoven, mw F.J.B. van | Prof. Dr. D.E. Grobbee | Dr. C.H. van Gils | Utrecht | EPI | 31-01-06 | Genes, postmenopausal hormone therapy and mammographic density |
Dr. P.H.M. Peeters | ||||||
Duinkerke, A.S.H. | Prof. Dr. F. van der Linden | Nijmegen | THK | 24-09-76 | Interpretation and densitometric quantification of periapical structures in dental radiographs | |
Dumont, E.A.W.J. | Prof. Dr. H.J.J. Wellens | Dr. L. Hofstra | Maastricht | CDL | 03-12-03 | Molecular imaging of programmed cell death in the heart |
Prof. Dr. J.F.M. Smits | Dr C.P.M. Reutelingsperger | |||||
Durston, S. | Prof. Dr. H. van Engeland | Dr. H.E. Hulshoff Pol | Utrecht | NEU | 23-01-03 | Imaging brain structure and function in attention defecit hyperactivity disorder. |
Prof. Dr. J.K. Buitelaar | Dr. B.J. Casey | |||||
Ebbenhorst Tengbergen, J. van | Prof. Dr. A.H.M.J. van Rooy | Amsterdam (UvA) | GYN | 22-05-24 | De röntgenologische bekkenmeting | |
Eck, J.H.M. van | Prof. Dr. J. Droogleever Fortuyn | Groningen | NEU | 18-12-68 | Isotopen-encefalografie. Diagnostiek van intracraniele ziektehaarden met behulp van radioactieve stoffen | |
Eck-Smit, B.L.F. van | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Leiden | NGK | 25-04-96 | Myocardial perfusion and viability: assessment with 201Thallium immediate reinjection scintigraphy | |
Eck-Vermande, mw G.J. van | Prof. Dr. E. Laqueur | Amsterdam (UvA) | FAR | 24-04-47 | Bouw en functie van het ovarium na röntgenbestraling. Een experimenteel onderzoek bij de muis | |
Ecury-Goossen, mw G.M. | Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss | Dr. J. Dudink | Rotterdam | KGK | 06-12-16 | Echoes from the neonatal brain: use of advanced cranial ultrasound to study the neonatal brain |
Edixhoven, Ph.J. | Prof. Dr. T.J.J.H. Slooff | Nijmegen | ORT | 14-11-86 | De geinstrumenteerde schuifladetest van de knie in vivo | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Huiskes | ||||||
Eekers, mw D.B.P. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Maastricht | RAT | 07-12-18 | Optimization of brain and head & neck radiotherapy | |
Prof. Dr. D. De Ruysscher | ||||||
Prof. Dr. E.G.C. Troost | ||||||
Egmond-Linden, mw A. van | Prof. Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | Rotterdam | GYN | 23-10-85 | Vroege diagnostiek van foetale hydrocephalie, een klinisch-genetisch en echoscopisch onderzoek | |
Prof. Dr. M.F. Niermeijer | ||||||
Eikelaar, H.R. | Prof. Dr. M.J. Kingma | Groningen | ORT | 19-11-75 | Arthroscopy of the knee | |
Prof. Dr. P.J. Kuijer | ||||||
Eikelenboom, mw M.J. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. J. Killestein | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 12-01-07 | Biological markers in multiple sclerosis related to disease activity and progression |
Prof. Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | ||||||
Eikendal, mw A.L.M. | Prof. Dr. T. Leiner | Dr. I.E. Höfer | Utrecht | RAD | 22-06-16 | Non-invasive imaging of atherosclerosis in the young |
Prof. Dr. M.L. Bots | Dr. Ir. H.M. den Ruijter | |||||
El Aidi, H. | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Utrecht | CDL | 18-12-14 | Imaging of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with MRI | |
Prof. Dr. T. Leiner | ||||||
Elderen, mw S.G.C. van | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. Ir. J.J.M. Westenberg | Leiden | RAD | 21-12-10 | MRI evaluation of end-organ damage, in diabetes and hypertension |
Prof. Dr. J.W.A. Smit | Dr. J. van der Grond | |||||
Elders, R.A.R | Prof. Dr. L.D. Eerland | Groningen | HEE | 27-06-62 | Over paragangliomen. Een overzicht en een bespreking van 92 Nederlandse patiënten | |
Elgersma, O.E.H. | Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | Utrecht | VCH | 10-10-00 | Visualizing carotid artery stenosis | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | ||||||
Elias-Smale, mw S.E. | Prof. Dr. J.C.M. Witteman | Rotterdam | CDL | 18-01-12 | Coronary artery calcification and cardiovascular risk prediction | |
Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | ||||||
El-Said, E.M. | Prof. Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. P.M. Fioretti | Rotterdam | CDL | 21-09-94 | Dobutamine stress Doppler and echocardiography |
Elskamp, I.J. van den | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. D.L. Knol | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 03-06-10 | Powerful outcome measures in MS |
Prof. Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | ||||||
Elsman, B.H.P. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 10-03-98 | Duplex scanning in lower extremity arterial disease. Experimental and clinical studies | |
Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | ||||||
Prof. Dr. D.A. Legemate | ||||||
Eltzbacher, M.O. | Prof. Dr. E. Gorter | Leiden | KGK | 17-12-31 | De intraveneuze pyelographie en hare toepassing bij kinderen | |
Emmer, B.J. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. J. van der Grond | Leiden | RAD | 25-11-10 | On lupus of the brain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies |
Prof. Dr. T.W.J. Huizinga | ||||||
Engbers, mw E.M. | Prof. Dr. M.J. de Boer | Dr. J.R. Timmer | Nijmegen | CDL | 28-09-18 | Combining SPECT and CT imaging in coronary artery disease |
Prof. Dr. P.L. Jager | Dr. J.P. Ottervanger | |||||
Engelbrecht, M.R.W. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. G.J. Jager | Nijmegen | RAD | 02-06-03 | Local staging and localization of prostate carcinoma using Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Prof. Dr. J.J.M.C.H. de la Rosette | ||||||
Engelen, A.J.M. | Prof. Dr. E.J. Ariëns | Nijmegen | FAR | 26-06-68 | Niercontrastmiddelen | |
Engelen, mw S.M.E. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. G.J. Beets | Maastricht | RAD | 27-03-09 | MRI-based tailored treatment of rectal cancer |
Prof. Dr. C.J.H. van de Velde | ||||||
Prof. Dr. M.F. von Meyenfeldt | ||||||
Engelshoven, J.M.A. van | Prof. Dr. J. de Haan | Maastricht | GYN | 18-03-83 | Computed Tomography in gynaecological malignancies | |
Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | ||||||
Ephraïm, K.H. | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 12-05-55 | Het gebruik van radioactieve isotopen bij de diagnostiek en therapie van maligne aandoeningen | |
Eremenko, V.N. | Prof. Dr. O. G. Jugrinov | Kiev | RAD | 09-10-86 | Complexe venografische diagnostiek van lokalisatie en conditie van niet palpabele niet ingedaalde testikels (Oorspronkelijke titel in het Russisch) | |
Mw Prof. Dr. E. A. Benikova | ||||||
Erens, A.C.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 01-12-71 | Osteogene Reuzenceltumor; röntgenologische kenmerken, röntgenologische gradering | |
Erkel, A.R. van | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 02-05-02 | Medical technology assessment applications in radiology | |
Prof. Dr. J. Kievit | ||||||
Erp, W.F.M. van | Prof. Dr. J.M. Greep | Dr. G.J. van Andel | Maastricht | HEE | 10-05-85 | Percutane transluminale angioplastiek van bekken- en beenarterien |
Krepel, V.M. | ||||||
Es, A.C.G.M. van | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. J. van der Grond | Leiden | RAD | 30-01-14 | On aging and dementia: a neuroimaging study |
Dr. A.J.M. de Craen | ||||||
Es, H.W. van | Prof. Dr. M.A.M. Feldberg | Utrecht | RAD | 23-05-97 | MR imaging of the brachial plexus | |
Esschert, Mw J.W. van den | Prof. Dr. T.M. van Gulik | Dr. S.S.K.S. Phoa | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 25-11-11 | Clinical and experimental studies on portal vein embolization |
Dr. M. Heger | ||||||
Essen, J.A. van | Prof. Dr. H. van Urk | Dr. E.J. Gussenhoven | Rotterdam | VCH | 28-06-00 | Validation and application of intravascular ultrasound in endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms |
Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | ||||||
Esser, S. van | Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Peeters | Utrecht | HEE | 16-11-10 | Diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment of early stage breast carcinoma | |
Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | ||||||
Prof. Dr. R. van Hillegersberg | ||||||
Ettl, A.R. | Prof. Dr. L. Koornneef | Univ. Doz. Dipl. Ing. Dr. A. Daxer | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 18-01-00 | High resolution magnetic resonance imaging anatomy of the orbit |
Eulderink, F. | Prof. Dr. Th.G. van Rijssel | Leiden | PAN | 06-07-71 | Kaakgezwellen bij muizen na röntgenbestraling en langdurige mechanische irritatie | |
Everdingen, K.J. van | Prof. Dr. W.P.T.M. Mali | Dr. J. van der Grond | Utrecht | RAD | 18-05-99 | Cerebral bloodflow and metabolism in patients with severe carotid artery disease |
Dr. L.J. Kappelle | ||||||
Exter, P. van | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 18-06-53 | Het bronchographisch onderzoek bij asthma-patiënten | |
Falger, E.F.J.H. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 06-05-38 | Hartziekte en zwangerschap | |
Falke, Th.H.M. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 16-02-89 | Localization and identification of adrenocortical and sympathomedullary disorders with CT and MRI | |
Farinha Antunes, mw I. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O.Dierckx | Groningen | NGK | 25-01-12 | Development and evaluation of PET tracers for imaging B-glucuronidase activity in cancer and inflammation | |
Prof. Dr. H.G. Haisma | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.H. Elsinga | ||||||
Feldberg, M.A.M. | Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | Utrecht | RAD | 13-09-83 | Computed tomography of the retroperitoneum: an anatomical and pathological atlas with emphasis on the fascial planes | |
Ferket, B.S. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Rotterdam | EPI | 02-10-13 | Personal medical decision making: for prevention of a first cardiovascular event | |
Prof. Dr. E.W. Steyerberg | ||||||
Fermin, H.E.A. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 08-12-38 | Over het röntgenonderzoek van de galblaas | |
Ferns, mw S.P. | Prof. Dr. W.J.J. van Rooij | Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 12-10-10 | Durability of endovascular treatment for intracranial aneurysms |
Dr. M.E.S. Sprengers | ||||||
Dr. R. van den Berg | ||||||
Fiebrich, mw H.B. | Prof. Dr. E.G.E. de Vries | Groningen | IGK | 23-06-10 | Tumor imaging and treatment monitoring in patients with neuroendocrine tumors | |
Prof. Dr. T.P. Links | ||||||
Prof. Dr. I.P. Kema | ||||||
Flier, mw W.M. van der | Prof. Dr. H.A.M. Middelkoop | Leiden | NEU | 24-03-04 | MRI correlates of cognitive decline: findings from the spectrum of normal aging to Alzheimer's disease. | |
Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | ||||||
Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | ||||||
Flohil, A. | Prof. Dr. W.A. Kuenen | Leiden | IGK | 06-07-28 | Vergelijkende Röntgenphotographische en electrocardiographische onderzoekingen over de richting en de manifeste grootte van het resulteerend potentiaalverschil in eenige pathologische harten | |
Florie, J. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 16-05-07 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography: applications in colorectal cancer surveillance and evaluation of Crohn's disease | |
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | ||||||
Fockens, P. | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tytgat | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 07-11-96 | Clinical impact of endosonography | |
Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | ||||||
Fokkema, R.E. | Prof. Dr. J. Vermeij | Groningen | RAT | 18-05-93 | Schade door röntgen- en radiumstraling; een hoofdstuk uit de vroege geschiedenis van de radiologie, 1896-1939 | |
Prof. Dr. K. van Berkel | ||||||
Foley, D.P. | Prof. Dr. P.W.J.C. Serruys | Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Rotterdam | CDL | 14-06-95 | Short and long-term results of transluminal coronary interventions: an angiographic perspective |
Foppen, W. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. K. Fischer | Utrecht | RAD | 14-04-16 | Imaging of haemophilic arthropathy |
Mw Dr. I.C. van der Schaaf | ||||||
Fourie, Z. | Prof. Dr. Y. Ren | Groningen | THK | 26-09-11 | Application of cone beam computed tomography in facial imaging science | |
Franke, C.L. | Prof. Dr. J. van Gijn | Utrecht | NEU | 14-06-91 | Intracerebral hemorrhage | |
Franken, A.H. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Utrecht | RAD | 28-06-83 | Doorstromingsstudies van de nier na selectieve toediening van radioactief Xenon | |
Franken, mw D.G. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.M.F. Trijbels | Dr. G. Boers | Nijmegen | FAR | 19-12-96 | Hyperhomocysteinemia: inherited causes and effect of treatment |
Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Dr. H. Blom | |||||
Franken, Mw R. | Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Mulder | Dr. M. Groenink | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 04-02-16 | Marfan syndrome: Getting to the root of the problem |
Prof. Dr. A.H. Zwinderman | Dr. V. de Waard | |||||
Franken, S. | Prof. Dr. J. ten Doesschate | Utrecht | OOG | 18-04-61 | Metingen aan het levende menselijke oog met behulp van echo van ultrasone trillingen | |
Frans, mw F.A. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. M.J.W. Koelemay | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 06-12-13 | Functional status and quality of life after treatment of peripheral arterial disease |
Prof. Dr. D.A. Legemate | Dr. S. Bipat | |||||
Franssen-Franken, mw D.G. | ||||||
zie Franken, mw D.G. | ||||||
Freling, H.G. | Prof. D.J. van Veldhuisen | Dr. T.P. Willems | Groningen | CDL | 22-01-14 | Imaging of the right ventricle in congenital heart disease |
Dr. P.G. Pieper | ||||||
Freling, mw N.J.M. | Prof. Dr. A.K. Panders | Groningen | MHK | 16-10-91 | MRI van parotistumoren: een onderzoek naar de waarde van kernspinresonantietomografie bij 146 patiënten met een zwelling in de parotisloge | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.F. Ockhuysen-Vermey | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A. Vermey, FACS | ||||||
Frencken, V.A.M. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 26-03-69 | De intraveneuze pyelografie bij het opsporen van een nierarterievernauwing | |
Frequin, S.T.F.M. | Prof. Dr. O.R. van Eikema Hommes | Nijmegen | NEU | 30-06-93 | High-dose intravenous methylprednisolone treatment in multiple sclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. J. Valk | ||||||
Frings, mw V. | Prof. Dr. R. Boellaard | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 09-08-14 | In vivo quantification of proliferation and glucose metabolism in lung cancer patients | |
Prof. Dr. E.F. Smit | ||||||
Frodl, F.K.O. | Prof. Dr. P. Nieuwenhuijse | Utrecht | NON | 26-05-53 | Bronchiaalboom, segmenten en bloedvaten van de long met hun variaties | |
Front, D. | Prof. Dr. L. Penning | Groningen | RAD | 20-10-71 | Scinticisternography and scintiventriculography: a study of C.S.F. dynamic | |
Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | ||||||
Fütterer, J.J. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. G.J. Jager | Nijmegen | RAD | 08-02-06 | Advanced MR techniques in localizing and local staging of prostate cancer |
Prof. Dr. F.J.A. Witjes | ||||||
Galjee, M.A. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 18-05-94 | Assessment of cardio-vascular bloodflow and myocardial perfusion by Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Prof. Dr. T.H.M. Falke | Dr. M. Sprenger | |||||
Gans, Mw S.L. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Boermeester | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 26-06-15 | Acute abdominal pain. Advances in diagnosis and management | |
Gast, mw A.N. de | Prof. Dr. W.J.J. van Rooij | Dr. M. Sluzewski | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 08-04-08 | New developments in imaging and treatment of intracranial aneurysms |
Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | ||||||
Geirnaerdt, mw M.J.A. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 05-11-98 | Gadolinium- enhanced MR in the diagnosis of cartilaginous tumors | |
Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Tamimiau | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.C.W. Hogendoorn | ||||||
Gelder, R.E. van | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 19-11-04 | CT colonography for screening of patients at increased risk for colorectal cancer-accuracy, patient acceptance and radiation issues | |
Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | ||||||
Gelderman, P.W. | Prof. Dr. H. Verbiest | Utrecht | NCH | 30-06-81 | Het lage rugsyndroom | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. D.H. van Campen | ||||||
Geleijnse, M.L. | Prof.Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. P.M. Fioretti | Rotterdam | CDL | 23-06-99 | Dobutamine stress myocardial function versus nuclear perfusion imaging. |
Gelmers, H.J. | Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | Groningen | NCH | 20-09-78 | Regional cerebral blood flow. Regulation measurement and changes in diseases | |
Prof. Dr. J.M. Minderhoud | ||||||
Geloven, mw A.A.W. van | Prof. Dr. H. Obertop | Dr. H.F.W. Hoitsma | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 06-12-00 | Spoedeisende hulp bij buikklachten: evaluatie van het functioneren van de spoedeisendehulpafdeling aan de hand van patiënten met buikklachten. |
Genders, mw T.S.S. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. K. Nieman | Rotterdam | RAD | 29-06-12 | Diagnostic imaging strategies for patients with suspected coronary artery disease |
Gent, Y.Y.J. | Prof. Dr. A.E. Voskuyl | Dr. C.J. van der Laken | Amsterdam (VU) | REU | 02-11-15 | Macrophage-targeted PET imaging of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Opportunities for early diagnostics and therapy monitoring |
Prof. Dr. O.S. Hoekstra | ||||||
Gerbers, J.G. | Prof. Dr. S.K. Bulstra | Dr. P.C. Jutte | Groningen | ORT | 23-09-15 | Computer assisted surgery in orthopaedic oncology. Indications, applications and surgical workflow |
Dr. M. Stevens | ||||||
Gerding, J.C. | Prof. Dr. H.K.L. Nielsen | Groningen | ORT | 07-03-79 | Chronic posttraumatic instability of the knee | |
Gerding, M.N. | Prof. Dr. L. Koornneef | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 15-12-99 | Assessment of disease activity in Graves' ophthalmopathy | |
Gerlach, N.L. | Prof. Dr. G.J. Meijer | Dr. T.J.J. Maal | Nijmegen | THK | 09-02-18 | Pre-surgical assessment of the mandibular body and canal using cone beam computed tomography data |
Prof. Dr. S.J. Bergé | ||||||
Germans, T. | Prof. Dr.A.C. van Rossum | Dr. M.J.W. Götte | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 05-06-08 | New insights in morphology and pathophysiology of hypertrofic cardiomyopathy by Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Gerretsen, mw S.C. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. T. Leiner | Maastricht | RAD | 10-12-10 | MR Imaging of coronary atherosclerosis |
Dr. M.E. Kooi | ||||||
Gerritsen, G.J. | Prof. Dr. G.B. Snow | Amsterdam (VU) | KNO | 07-09-84 | Computed tomography and laryngeal cancer | |
Prof. Dr. J. Valk | ||||||
Prof. Dr. B.A. den Herder | ||||||
Gerritsen, H.A.M. | Prof. Dr. I. Kazem | Nijmegen | RAT | 11-06-76 | A new approach to the evaluation of peripheral vascular disease using the Gamma Camera | |
Prof. Dr. P.J.F.M. Kuijpers | ||||||
Geuns, H. van | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Dr. G.K. van der Hem | Groningen | URN | 06-12-78 | Urinary tract calculi. A population survey in a Dutch community (Hasselt) on the occurrence and consequences of 'Silent stone'disease |
Geuns, R.-J.M. van | Prof.Dr. P.W. Serruys | Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Rotterdam | CDL | 06-12-00 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and electron beam Computed Tomography of the coronary arteries. |
Dr. M. Oudkerk | ||||||
Geurts, J.J.G. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 21-09-05 | Grey matters! MR imaging and histopathology studies of the grey matter in multiple sclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | ||||||
Gevers, Mw S. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. A.J. Nederveen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 27-01-12 | Arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI. Reproducibility & clinical applications |
Dr. M.J.P. van Osch | ||||||
Geyskes, G.G. | Prof. Dr. E.J. Dorhout Mees | Utrecht | URN | 09-06-87 | The renogram in renovascular hypertension | |
Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | ||||||
Gielkens, H.A.J. | Prof. Dr. C.B.H.W. Lamers | Leiden | IGK | 20-02-97 | Circulating nutrients and gastrointestinal function | |
Giessen, mw E.M. van de | Prof. Dr. J. Booij | Dr. S.E. la Fleur | Amsterdam (UvA) | NGK | 14-11-12 | Neurobiological aspects of obesity: dopamine, serotonin, and imaging |
Prof. Dr. W. van den Brink | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F. Baas | ||||||
Giessen, mw A.G. van der | Prof. Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | Dr. F.J.H. Gijsen | Rotterdam | CDL | 25-06-10 | Coronary atherosclerosis and wall shear stress: towards application of CT Angiography |
Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | ||||||
Gietema, mw H.A. | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. P. Zanen | Utrecht | RAD | 06-03-07 | Low dose Computed Tomography of the chest: applications and limitations |
Prof. Dr. J.W.J. Lammers | ||||||
Gijp, mw A. van der | Prof. Dr. J.P.J. van Schaik | Dr. M.F. van der Schaaf | Utrecht | RAD | 19-09-17 | Acquiring expertise in radiology |
Prof. Dr. Th.J. ten Cate | Mw Dr. I.C. van der Schaaf | |||||
Gils, A.P.G. van | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Dr. C.J.M. Lips | Leiden | NGK | 27-01-94 | Paragangliomas: MR imaging and MIBG scintigraphy |
Prof. Dr. T.H.M. Falke | ||||||
Gils, mw C.H. van | Prof. Dr. A.L.M. Verbeek | Dr. J.H.C.L. Hendriks | Nijmegen | EPI | 14-10-98 | Mammographic density and breast cancer risk |
Prof. Dr. R.L. Holland | ||||||
Gils, mw M.J. van | Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | Dr. D.W.J. Dippel | Rotterdam | RAD | 19-01-18 | Insight into carotid atherosclerotic plaque development with CT angiography |
Ginai-Karamat, mw A.Z. | Prof. Drs. K. Hoornstra | Rotterdam | RAD | 15-04-87 | Contrast media for radiological examination in gastrointestinal tract leakage: an experimental and clinical study | |
Prof. Dr. R.O. van der Heul | ||||||
Ginneken, P.J.J. van | Prof. Dr. A. Kummer | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 02-07-59 | De richtmethode van Van der Plaats en Von Ronnen, een bijdrage tot de opratieve behandeling van de dijhalsbreuk | |
Goedee, H.S. | Prof. Dr. L.H. van den Berg | Dr. W.L. van der Pol | Utrecht | NEU | 27-09-17 | High-resolution ultrasound in diagnosis of polyneuropathies |
Prof. Dr. L.H. Visser | Dr. J.T.H. van Asseldonk | |||||
Goedhard, G. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 02-06-59 | Twee vergrotingsmethoden in de röntgendiagnostiek van het skelet | |
Goei, R. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. C.G.M.I. Baeten | Maastricht | RAD | 16-03-90 | Defecography. A radiological study on anorectal motility and related disorders |
Prof. Dr. B. Janevski | ||||||
Goeij, W.B.K.M.V. de | Prof. Dr. T.K.A.B. Eskes | Dr. A. de Bruin | Nijmegen | GYN | 12-11-77 | Incontinence of urine in women. A urodynamical and röntgenological study |
Goekoop, R. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. S.A.R.B. Rombouts | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 16-01-06 | Pharmacological fMRI; - a clinical exploration |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Goettsch, H.B. | Prof. Dr. P.R. Michaël | Groningen | HEE | 26-06-35 | Over de röntgentherapie der genitaal tuberculose van den man | |
Goldfarb, J.W. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Nijmegen | RAD | 2000 | Gadolinium-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging: technical developments and clinical testing | |
Prof. Dr. F.W.A. Verheugt | ||||||
Gondrie, M.J.A. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | EPI | 31-03-11 | Unrequested imaging findings on routine chest CT: results from the PROVIDI study | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
González González, D. | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 11-12-80 | Response of growing bones to irradiation. Experimental and clinical studies | |
Goos, J.D.C. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 06-02-13 | Microbleeds in dementia: connecting the dots |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Goot, D.H. van der | ? | Gent | NON | 04-02-01 | (zonder proefschrift gepromoveerd) | |
Góraj, mw B.M. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. T. Pertynski | Łódź (Polen) | RAD | 11-11-87 | The usefulness of transfontanellar ultrasound in the diagnostics of brain pathology in children | |
Góraj, mw B.M. (Habilitation) | Prof. Dr. Z. Marziarz | Łódź (Polen) | RAD | 24-09-96 | Value of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in the Diagnostics of posttraumatic brain injury | |
Gorp, M.J. van | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. C.J.G. Bakker | Utrecht | EPI | 09-12-03 | Tracing fractured Björk-Shiley convexo-concave heart valves |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Götte, M.J.W. | Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 22-11-00 | Regional myocardial infarction and ventricular remodeling after infarction: a Magnetic Resonance tissue tagging and strain analysis follow-up study. | |
Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | ||||||
Goudsmid, R. | Prof. Dr. J.G.G. Borst | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 03-07-58 | Het gebruik van radioactief ijzer en radioactief chroom bij de diagnostiek van bloedarmoede | |
Gouma, D.J. | Prof. Dr. J.M. Greep | Maastricht | HEE | 10-02-84 | Percutaneous transhepatic drainage in obstructive jaundice | |
Prof. L.H. Blumgart | York (UK) | |||||
Gouw, mw A.A. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 20-03-09 | Cerebral small vessel disease on MRI: clinical impact and underlying pathology |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Graaf, mw F.R. de | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 02-02-12 | Advanced Computed Tomography for cardiac applications: | |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | from cardiovascular diagnosis to clinical management | |||||
Graaf, M.A. de | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 08-11-16 | Computed Tomography coronary angiography: from quantification of coronary atherosclerosis to risk stratification of patients | |
Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema | ||||||
Graaf, P. de | Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Dr. A.C. Moll | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 05-04-12 | Diagnostic imaging in retinoblastoma |
Prof. Dr. P. van der Valk | Prof. Dr. S.M. Imhof | |||||
Graaf, R. de | Prof. Dr. C.A. Bruggeman | Dr. F. Stassen | Maastricht | MBL | 13-11-08 | Venous graft remodeling novel mechanisms and pharmaco-modulation strategies |
Prof. Dr. P.J.E.H.M. Kitslaar | ||||||
Graaf, W.L. de | Prof. Dr. F. Barkof | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 16-10-12 | High field MRI in multiple sclerosis: novel multi-contrast protocols for detection of MS lesions and iron | |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | ||||||
Graaf, A.W.M. van der | Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra | Dr. M.J.W. Götte | Rotterdam | CDL | 09-11-17 | MRI-guided non-invasive epicardial mapping in patients with implanted pacing devices |
Dr. N.M.S. de Groot | ||||||
Graafland, A.B.J. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 16-10-60 | Splenoportografie | |
Graafland, N.M. | Prof. Dr. S. Horenblas | Amsterdam (VU) | URN | 07-01-11 | Contemporary management of penile squamous cell carcinoma | |
Graafland, C.A. | Prof. Dr. W.A. Kuenen | Leiden | IGK | 24-10-45 | Röntgenbestraling van de schildklier en strumectomie bij thyreotoxicosen | |
Gräni, Ch. | Prof. Dr. H.P. Brunner-La Rocca | Dr. S.C.A.M. Bekkers | Maastricht | CDL | 23-02-18 | Non-invasive cardiac imaging of coronary artery anomalies |
Gratama, J.W.Ch. | Prof. Dr. J.R.G. Kuipers | Groningen | NON | 14-04-93 | Exercise in lambs with an aortopulmonary left-to-right shunt | |
Prof. Dr. W.G. Zijlstra | ||||||
Grient, A.J. van der | Prof. Dr. H. Doorenbos | Groningen | EPI | 18-06-69 | Hyperthyreoidie, radioactief jodium en daarna | |
Griethuijsen, B.G. van | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-03-41 | Theoretische en practische grondslagen der Röntgenkleinbeeldfoto | |
Griffioen, mw G.H.M.J. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Dr. M.R. Dahele | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 25-06-15 | New radiotherapeutic approaches for improving cure and palliation of lung tumors |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Grimme, mw F.A.B. | Prof. Dr. J.A.M. Zeebregts | Groningen | VCH | 20-05-15 | Covered stents in aortoiliac occlusive disease | |
Grobben, R.B. | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Dr. H.M. Nathoe | Utrecht | CDL | 11-10-16 | Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery -clinical course and role of imaging- |
Prof. Dr. W.A. van Klei | Dr. L.M. Peelen | |||||
Groenink, M. | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Dr. B.J.M. Mulder | Leiden | CDL | 07-12-00 | The Marfan aorta. Morphology, growth and functional properties |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Grood, M.P.A.M. de | Prof. Dr. A. Biemond | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 23-06-66 | De indicatie tot de operatieve behandeling van de sacculaire aneurysmata in of nabij de circulus Willisi | |
Grool, mw A.M. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. M.I. Geerlings | Utrecht | EPI | 19-04-12 | White matters - The influence of cerebral small-vessel disease on depression, cognition and functioning |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Groot, mw D. de | Prof. Dr. G. Pasterkamp | Dr. I.E. Hoefer | Utrecht | CDL | 21-06-11 | Inflammatory processes during arteriogenesis: the contribution of the innate immune system to collateral artery growth |
Prof. Dr. D.P.V. de Kleijn | ||||||
Groot, E. de | Prof.Dr. A.V.G. Bruschke | Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | Rotterdam | CDL | 22-06-99 | B-mode ultrasound measurements of carotid and femoral artery walls in atherosclerosis studies |
Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Bom | ||||||
Groot, J.A.M. de | Prof. Dr. E.H. Huizing | Utrecht | KNO | 14-04-87 | Computed tomography of the petrous bone in otosclerosis and Ménière's disease | |
Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | ||||||
Groot, J.C. de | Prof. Dr. J. Jolles | Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Rotterdam | NEU | 24-03-99 | Consequences of cerebral white matter lesions: a longitudinal population-based MRI study |
Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | ||||||
Groot, J.E. de | Prof. Dr. Ir. C.A. Grimbergen | Dr. M.J.M. Broeders | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 24-06-15 | Pressure-standardized breast compression in mammography |
Prof. Dr. G.J. den Heeten | ||||||
Groot, J.W.C. de | Prof. Dr. S. van Creveld | Amsterdam (UvA) | KGK | 07-12-50 | Angiocardiography as a diagnostic aid in congenital heart diseases | |
Groot Koerkamp, B. | Prof. Dr. M.C. Weinstein | Rotterdam | EPI | 01-12-09 | Uncertainty in medical decision making: knowing how little you know | |
Prof. Dr. Th. Stijnen | ||||||
Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | ||||||
Groothuis, J.G.J. | Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Dr. A.M. Beek | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 26-11-13 | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease |
Grossmann, Mw I. | Prof. Dr. T. Wiggers | Dr. J.M. Klaase | Groningen | HEE | 02-02-11 | Searching for metastases in colorectal cancer |
Prof. Dr. G.H. de Bock | ||||||
Grotenhuis, H. | Prof. Dr. J. Ottenkamp | Leiden | CDL | 10-09-09 | Interaction of the heart and large vessels in congenital heart disease, assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Groutars, R.G.E.J. | Prof. Dr. N.M. van Hemel | Dr. J.F. Verzijlbergen | Utrecht | CDL | 15-10-02 | Dual-isotope myocardial perfusion imaging |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | ||||||
Gruijter, A.J. de | Prof. Dr. E. Meijer | Dr. G.H. Slot | Nijmegen | NCH | 20-05-94 | De lumbale wervelkanaalstenose. Een prospectief onderzoek naar de waarde van diagnostiek en operatieve behandeling |
Prof. Dr. T.J.J.H. Slooff | ||||||
Gubler, mw F.M. | Prof. Dr. F.L.M. Peeters | Dr. P.F. Dijkstra | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 28-03-94 | Cystic rheumatoid arthritis |
Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | ||||||
Guenoun, J. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. M.R. Bernsen | Rotterdam | RAD | 19-01-17 | MRI-based stem cell imaging using Gd-nanocarriers |
Guit, G.L. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 24-03-88 | The detection of congenitally corrected transposition in the adult. An evaluation of methods employed in diagnostic radiology. | |
Gussenhoven, mw W.J. | Prof. Dr. A.E. Becker | Rotterdam | PAN | 25-04-84 | Echocardiography in Ebstein's anomaly | |
Prof. Drs. P.G. Hugenholtz | ||||||
Haak, K.V. | Prof. Dr. J.M.M. Hooymans | Groningen | OOG | 25-02-13 | Computational neuroimaging of visual field loss | |
Haak, mw M.C. | Prof. Dr. J.M.G. van Vugt | Amserdam (VU) | GYN | 14-03-03 | Nuchal translucency and cardiac failure. Association or speculation? | |
Mw Prof. Dr. A.C. Gittenberger-de Groot | ||||||
Haakma, mw W. | Prof. Dr. J. Hendrikse | Dr. Ir. M. Froeling | Utrecht | RAD | 09-10-18 | Advances in peripheral nerve MR imaging: the application of diffusion MRI in neurological disorders |
Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. A.L.G. Leemans | |||||
Haan, J. | Prof. Dr. G.W. Bruyn | Leiden | NEU | 11-10-90 | Hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis: Dutch type clinical, radiological and genetical aspects | |
Haan, mw M.C. de | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 01-06-12 | CT-colonography in population-based colorectal cancer screening |
Prof. Dr. P. Fockens | Dr. E. Dekker | |||||
Haan, M.W. de | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Maastricht | RAD | 19-06-03 | Imaging studies in renovascular hypertension. | |
Prof. Dr. P.W. de Leeuw | ||||||
Haas, G. de | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 26-11-65 | Fotoscintillografie der nieren | |
Haas, H.J. de | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Dr. J. Narula | Groningen | NGK | 05-03-18 | Cardiovascular molecular imaging |
Prof. Dr. R.H.J.A. Slart | ||||||
Haas, R.J. de | Prof. Dr. R. van Hillegersberg | Utrecht | HEE | 18-02-11 | Surgical treatment of colorectal liver metastases: pushing the frontiers | |
Prof. Dr. R. Adam | ||||||
Prof. Dr. I.H.M. Borel Rinkes | ||||||
Habets, J. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. R.P.J. Budde | Utrecht | RAD | 05-07-12 | Computed Tomography of prosthetic heart valves |
Hage, G.H. | Prof. Dr. J. Nauta | Dr. G.T. Meester | Rotterdam | CTC | 29-06-79 | Thermografie en myocardischemie |
Prof. K. Hoornstra | ||||||
Hagemeier, J. | Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Amsterdam (VU) | ANE | 15-01-15 | The irony of iron. MRI and brain iron in multiple sclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Prof. Dr. R. Zivadinov | ||||||
Hagenaars, T. | Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Bom | Dr. E.J. Gussenhoven | Rotterdam | RAD | 31-10-01 | Arterial remodeling after peripheral vascular intervention as documented with intravascular ultrasound. |
Prof. Dr. H. van Urk | ||||||
Hählen, K. | Prof. Dr. M. de Vlieger | Dr. G.E. van Zanen | Rotterdam | NCH | 28-06-90 | Cranial computer assisted tomography and electroencephalography in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia. A longitudinal study |
Halbertsma, K.T.A. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 11-04-22 | De vasomotorische prikkelbaarheid onder invloed van radio-actieve elementen en hormonen | |
Hall, mw H.N. van | ||||||
zie: Wassenaer-van Hall, mw H.N. | ||||||
Hambrock, T. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. Ir. H.J. Huisman | Nijmegen | RAD | 04-12-12 | The value of 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the detection and aggressiveness assessment of prostate cancer: from theory to practice |
Dr. C.A. Hulsbergen-van de Kaa | ||||||
Dr. Ir. T. Scheenen | ||||||
Hameeteman, T.M. | Prof. Dr. A.A. Haspels | Utrecht | GYN | 16-01-73 | Foetale echo-cephalometrie: een studie met betrekking tot het meten van de distantia biparietalis in de foetale periode | |
Hamers, H.P. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 09-05-67 | Mechanische gevolgen van het lymfografisch onderzoek bij jonge varkens | |
Hamilton, C.J.C.M. | Prof. Dr. J. de Haan | Dr. J.L.H. Evers | Maastricht | GYN | 07-11-86 | The role of ultrasound in the fertility clinic |
Dr. H.J. Hoogland | ||||||
Hammer, S. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. H.J. Lamb | Leiden | RAD | 20-11-08 | Myocardial triglycerides. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in health and diabetes |
Prof. Dr. J.W.A. Smit | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J.A. Romijn | ||||||
Hampe, J.F. | Prof. Dr. H.T. Deelman | Amsterdam (UvA) | PAN | 10-07-42 | Stof en stoflongen, in het bijzonder over silicose en silicatose | |
Han, H.S. zie: Song, H.H. | ||||||
Hanlo, E.A.J.M. | Prof. Dr. A.H.M.J. van Rooy | Amsterdam (UvA) | GYN | 07-07-30 | Utero-salpingographie | |
Hansen, H.H.G. | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. C.L. de Korte | Nijmegen | RAD | 16-11-12 | Noninvasive vascular ultrasound elastography |
Harder, mw A.M. den | Prof. Dr. T. Leiner | Dr. R.P.J. Budde | Utrecht | RAD | 24-10-17 | Translating iterative reconstruction for CT to the clinic |
Prof. Dr. P.A. de Jong | ||||||
Hardy, G.H. | Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | Utrecht | RAD | 14-10-80 | De waarde van het röntgenonderzoek. Een prospectieve studie ter bepaling van de diagnostische waarde en de behandelingswaarde van röntgenologische onderzoeken | |
Harki, mw J. | Prof. Dr. E.J. Kuipers | Dr. E.T.T.L. Tjwa | Rotterdam | IGK | 04-03-16 | Vascular diseases of the gastrointestinal tract |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Bruno | Mw Dr. D. Leemreis-van Noord | |||||
Harten, H.J. van der | Prof. Dr. N.F.Th. Arts | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 07-12-88 | Skeletal sysplasias. Pre- and postnatal identification. An ultrasonographic, radiologic and pathologic study | |
Brons, mw J.T.J. | Prof. Dr. C.J.L.M. Meijer | |||||
Hartkamp, N.S. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. Hendrikse | Utrecht | RAD | 24-03-14 | Imaging of cerebral hemodynamics with arterial spin labeling |
Dr. R.P.H. Bokkers | ||||||
Hartmann, mw I.J.C. | Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | Dr. J.D. Banga | Utrecht | RAD | 23-05-01 | New developments in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. |
Dr. M.H. Prins | ||||||
Hartogh, mw M.D. den | Prof.Dr. M. van Vulpen | Dr. H.J.G.D. van den Bongard | Utrecht | RAT | 18-12-14 | Towards MRI-guided radiotherapy in early-stage breast cancer patients |
Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. B. van Asselen | |||||
Hassell, mw M.E.C.J. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Piek | Dr. R. Delewi | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 28-09-17 | Adverse outcomes following percutaneous transcatheter interventions |
Dr. R. Nijveldt | ||||||
Hazelaar, mw C. | Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | Dr. W.F.A.R. Verbakel | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 19-09-18 | Markerless positional verification during delivery of high-precision radiotherapy |
Dr. M.R. Dahele | ||||||
Hazenberg, H.J.A. | Prof. Dr. E. Mandema | Groningen | IGK | 02-06-76 | Hepatopetal and hepatofugal flow direction of portal blood in patients with portal hypertension. Invasive and non-invasive tests | |
Prof. Dr. M.G. Woldring | ||||||
Heege, F.H. ter | Prof. Dr. Ch.E. Benjamins | Groningen | KNO | 01-06-34 | Röntgenonderzoek van het rotsbeen | |
Heer, mw L.M. de | Prof. Dr. L.A. van Herwerden | Dr. J. Kluin | Utrecht | CTC | 16-10-12 | Non-invasive imaging of the aortic root : towards optimal evaluation and sizing of stented (tissue engineered) heart valves |
Dr. R.P.J. Budde | ||||||
Heerkens, mw H.D. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Dr. M.P.W. Intven | Utrecht | RAT | 10-10-17 | Towards online MRI guided radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer |
Dr. G.J. Meijer | ||||||
Heesakkers, R.A.M. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. G.J. Jager | Nijmegen | RAD | 25-01-12 | MR lymphography in prostate cancer. "Clinical potentials" |
Dr. Y. Hoogeveen | ||||||
Heesewijk, J.P.M. van | Prof. Dr. M.A.M. Feldberg | Utrecht | RAD | 18-06-96 | Digital chest imaging with a selenium detector | |
Heeswijk, mw M.M. van | Mw Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. D.M.L. Lambregts | Maastricht | RAD | 13-10-17 | Novel MR techniques in rectal cancer - Translating research into practice - |
Prof. Dr. G.L. Beets | ||||||
Heeten, G.J. den | Prof. Dr. J. Oldhoff | Groningen | HEE | 01-07-87 | Osteosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects with special reference to chemotherapy and surgery | |
Prof. Dr. J.W. Oosterhuis | ||||||
Prof. Dr. H. Schraffordt Koops | ||||||
Hehenkamp, W. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. W.M. Ankum | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 06-07-07 | Uterine artery embolization versus hysterectomy for symptomatic uterine fibroids |
Volkers, mw N.A. | Prof. Dr. M.P.M. Burger | Dr. E. Birnie | ||||
Heijenbrok-Kal, mw M.H. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | K.M. Kuntz, Sc.D. | Rotterdam | EPI | 24-11-04 | Assessment of diagnostic imaging technologies for cardiovascular disease |
Heijer, T. den | Prof. Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Rotterdam | EPI | 14-04-04 | Causes and correlates of brain atrophy: a population-based MRI study. | |
Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | ||||||
Heijkoop, mw S.T. | Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Heijmen | Dr. M.S. Hoogeman | Rotterdam | RAT | 25-10-17 | Plan-of-the-day adaptive radiotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer |
Heijl, M. van | Prof. Dr. J.J.B. van Lanschot | Dr. M.I. van Berge Henegouwen | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 06-10-10 | Oesophageal cancer: preoperative diagnostic strategies, prognostication and treatment |
Dr. G.W. Sloof | ||||||
Heijmans, H. | Prof. Dr. A.H.M.J. van Rooy | Amsterdam (UvA) | GYN | 21-10-26 | De diathermie- en lichtbehandeling bij gynaecologische ontstekingsprocessen | |
Heijmen, mw L. | Prof. Dr. C.J.A. Punt | Prof. Dr. L.F. de Geus-Oei | Nijmegen | IGK | 01-12-14 | Multimodality imaging in colorectal cancer |
Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Heerschap | ||||||
Prof. Dr. H.W.M. van Laarhoven | ||||||
Heijnen, L.A. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. D.M.J. Lambregts | Maastricht | RAD | 03-12-14 | Rectal cancer imaging. How about the nodes? |
Prof. Dr. G.L. Beets | ||||||
Heijtel, D.F.R. | 16-10-14 | Validation and application of arterial spin labeling MRI for cerebral perfusion | ||||
Heilbron, E.A. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. med. D. Moschinski | Düsseldorf | ORT | 03-11-88 | Iatrogene Knochenfluorose | |
Prof. Dr. W. Klein | ||||||
Heimans, J.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 30-09-83 | Anatomy and radiology of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery | |
Hekster, R.E.M. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 03-04-74 | Embolisatie therapie, een neuroradiologische bijdrage | |
Prof. Dr. W.L. Luyendijk | ||||||
Helbing, W.A. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 22-10-96 | Non-invasive assessment of right ventricular function in children with congenital heart disease | |
Prof. Dr. J. Ottenkamp | ||||||
Hellemans, mw I.M. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. G. L. van Rijk-Zwikker | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 03-06-94 | Echocardiography in mitral valve surgery |
Prof. Dr. J.G.P. Tijssen | ||||||
Hellings, W.E. | Prof. Dr. F.L. Moll | Dr. D.P.V. de Kleijn | Utrecht | HEE | 02-10-08 | Atherosclerotic plaque composition and clinical outcome. A translational study in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy |
Prof. Dr. G. Pasterkamp | Dr. J.P.P.M. de Vries | |||||
Helvoort-Postulart, mw D. van | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. C.D. Dirksen | Maastricht | RAD | 18-05-06 | Economic evaluation of the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis in hypertensive patients |
Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | ||||||
Hemke, mw R. | Prof. Dr. M. Maas | Dr. M.A.J. van Rossum | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 21-11-13 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging in juvenile idiopathic arthritis diagnosis and follow-up beyond imagination |
Prof. Dr. T.W. Kuijpers | ||||||
Hendriks, Ch.A.M. | Prof. Dr. H. Deenstra | Utrecht | LOZ | 21-03-61 | Silicose en longtuberculose bij de arbeiders in de Nederlandse steenkoolmijnen | |
Hendriks, J.H.C.L. | Prof. Dr. Wm.H.A.M. Penn | Nijmegen | RAD | 26-11-82 | Population screening for breast cancer by means of mammography in Nijmegen 1975-1980 | |
Hendriks, mw J.M. | Prof. Dr. H. van Urk | Dr. M.R.H.M. van Sambeek | Rotterdam | VCH | 26-01-11 | Carotid artery stenting and endarterectomy: a clinical evaluation |
Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | ||||||
Hendriks, M.J. | Prof. Dr. A.C. Klinkhamer | Dr. R.J.M. Croughs | Utrecht | RAD | 12-04-88 | Computed Tomography of the pituitary gland. An anatomical and pathological study |
Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | ||||||
Hendrikse, J. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. van der Grond | Utrecht | RAD | 08-06-04 | Distribution of cerebral blood flow |
Hendrikx, A.J.M. | Prof. Dr. F.M.J. Debruyne | Nijmegen | URN | 09-06-89 | Ultrasound in urology | |
Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | ||||||
Henkens, I.R. | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Leiden | CDL | 20-11-08 | Non-invasive diagnosis and follow-up of right ventricular overload | |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Henneman, mw M.M. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 18-12-08 | Multimodality imaging in chronic coronary artery disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema | ||||||
Herder, B.A. den | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 20-03-58 | De arthrografie van het schoudergewricht | |
Herder, J.W. den | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 19-10-61 | De arthrografie van het enkelgewricht | |
Hermans, J.J. | Prof. Dr. G.J. Kleinrensink | Rotterdam | ANE | 16-06-11 | Imaging of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis: anatomy in relation to radiological diagnosis | |
Hermens, A.F. | Prof. Dr. G.W. Barendsen | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 06-09-73 | Variations in the cell kinetics and the growth rate in an experimental tumour during natural growth and after irradiation | |
Hertzberger, L. | Prof. Dr. I.K.A. Wertheim Salomonson | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 24-03-20 | Spondylosis rhizomelica en hare pathogenese | |
Heuft-Dorenbosch, mw E.L.J. | Mw Prof. Dr. D.M.F.M. van der Heijde | Maastricht | REU | 06-10-06 | From inflammatory back pain to ankylosing spondylitis | |
Prof. Dr. J.M.J.P. van der Linden | ||||||
Heukelem, H.A. van | Prof. Dr. A.J.Ch. Haex | Leiden | IGK | 31-10-85 | Radionuclide examination of motitlity disorders of the esophagus | |
Heukensfeldt Jansen, J.W.F. | Prof. Dr. I.K.A. Wertheim Salomonson | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 20-06-17 | Over röntgenologisch schedelonderzoek | |
Heul, R.O. van der | Prof. Dr. Th.G. van Rijssel | Leiden | PAN | 06-06-62 | Het periostale ossificerende fibrosarcoom en de gradering van osteosarcomen | |
Heuvel, mw D.M.J. van den | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. A.J.M. de Craen | Leiden | RAD | 17-11-05 | White matters: a longitudinal study on causes and consequences of white matter hyperintensities in the elderly |
Prof. Dr. R.G.J. Westendorp | ||||||
Heuvel, mw O.A. van den | Prof. Dr. R. van Dijck | Dr. D.J. Veltman | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 12-05-05 | Neuroimaging in obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: investigation of the frontal-striatal and limbic circuits |
Prof. Dr. A.A. Lammertsma | ||||||
Prof. Dr. H.J. Groenewegen | ||||||
Heuveling, D.A. | Prof. Dr. R. de Bree | Amsterdam (VU) | KNO | 05-03-14 | Novel molecular imaging approaches in the management of head and neck cancer | |
Prof. Dr. G.A.M.S. van Dongen | ||||||
Heuvelmans, mw M.A. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 21-12-15 | Optimization of nodule management in low-dose CT lung cancer screening | |
Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Groen | ||||||
Mw Prof. Dr. R. Vliegenthart | ||||||
Heyde, M.N. van der | Prof. Dr. M. Vink | Leiden | HEE | 19-10-60 | Phlebography and venous pressure determination. A study into the correlation of the data gained from these methods | |
Heystraten, F.M.J. | Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | Nijmegen | RAD | 06-12-84 | Acute and chronic traumatic aneurysms of the thoracic aorta with emphasis on roentgenology: a study of sixty eight patients | |
Prof. Dr. L. Lacquet | ||||||
Hian, T.W. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 22-10-68 | Diagnostiek van hersentumoren met radio-actieve stoffen (klinische toepassing en theoretische grondslagen) | |
Hinnen, K.A. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Dr. E.M. Monninkhof | Utrecht | RAT | 12-04-11 | Factors influencing outcome of I-125 prostate cancer brachytherapy |
Prof.dr. M. van Vulpen | ||||||
Hitge-Boetes, C. zie Boetes, C. | ||||||
Ho, K.Y.J.A.M. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van. Engelshoven | Maastricht | RAD | 16-12-99 | MR Angiografie of the lower extremities | |
Prof. Dr. P.J.E.H.M. Kitslaar | ||||||
Hochstenbag, mw M. | Prof. Dr. E.F.M. Wouters | Maastricht | LOZ | 05-12-03 | Imaging in clinical lung cancer staging | |
Hoed, D. den | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tenbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 16-02-34 | Over de werking van harde röntgenstralen en gamma-stralen van radium | |
Hoeks, mw C.M.A. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. J.J. Fütterer | Nijmegen | RAD | 04-10-14 | Multiparametric MR Imaging and MR guided biopsy: prostate cancer diagnosis and risk-stratification |
Dr. C.A. Hulsbergen-van de Kaa | ||||||
Dr. I.M. van Oort | ||||||
Hoefnagel, C. | Prof. Dr. P.A. Voûte | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 19-10-89 | The clinical use of 131I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) for the diagnosis and treatment of neural crest tumors | |
Prof. Dr. J.B. van der Schoot | ||||||
Hoencamp, B. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 23-05-72 | Serie-scintifotografie van het hoofd en het halsgebied | |
Hoesein, F.A.A.M. | Prof. Dr. J.W.J. Lammers | Dr. P. Zanen | Utrecht | LOZ | 26-04-12 | Detection of COPD, lung function decline and emphysema progression in heavy smokers |
Hof, mw I.E. | Prof. Dr. R.N.W. Hauer | H. Calkins, M.D. | Utrecht | CDL | 19-01-12 | Impact of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation on the left atrium |
Dr. K.P. Loh | ||||||
Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | ||||||
Hoffland, G.A. | Prof. Dr. J. van Limborgh | Amsterdam (UvA) | ANE | 15-12-83 | Het lymfevaatstelsel in de wand van het thoracale deel van de aorta descendens | |
Hoffmann, W.G.J. | Prof. Dr. A.J.M. Holmer | Leiden | GYN | 04-02-53 | Incontinentia urinae relativa (stress incontinence) en electrotherapie | |
Hofman, M.B.M. | Prof. Dr. N. Westerhof | Dr. M Sprenger | Amsterdam (VU) | FYS | 21-12-94 | Blood flow measurements by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Application to human coronary arteries |
Dr. A. C. van Rossum | ||||||
Dr. F. C. Visser | ||||||
Hofman P.A.M. | Prof. Dr. J.Th. Wilmink | Dr. G.J. Kemerink | Maastricht | RAD | 18-05-00 | Brain imaging in mild traumatic brain injury and neuropsychiatric disorders: a quantitiative MRI study |
Prof. Dr. J. Jolles | ||||||
Hogeboom, W.R. | Prof. Dr. H. Schraffordt Koops | Groningen | HEE | 02-12-92 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of soft tissue, bone and non-seminomatous testicular tumors: MRI evaluation before and after therapy | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | ||||||
Hogewind, F. | Prof. Dr. J. Mulder | Leiden | IGK | 07-01-47 | Diagnostiek en prognose van ulcus pepticum | |
Hogewind-de Nijs, mw J.J. | Prof. Dr. S. Keijser | Groningen | RAD | 16-11-49 | Actinomycose | |
Hoksbergen, A.W.J. | Prof. Dr. D.A. Legemate | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 11-03-03 | Transcranial color-coded duplex ultrasonography of the circle of Willis. | |
Holland, mw A.E. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Nijmegen | RAD | 20-11-00 | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Angiography: aorta and coronary vessels. | |
Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F.W.A. Verheugt | ||||||
Holland, R. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Vooijs | Nijmegen | PAN | 20-06-84 | New aspects and pitfalls in the diagnosis of breast cancer | |
Hollander, M.W. den | Prof. Dr. J.A. Gietema | Groningen | IGK | 14-10-15 | Targeted therapy, molecular imaging and biomarkers in cancer treatment. Getting more personalized | |
Mw Prof. Dr. E.G.E. de Vries | ||||||
Hollander, mw N.S. den | Prof. Dr. J.D. Wladimiroff | Rotterdam | GYN | 16-01-02 | Sonographic assessment of normal and abnormal fetal development; early and late aspects | |
Prof. Dr. M.F. Niermeijer | ||||||
Holman, E.R. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 21-05-96 | Acute ischemic injury of the left ventricular myocardium; assessment and quantification of static and dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Holscher, mw H.C. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 30-05-95 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging in monitoring preoperative chemotherapy in patients with osteogenic sarcoma: potential and limitations | |
Prof. Dr. F. Eulderink | ||||||
Holstvoogd, L. | Prof. Dr. I. Boerema | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 30-05-63 | Het distale ileum en de regulatie van de passage snelheid | |
Hoogbergen, M.M. | Prof. Dr. J.M.G. Kauer | Dr. W.J. Niessen | Nijmegen | ANE | 01-11-02 | Bone mineral density patterns representing the loading history of the wrist joint |
Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Spauwen | Dr. A.H. Schuurman | |||||
Hoogendam, I.J. | Prof. Dr. P.J. Kuijer | Groningen | HEE | 11-12-74 | Aangeboren vaatmisvormingen in de extremiteiten | |
Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman Sr | ||||||
Hoogendam, J.P. | Prof. Dr. R.H.M. Verheijen | Dr. R.P. Zweemer | Utrecht | GYN | 05-01-17 | Imaging in early stage cervical cancer |
Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. W.B. Veldhuis | |||||
Hoogendoorn, mw T. | Prof. Dr. W.M.C. van Aalderen | Dr. R.R. van Rijn | Amsterdam (UvA) | KGK | 09-05-14 | Forensic pediatric radiology. Studies in living and deceased children |
Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | ||||||
Hoogland, H.J. | Prof. Dr. J. de Haan | Nijmegen | GYN | 01-02-80 | Ultrasonographic aspects of the placenta | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Vooijs | ||||||
Hoop, B.J. de | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. H.A. Gietema | Utrecht | RAD | 25-05-10 | Lung cancer screening: radiological aspects |
Prof. Dr. J.W.J. Lammers | Dr. B. van Ginneken | |||||
Hoorntje, mw L.E. | Prof. Dr. I.H.M. Borel Rinkes | Utrecht | HEE | 07-10-03 | Nonpalpable breast lesions: challenges in diagnosis and treatment. | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Horeweg, mw N. | Prof. Dr. H.J. de Koning | Rotterdam | EPI | 25-11-14 | Lung cancer screening in the NELSON trial: balancing harms and benefits | |
Prof. Dr. H.C. Hoogsteden | ||||||
Horninge, H. | Prof. Dr. I. Boerema | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 23-02-56 | De waarde van de arthrografie van het kniegewricht voor het diagnosticeren van een meniscuslaesie | |
Horsch, A.D. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | Utrecht | RAD | 25-10-16 | CT perfusion assessment of treatment response and complications after acute ischemic stroke |
Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. J.W. Dankbaar | |||||
Horst, mw I.W.J.M. van der | Prof. Dr. D. Tibboel | Dr. I.K.M. Reiss | Rotterdam | NON | 21-05-10 | Congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
Horst, mw S.A.J. ter | Prof. Dr. F. J. Walther | Leiden | KGK | 12-06-08 | Oxidative stress in experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia | |
Horsthuis, mw K. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 27-06-08 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Crohn's disease | |
Prof. Drs. J.F.W.M. Bartelsman | ||||||
Hötte, H.H.A. | Prof. Dr. A. Hagedoorn | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 04-06-70 | Orbital fractures | |
Houven-van Oordt, mw C.W. van der | Prof. Dr. A.J. van der Eb | Leiden | MBL | 21-10-98 | X-ray induced carcinogenesis in Eu-PIM1 and APC1638N mice | |
Hoven, A.F. van den | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. M.S. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | RAD | 21-04-16 | Radioembolization of liver tumors |
Prof. Dr. M.G.E.H. Lam | ||||||
Hoynk van Papendrecht, A.A.G.M. | Prof. Dr. P.J. Klopper | Dr. G.A.A. Olthuis | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 24-01-85 | Collateral arterial circulation in the lower limb: an experimental study in the dog |
Huet, W.G. | Prof. Dr. C. Winkler | Amsterdam (UvA) | NON | 6-7-1898 | De gevolgen der extirpatie van het ganglion colli supremum nervi sympathici voor het centrale zenuwstelsel | |
Huisman, A.B. | Prof. Drs. P.W. Boer | Dr. A.J. Salomé | Groningen | NON | 31-01-79 | Morfologie van de vrouwelijke urethra |
Prof. Dr. P.J. Donker | ||||||
Huisman, mw M. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. H.M. Verkooijen | Utrecht | RAD | 16-12-14 | MR-HIFU for treatment of painful bone metastases. |
Prof. Dr. M. van Vulpen | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | |||||
Huitink, J.M. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. F.C. Visser | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 29-11-95 | Myocardial viability. Feasibility and clinical relevance of planar Fluorine-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose imaging after myocardial infarction |
Dr. Ir. A. van Lingen | ||||||
Huizinga-Fischer, mw C.E. | Prof. Dr. B. Prahl-Andersen | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 11-11-02 | Hemifacial microsomia, a 3D-CT study | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. F.W. Zonneveld | ||||||
Hulsmans, F.J.H. | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tytgat | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 31-03-94 | Transrectal ultrasound; staging of rectal cancer and screening of villous adenomas | |
Prof. Dr. F.L.M. Peeters | ||||||
Hulst, mw A.E. van der | Prof. Dr. N.A. Blom | Leiden | CDL | 20-10-11 | Advanced echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance in congenital heart disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Hulst, mw H.E. | Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Amsterdam (VU) | ANE | 19-11-14 | Understanding cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis. Highlighting the thalamus, hippocampus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex | |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkof | ||||||
Prof. Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | ||||||
Hulst, V.P.M. van der | Prof. Dr. P.J. Klopper | Dr. D.W. Meijer | Amsterdam (UvA) | NON | 08-06-95 | 3-Dimensionale druk profilometrie van de anus sfincter: Ontwikkeling van een nieuwe methode |
Dr. W.H. Bemelman | ||||||
Hunink, mw M.G.M. | Prof. Dr. J. Lubsen | Rotterdam | EPI | 25-10-89 | Applications of decision analysis in diagnostic radiology | |
Hupperts, R.M.M. | Prof. Dr. J. Troost | Dr. J. Lodder | Maastricht | NEU | 24-06-94 | Clinically diagnosed borderzone infarction. Fact of fiction? |
Hupse, mw A.M.G | Prof. Dr. N. Karssemeijer | Nijmegen | MBV | 18-10-12 | Detection of malignant masses in breast cancer screening by computer assisted decision making | |
Hüpscher, D.N. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 10-06-64 | Ontlediging en dumping bij de maagresectie volgens Billroth II. Een röntgencinemayografisch onderzoek | |
Hussain, S.M. | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Rotterdam | RAD | 05-06-96 | Imaging of the anal sphincter complex | |
Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | ||||||
Hustinx, P.A. | Prof. Dr. H.J.Th.M. Haarman | Dr. P. Patka | Amsterdam (VU) | HEE | 24-06-94 | De proximale humerusfractuur bij volwassenen |
Huurman-Preda, mw A. | ||||||
zie: Preda, mw A. | ||||||
Huynh, K.H. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Groningen | NGK | 27-01-14 | Imaging neurophysiology of human sexuality using positron emission tomography | |
Huysmans, mw D.A.K.Ch.J.M. | Prof. Dr. F.H.M. Corstens | Dr. A.R.M.M. Hermus | Nijmegen | NGK | 23-02-95 | Radioiodine therapy for nodular goiter |
Prof. Dr. P.W.C. Kloppenborg | ||||||
Ibrahim, mw N.B. | Prof. Dr. P.F. van der Stelt | Dr. B.A. Hassan | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 21-03-14 | Assessment of trabecular bone microstructure using dental cone beam CT |
Iglesias del Sol, A. | Prof. Dr D.E. Grobbee | Dr. M.L. Bots | Rotterdam | EPI | 26-09-01 | Cardiovascular risk assessment using carotid ultrasonography: the Rotterdam Study |
Prof. Dr A. Hofman | Dr. J.C.M. Witteman | |||||
Ikink, mw M.E. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | Utrecht | RAD | 08-12-14 | Volumetric MR-HIFU ablation of uterine fibroids |
Prof. Dr. W.P.T.M. Mali | ||||||
Ikram, M.A. | Prof. Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Rotterdam | EPI | 25-03-09 | Determinants and outcomes of structural brain changes | |
Imhof, mw S.M. | Prof. Dr. K.E.W.P. Tan | Dr. M.Ph. Mourits | Amsterdam (VU) | OOG | 11-09-96 | Late effects of external beam radiotherapy in children with retinoblastoma. |
Prof. Dr. Ir. F.W. Zonneveld | Dr. P. Hofman | |||||
Intven, M.P.W. | Prof. Dr. M. van Vulpen | Dr. O. Reerink | Utrecht | RAT | 23-06-15 | Functional MR imaging for response prediction in rectal cancer treatment |
Dr. Ir. M.E.P. Philippens | ||||||
Isselt, J.W. van | Prof. Dr. C.J.M. Lips | Dr. J.M.H. de Klerk | Utrecht | NGK | 16-01-01 | Dosage assessment for radioiodine therapy in benign thyroid disorders |
Dr. A.P.G. van Gils | ||||||
Jaarsma, mw C.P.H.M. | Prof. Dr. H.J.G.M. Crijns | Dr. S. Schalla | Maastricht | CDL | 03-07-14 | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging of myocardial ischemia and infarction |
Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | ||||||
Jaarsma, W. | Prof. Dr. J.P. Roos | Dr. C.A. Visser | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 27-05-87 | Two dimensional echocardiographic risk stratification following acute myocardial infarction |
Jacobi-Postma, mw A.A. | Prof. Dr. M.J. Staal | Dr. Ir. H.L. Journee | Groningen | NCH | 23-11-09 | Parkinsonian rigidity. Analysis and quantification of EMG for use in stereotactic neurosurgery in Parkinson's disease |
Prof. Dr. K.L. Leenders | ||||||
Jacobs, mw M.J.G. | Prof. Dr. G.G. van Merode | Maastricht | LOM | 22-06-17 | Innovation in radiotherapy; going from good to better | |
Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | ||||||
Mw Prof. Dr. L. Boersma | ||||||
Jacobs, P.C.A. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | EPI | 02-02-10 | Vascular calcifications as prognostic markers of CVD events in chest CT | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Jager, G.J. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Nijmegen | RAD | 11-12-96 | Magnetic resonance in prostate cancer - clinical potentials |
Dr. G.O.N. Oosterhof | ||||||
Jager, J.J. | Prof. Dr. G.H. Blijham | Utrecht | IGK | 01-12-98 | Prevention, detection and treatment of locoregional recurrencies in breast cancer patients | |
Jager, P.L. | Prof. Dr. E.G.E. de Vries | Dr. D.A. Piers | Groningen | IGK | 31-01-00 | Tumor imaging using L-3-[123 I]iodo-alpha-methyl-tyrosine. |
Jagt, E.J. van der | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 07-04-82 | Radiodiagnostiek bij pancreascarcinoom en chronische pancreatitis | |
Prof. Dr. W. Veeger | ||||||
Jagt, M. van der | Prof. Dr. P.J. Koudstaal | Rotterdam | NEU | 07-06-06 | Intracranial aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage: Clinical studies on diagnosis and treatment | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.J. Avezaat | ||||||
Jairam, mw P.M. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. P.A. de Jong | Utrecht | EPI | 10-04-14 | To report or not to report... prognostically relevant incidental chest findings |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. H.M. Verkooijen | |||||
Janevski, B.K. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 06-05-82 | Angiography of the upper extremity | |
Janjic, mw J. | Prof. Dr. A.F.W. van der Steen | Rotterdam | CDL | 12-06-18 | Looking forward with minimally invasive ultrasound | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. N. de Jong | ||||||
Jansen, B.R.H. | Prof. Dr. B. van Linge | Rotterdam | ORT | 16-09-77 | Spondylo-discitis. Een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van haematogene ontsteking van de tussenwervelschijf | |
Jansen, C. | Prof. Dr. J. van Gijn | Utrecht | NEU | 19-04-94 | Monitoring of cerebral function during carotid endarterectomy with electroencephalography and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography. | |
Jansen, H.M.L. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Groningen | NGK | 29-04-98 | Clinical applications of Cobalt-radionuclides in neuro-imaging | |
Prof. Dr. J. Korf | ||||||
Jansen, M.C. | Prof. Dr. T.M. van Gulik | Dr. R. van Hillegersberg | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 24-11-08 | Local ablative therapies of malignant liver tumors |
Jansen, W. | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 03-07-80 | Combination of hyperthermia and radiation in the treatment of experimental tumours in mice | |
Jansma, J.M. | Prof. Dr. R.S. Kahn | Dr. N.F. Ramsey | Utrecht | NEU | 05-02-02 | Brain function and schizophrenia: functional MRI studies of information processing and cognitive deficits |
Janssen, A.G. | Prof. Dr. R.A. Manoliu | Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 18-02-00 | Diagnosis and treatment of epiphora due to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct system: A radiological study |
Janssen, J.H.A. | Prof. Dr. H.J.J. Wellens | Maastricht | CDL | 22-09-89 | Clinical application of video image processing in cardiac angiology | |
Prof. Dr. T. van der Werf | ||||||
Janssen, M.M.A. | Prof. Dr. R.M. Castelein | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | Utrecht | ORT | 26-08-11 | Human upright spinopelvic alignment and the etio-pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. Ir. K.L. Vincken | |||||
Janssen, mw N.N.Y. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J-J. Sonke | Dr. J.A. Nijkamp | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 13-09-18 | Navigating towards the unseen margins of non-palpable breast cancer |
Dr. M.J.T.F.D. Baas-Vrancken Peeters | ||||||
Janssens, J. | Prof. Dr. B.S. ten Berge | Groningen | GYN | 29-02-56 | Diagnostiek en behandeling van stress incontinence bij de vrouw | |
Jaspers, mw K. | Prof. Dr. A.P. Aldenkamp | Dr. Ir. W.H. Backes | Maastricht | NEU | 09-09-11 | MRI of the therapeutic neovascularization: morphology and function |
Dr. T. Leiner | ||||||
Jasperse, M.M.S. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. H. Vrenken | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 02-09-08 | MRI derived brain atrophy measures in MS |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | |||||
Jens, S. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. M.J.W. Koelemay | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 21-04-15 | Imaging of critical limb ischemia |
Prof. Dr. D.A. Legemate | Dr. S. Bipat | |||||
Jensch, S. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. A.D. Montauban van Swijndrecht | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 16-10-09 | CT colonography as surveillance technique for patients at increased risk for colorectal cancer |
Dr. S. Bipat | ||||||
Jesserun, W. | Prof. Dr. A.J.C. Huffstadt | Drs. B. Hillen | Groningen | PCH | 29-06-83 | Revision of the carpal tunnel syndrome (a Computed Tomography study) |
Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | Ir. F.W. Zonneveld | |||||
Jolles, W.H. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 16-01-17 | Onderzoekingen over den invloed van sommige physisch-chemische en vitale voorwaarden op het electrogram van het overlevende kikvorschhart | |
Jong, J.M.A. de | Prof. Dr. P. Thomas | Leiden | RAT | 15-05-85 | Hypothyreoïdie en bestraling in de hals voor hoofd-hals tumoren | |
Prof. Dr. D. Smeenk | ||||||
Jong, mw L.W. de | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 11-12-18 | Ventral striatal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease: exploring a potential new imaging marker for early dementia | |
Jong, M.C. de | Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Dr. P. de Graaf | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 24-11-17 | Epidemiology and imaging of retinoblastoma |
Prof. Dr. A.C. Moll | ||||||
Jong, M.C. de | Prof. Dr. M. Verheij | Prof. Dr. H.P.J. te Riele | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 05-12-17 | Predicting radioresistance in head and neck cancer |
Prof. Dr. M.W.M. van den Brekel | ||||||
Jong, P.A. de | Prof. Dr. J.C. de Jongste | Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens | Rotterdam | LOZ | 14-12-05 | Monitoring of cystic fibrosis lung disease using Computed Tomography |
Jong, mw S. de | Prof. Dr. M.A. Vos | Dr. M.F.A. Bierhuizen | Utrecht | FYS | 27-08-15 | Improved detection of cardiac fibrosis: biomarkers and novel imaging techniques |
Prof. Dr. H.V.M. van Rijen | ||||||
Jong, W. de | Prof. Dr. A. Zwaveling | Leiden | HEE | 02-05-79 | Bevolkingsonderzoek op borstkanker in Leiden 1975 | |
Jongejan, mw H.Th.M. | Prof. Dr. J.C. Molenaar | Dr. A.P. Provoost | Rotterdam | KGK | 30-06-88 | Age-related differences in renal side-effects of radiation and chemotherapy in the rat |
Jongen, mw L.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. H.B. van der Worp | Utrecht | RAD | 02-09-10 | Cerebral perfusion and cerebral ischemia in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis |
Jonkhoff, A.R. | Prof. Dr. M.M.A.C. Langenhuijsen | Dr. P.C. Huijgens | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 24-11-95 | Therapeutic potential of 67-Gallium in haematological malignancies |
Dr. G.J.J. Teule | ||||||
Joosen, I.A.P.G. | Prof. Dr. L. Hofstra | Dr. B.L.J.H. Kietselaer | Maastrcht | CDL | 20-11-13 | Risk stratification in coronary artery disease. The role of (bio)markers and coronary CT-angiography |
Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | Dr. M. Das | |||||
Joosten, F.B.M. | Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | Nijmegen | RAD | 08-12-95 | Aspects of imaging benign and malignant rectal and perirectal diseases | |
Prof. Dr. J.B.M.J. Jansen | ||||||
Jorna, mw F.H. | Prof. Dr. J.T.M. Plukker | Groningen | HEE | 20-03-13 | Diagnostic tools and risk identification in management of hyperparathyroidism | |
Prof. Dr. C.A. Stegeman | ||||||
Jong, I.J. de | Prof. Dr. H.J.A. Mensink | Groningen | URN | 22-01-03 | Positron Emission Tomography in urologic oncology: on the application of 11C-labeled radiopharmaceuticals in prostate and bladder cancer | |
Prof. Dr. W. Vaalburg | ||||||
Jonkman, L.E. | Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Dr. M. Inglese | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 17-02-16 | Visualizing and characterizing tissue abnormalities in multiple sclerosis. A translational approach |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Jorritsma, W. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Groningen | RAD | 16-03-16 | Human-computer interaction in radiology | |
Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | ||||||
Juárez Orozco, L.E. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Dr. E. Alexánderson Rosas | Groningen | NGK | 17-01-17 | The integrative value of myocardial perfusion-function imaging with 13N-ammonia positron emission tomography |
Dr. R.H.J.A. Slart | ||||||
Juffermans, mw L.J.M. | Prof. Dr. W.J. Paulus | Dr. O. Kamp | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 06-04-09 | Ultrasound and microbubble-targeted delivery of drugs and genes. Cellular bioeffects and mechanisms |
Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Dr. R.J.P. Musters | |||||
Jukema, J.W. | Prof. Dr. A.V.G. Bruschke | Leiden | CDL | 29-05-96 | Angiographic coronary atherosclerosis trails: design, methodology, and results | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.H.C. Reiber | ||||||
Kaandorp, Th.A.M. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. H. J. Lamb | Leiden | RAD | 14-03-07 | Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance of myocardial viability |
Prof. Dr. J. J. Bax | ||||||
Prof. Dr. E. E. van der Wall | ||||||
Kaatee, R. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 17-12-97 | New radiologic techniques in detecting and treating renal artery stenosis | |
Prof. Dr. H.A. Koomans | ||||||
Kalkers, mw N.F. | Prof.Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. B.M. Uitdehaag | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 12-06-02 | New clinical and MRI outcome measures in multiple sclerosis |
Prof.Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Kalkman, H.J. | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 05-07-62 | Over GAMMA-encefalografie naar bet voorbeeld van Dr. Thérèse Planiol | |
Kamerling, J.W. | Prof. Dr. W.A. Kuenen | Leiden | IGK | 20-08-41 | De röntgenologische en klinische diagnostiek der herniae hiatus oesophagei | |
Kamp, O. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 13-05-92 | Transesophageal echocardiography in mitral egurgitation and coronary artery disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.P. Roos | ||||||
Kapusta, mw L. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.M. Thijssen | Dr. J. Groot-Loonen | Nijmegen | MFY | 03-12-02 | Tissue Doppler Imaging: echocardiographic assessment of anthracyclines cardiotoxicity in children |
Prof. Dr. O. Daniëls | ||||||
Karanasos, A. | Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra | Dr. E. Regar | Rotterdam | CDL | 12-01-16 | Innovations in the clinical use of OCT. Optical coherence tomography for guiding coronary interventions and assessing the vascular healing response after implantation of intravascular devices |
Karas, G.B. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 19-06-08 | MRI patterns of cerebral atrophy in dementia |
Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | |||||
Kardaun, J.W.P.F. | Prof. Dr. R. Braakman | Rotterdam | NCH | 28-03-90 | Contributions to a rational diagnosis and treatment of lumbar disk herniation | |
Karim, A.B.M.F. | Prof. Dr. P.J.L. Scholte | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 01-12-77 | A clinical review on dose response in radiotherapy for laryngeal carcinoma | |
Prof. Dr. G.B. Snow | ||||||
Karmann-Sailer, mw A.-M.H. | Prof. Dr. G.W.H. Schurink | Dr. C.R.L. Jeukens | Maastricht | RAD | 14-12-16 | Multimodel image fusion in endovascular complex aortic aneurysm repair |
Prof. Dr. M.W. de Haan | ||||||
Kasius, mw K.M. | Prof. Dr. H.C. Weinstein | Dr. J. Meulstee | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 05-11-15 | Diagnostic considerations in carpal tunnel syndrome |
Dr. W.I.M. Verhagen | ||||||
Kastelein, A. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 17-09-63 | De klinische betekenis van het röntgenologische aangetoonde defecte cardia mechanisme | |
Kate, D.F. ten | Prof. Dr. J.M.W. Hazes | Dr. J.J. Luime | Rotterdam | REU | 08-04-15 | Ultrasound in rheumatology. Fundamental background and clinical applications |
Dr. J.W.G. Jacobs | ||||||
Kate, mw M. ten | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. P.J. Visser | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 13-09-18 | Neuroimaging in predementia Alzheimer's disease |
Prof. Dr. P. Scheltens | Dr. B.M. Tijms | |||||
Kate, mw M. ten | Prof. Dr. J. Jeekel | Rotterdam | NON | 19-01-07 | The influence of surgery on the development of distant tumour recurrence | |
Dr. C.H.J. van Eijck | ||||||
Kaufmann, B.A. | Mw Prof. Dr. H.P. Brunner-La Rocca | Dr. V.P.R. van Empel | Maastricht | CDL | 11-03-16 | Echocardiography - modern evaluation of cardiac structure and function |
Kayser, H.W.M. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 20-02-03 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of arrhythmogenic right ventricular disease | |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | ||||||
Keessen, W. | Prof. Dr. A. Crowe | Dr. Th.W. Beeker | Utrecht | MFY | 12-01-88 | Stiffness properties of the lumbosacral joint in the sagittale plane: a radiological in-vivo assessment |
Prof. Dr. S. Sijbrandij | ||||||
Keet Jr, A.D. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 25-06-52 | The diagnosis of gastric mucosal prolapse with emphasis on the radiological features | |
Keijer, J.T. | Prof.dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. A. C. van Rossum | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 06-11-96 | First-pass Magnetic Resonance Imaging of myocardial perfusion: A quantitative approach |
Dr. Ir. M.J. van Eenige | ||||||
Keijser, A.H. | Prof. Dr. D.W. van Bekkum | Rotterdam | IGK | 17-06-70 | Het effect van gefractioneerde röntgenbestraling op hart en aorta | |
Keijser, S. | Prof. Dr. H.T. Deelman | Groningen | PAN | 26-10-34 | Tumorvorming door 1:2:5:6-dibenzanthraceen | |
Keijser, S.P. | Prof. Dr. G.J. van der Plaats Sr | Groningen | RAD | 27-03-57 | Stralenbehandeling van "germinal tumors" van de testis | |
Keizer, B. de | Prof. Dr. C.J.M. Lips | Dr. P.P. van Rijk | Utrecht | IGK | 05-11-04 | Radioiodine in the management of differentiated thyroid cancer |
Dr. J.M.H. de Klerk | ||||||
Dr. P.M.J. Zelissen | ||||||
Kekelidze, mw M. | Prof. Dr. F. Todua | Tbilisi (Georgië) | RAD | 26-03-99 | Diagnostic imaging of retroperitoneal metastases of testicular tumors | |
Prof. Dr. D. Gotsadze | ||||||
Kemp, A. | Prof. Dr. W.G. Sillevis Smit | Utrecht | NEU | 15-12-64 | Brughoek-tumoren en hun differentiële diagnostiek | |
Kemp, W.J.M. van der | Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. D.W.J. Klomp | Utrecht | RAD | 12-09-14 | Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Breast Cancer |
Kempen-Harteveld, mw M.L. van | Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Dr. H. Struikmans | Utrecht | RAT | 04-12-07 | Optimization of total body irradiation: the match between (maximal) leukemic cell kill and (minimal) late effects |
Prof. Dr. E.M. Noordijk | ||||||
Dr. Ir. H.B. Kal | ||||||
Kerkhof, mw E.M. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Utrecht | RAT | 21-09-10 | The clinical rationale for MRI-guided radiotherapy : the dawn of a new era | |
Prof. Dr. B.W. Raaymakers | ||||||
Kerner, G.S.M.A. | Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Groen | Groningen | NGK | 11-05-16 | Imaging and clinical outcome of non-small cell lung cancer | |
Prof. Dr. J. Pruim | ||||||
Kersbergen, mw K.J. | Prof. Dr. L.S. de Vries | Dr. M.J.N.L. Benders | Utrecht | KGK | 24-03-15 | Longitudinal brain development in extremely pretem newborns |
Prof. Dr. M.A. Viergever | Dr. F. Groenendaal | |||||
Kerstens, H.C.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 09-06-89 | The influence of surgical and anatomical factors on the function of the temporomandibular joint | |
Kessel, mw C.S. van | Prof. Dr. R. van Hillegersberg | Dr. M.S. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | HEE | 25-10-12 | Optimization of imaging and treatment of patients with focal liver lesions |
Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | ||||||
Khalil, M.B. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Blankenstein | Amsterdam (VU) | BCH | 17-09-12 | Clinical significance of MRI and body fluid markers for disease progression in Multiple Sclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. F. Fazekas | ||||||
Khayum, M.A. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Groningen | NGK | 02-09-15 | PET imaging of brain sex steroid hormone receptors and the role of estrogen in depression | |
Prof. Dr. J.A. den Boer | ||||||
Kieft, G.J. | Prof. Dr. P.M. Rozing | Leiden | ORT | 12-10-88 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the shoulder | |
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | ||||||
Kiemeneij, F. | Prof. Dr. P.W. Serruys | Dr. H.W.M. Plokker | Rotterdam | CDL | 14-06-95 | Towards optimalization of clinical outcome after Palmaz Schatz coronary stent implantation |
Kienstra, G.E.M. | Prof. Dr. D.A. Bosch | Dr. C.C. Tijssen | Amsterdam (UvA) | NCH | 06-09-96 | Backpain in cancer patients: a clinical study with MRI. |
Prof. Dr. J.G.P. Tijssen | ||||||
Kiewiet, J.J.S. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Boermeester | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 27-01-16 | Diagnosis in acute abdominal pain and ongoing abdominal sepsis | |
Kilsdonk, mw I.D. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. P.J.W. Pouwels | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 05-02-16 | Looking through the macroscope: 7 Tesla MRI in multiple sclerosis |
Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Dr. M.P. Wattjes | |||||
Kingma, L.M. | Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | Groningen | RAD | 07-01-81 | Geschematiseerde röntgendiagnostiek in het acute stadium bij een stomp borst- en/of buikletsel | |
Prof. Drs. B. Binnendijk | ||||||
Kirkels, J.H. | Prof. Dr. T.J.C. Ruigrok | Dr. C.J.A. van Echteld | Utrecht | CDL | 24-10-89 | NMR studies of myocardial energy metabolism and ionic homeostatis during ischemia and reperfusion |
Prof. Dr. F.L. Meijler | ||||||
Kirschbaum, mw S.W.M. | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Dr. R.J.M. van Geuns | Rotterdam | CDL | 20-05-11 | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in ischemic heart disease |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Klazen, mw C.A.H. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. P.N.M. Lohle | Utrecht | RAD | 12-11-10 | Treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures |
Prof. Dr. J. de Vries | Dr. H.J.J. Verhaar | |||||
Kleef, M. van | Prof. Dr. S. de Lange | Maastricht | ANT | 12-09-96 | Radiofrequency lesions of the dorsal root ganglion in the treatment of spinal pain | |
Prof. Dr. M.E. Sluijter | ||||||
Kleijn, S.A. | Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Dr. O. Kamp | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 04-07-12 | Novel aspects of left ventricular quantification with three-dimensional echocardiography. Validation and clinical applications |
Klein, mw W.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 16-09-03 | Perepheral arterial disease: diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. | |
Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | ||||||
KleinJan, H.G. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. F.W.B. van Leeuwen | Leiden | RAD | 08-03-18 | Image guided surgery: clinical validation of lesion identification technologies and exploration of nerve sparing approaches. |
Dr. R.A. Valdes Olmos | ||||||
Klerk, J.M.H. de | Prof. Dr. G.H. Blijham | Dr. P.P. van Rijk | Utrecht | IGK | 31-03-95 | Re-186-HEDP in treatment of metastatic bone disease: pharmacokinetics and toxicity |
Dr. B.A. Zonnenberg | ||||||
Klerkx, mw W.M. | Prof. Dr. A.P.M. Heintz | Dr. W.B. Veldhuis | Utrecht | GYN | 26-11-09 | MR Imaging of lymph nodes |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Peeters | ||||||
Klieverik-Sombekke, mw M.H. | ||||||
zie: Sombekke, mw M.H. | ||||||
Klijn, mw C.J.M. | Prof. Dr. L.J. Kappelle | Utrecht | NEU | 04-09-01 | Symptomatic carotid artery occlusion. The haemodynamic perspective | |
Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J. van Gijn | ||||||
Klinge, J. | Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | Dr. G.G. Geuskes | Utrecht | RAD | 15-12-87 | Renale dotterprocedures; resultaten, complicaties en follow-up bij 201 patiënten |
Prof. Dr. E.J. Dorhout Mees | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Klinkhamer, A.C. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 14-11-62 | Het vaststellen van aberrante arteriën in het mediastinum superius door middel van het oesophagogram | |
Klitsie, mw L.M. | Prof. Dr. N.A. Blom | Leiden | CDL | 09-01-14 | Tissue Doppler and speckle tracking strain echocardiography | |
Klokhuis, T.J.A. | Prof. Dr. Ir. N. de Jong | Rotterdam | RAD | 19-11-14 | StemBells. A novel stem cell delivery platform using microbubbles and ultrasound | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | ||||||
Prof. Dr. M. Versluis | ||||||
Klomp, mw M. | Prof. Dr. R.J. de Winter | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 20-01-12 | Evaluation of a novel stent technology: the Genous EPC capturing stent | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.M. de Vries | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J.G.P. Tijssen | ||||||
Klompenhouwer, mw E.G. | Mw Prof. Dr. V.C.G. Tjan-Heijnen | Dr. L.E.M. Duijm | Maastricht | RAD | 23-10-15 | Strategies for improvement of population-based breast cancer screening |
Dr. M.J. Broeders | ||||||
Dr. A. Voogd | ||||||
Klos T.V.S. | Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Huiskes | Dr. Ir. S.A. Banks | Nijmegen | 06-04-00 | Computer-assisted anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction | |
Prof. Dr. Med. D.M. Kohn | BMC | |||||
Knaap, mw M.S. van der | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Utrecht | RAD | 28-05-91 | Myelination and myelin disorders | |
Prof. Dr. J. Willemse | ||||||
Knoops, A.J.G. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. M.I. Geerlings | Utrecht | EPI | 24-06-10 | Determinants of hippocampal atrophy with arterial disease |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Knuttel, mw F.M. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. H.M. Verkooijen | Utrecht | RAD | 27-10-16 | Image-guided treatment of breast cancer: a patient-centered approach to minimally invasive therapy |
Dr. K.G.A. Gilhuijs | ||||||
Koch, J.W. | Prof. Dr. W. Bronkhorst | Utrecht | MFY | 16-03-54 | Angiocardiographie in de diagnostiek van longafwijkingen - Angiopneumographie | |
Kock, M.C.J.M. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Rotterdam | RAD | 24-01-07 | Diagnostic imaging of peripheral arterial disease with multi-detector row Computed | |
Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Tomography Angiography | |||||
Kockelkoren, R. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J.B. de Vis | Utrecht | RAD | 26-06-18 | Imaging of intracranial arterial calcification |
Prof. Dr. P.A. de Jong | ||||||
Koerselman, J. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. P.P.Th. de Jaegere | Utrecht | EPI | 17-11-04 | Coronary collaterals |
Prof. Dr. D.E. Grobbee | ||||||
Kogel, A.J. van der | Prof. Dr. G.W. Barendsen | Amsterdam (UvA) | MFY | 01-11-79 | Late effects of radiation on the spinal cord. Dose-effect relationships and pathogenesis | |
Kolk, mw A.G. van der | Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. J. Hendrikse | Utrecht | RAD | 22-04-14 | Intracranial vessel wall imaging at 7.0 tesla MRI |
Prof. Dr. W.P.T.M. Mali | Dr. Ir. J.J.M. Zwanenburg | |||||
Kok, F.Th.J.G.Th. | Dr. H.C.S. Wallenburg | Rotterdam | GYN | 08-06-77 | Ultrasone cervimetrie. Een onderzoek naar het gedrag van de cervix uteri tijdens de baring | |
Prof. Dr. A.C. Drogendijk Jr | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A. Versprille | ||||||
Kok, G. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 16-02-50 | Stralenbehandeling der halslymphknoop metastasen van maligne tumoren der lip, mondholte, tongbasis en tonsil | |
Kok, mw M. | Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | Dr. M. Das | Maastricht | RAD | 18-11-16 | Individual optimisation of contrast media application and radiation dose in Computed Tomographic Angiography; from phantom to patient |
Dr. B.L.J.H. Kietselaer | ||||||
Kok, Th. | Prof. Dr. M.J.H. Slooff | Groningen | HEE | 24-06-98 | Doppler ultrasound and other imaging modalities before and after liver transplantation | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | ||||||
Kok, W.E.M. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. R.J.G. Peters | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 07-09-01 | Intracoronary ultrasound evaluation of coronary artery morphology after PTCA; special emphasis on restenosis. |
Koleva-Kolarova, mw R.G. | Prof. Dr. G.H. de Bock | Groningen | EPI | 27-10-17 | Health technology assessment of imaging technologies for breast cancer screening and follow-up | |
Prof. Dr. E. Buskens | ||||||
Koning, O.H.J. | Prof. Dr. J.H. van Bockel | Dr. E.R. Valstar | Leiden | VCH | 25-06-09 | Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis to study dynamics and migration of stent-grafts |
Koning, W. | Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. D.W.J. Klomp | Utrecht | RAD | 21-10-14 | High field MRI: developments for carotid artery and brain perfusion imaging |
Dr. Ir. J.J.M. Zwanenburg | ||||||
Koning, H.J. de | Prof. Dr. P.J. van der Maas | Rotterdam | EPI | 09-06-93 | The effects and costs of breast cancer screening | |
Prof. Dr. J.A. van Dongen | ||||||
Konings, J.G. | Prof. Dr. H.K.L. Nielsen | Groningen | ORT | 18-04-90 | Chemonucleolysis: anatomical, radiological and clinical aspects | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | ||||||
Kooi, E.J. | Prof. Dr. P. van der Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | PAN | 30-01-13 | Grey matter pathology in multiple sclerosis. Histopathological, molecular biological and imaging studies | |
Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | ||||||
Kooij, mw B.J.M. van | Prof. Dr. L.S. de Vries | Dr. F. Groenendaal | Utrecht | KGK | 09-11-11 | MRI analysis and neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. M.J.N.L. Benders | |||||
Kooij, mw S.M. van der | Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. W.M. Ankum | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 19-09-13 | Uterine artery embolization: long term follow-up and implementation |
Prof. Dr. B.W.J. Mol | Dr. W.J.K. Hehenkamp | |||||
Koopal, S.A. | Prof. Dr. L.D. Eerland | Groningen | HEE | 15-12-65 | Het carcinoma renis en het nefroblastoom: diagnostiek en therapie | |
Kornaat, P.R. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. I. Watt | Leiden | RAD | 15-11-06 | Osteoarthritis in the knee cartilage MR imaging |
Dr. G. Kloppenburg | ||||||
Korstjens, mw C.M. | Prof. Dr. P.F. van der Stelt | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 01-06-95 | On image analysis of the radiographic trabecular bone architecture | |
Prof. Dr. B. Prahl-Andersen | ||||||
Prof. Dr. E.H. Burger | ||||||
Korte, Ph.J. de | Prof. Dr. F. Sturmans | Maastricht | EPI | 11-03-93 | Probability analysis in diagnosing coronary artery disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | ||||||
Korteweg, mw M.A. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. W. Veldhuis | Utrecht | RAD | 22-11-11 | High field MRI of axillary lymph nodes and breast cancer |
Dr. D. Klomp | ||||||
Korteweg, T. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 11-01-11 | MRI in multiple sclerosis: from diagnosis to prognosis |
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | ||||||
Kouwenhoven, J.W.M. | Prof. Dr. R.M. Castelein | Utrecht | KGK | 21-06-07 | The role of intrinsic spinal mechanisms in the pathogenesis of adolescent ideopatic scoliosis | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Kraaijenhagen, H.A. | Prof. Dr. W.A.M. van der Kwast | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 20-12-74 | Diagnostiek van speekselklierafwijkingen; met nadruk op het grafisch onderzoek | |
Krabbe-Hartkamp, mw M.J. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. van der Grond | Utrecht | RAD | 16-06-99 | MR angiographic investigation of the circle of Willis |
Prof. Dr. B. Hillen | ||||||
Krajenbrink, T.G.A. | Prof. Dr. J.M.H. Dibbets | Maastricht | THK | 23-11-94 | Silhouette mandibular condyle on radiographs | |
Prof. Dr. J.Th. Wilmink | ||||||
Krak, mw N.C. | Prof. Dr. A.A.L. Lammertsma | Dr. J.J.M. van der Hoeven | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 16-11-09 | Response monitoring in advanced breast cancer using Positron Emission Tomography: methodological aspects |
Prof. Dr. O.S. Hoekstra | ||||||
Kranenburg, H.-J.C. | Prof. Dr. H.A.W. Hazewinkel | Dr. B.P. Meij | Utrecht | DGK | 11-10-12 | Spine research in companion animals |
Prof. Dr. W.J.A. Dhert | Dr. M.A. Tryfonidou | |||||
Kranenburg, M. van | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. O.C. Manintveld | Rotterdam | RAD | 10-11-17 | Application of quantitative MRI techniques in ischemic and congenital heart disease |
Prof. Dr. R.J.M. van Geuns | ||||||
Krauss, X.H. | Prof. Dr. A.V.G. Bruschke | Leiden | CDL | 23-01-92 | Spin-echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging in myocardial infarction | |
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | ||||||
Krekel, mw N.M.A. | Prof. Dr. S. Meijer | Dr. H.A.H. Winters | Amsterdam (VU) | PAN | 18-01-13 | Advances in breast cancer surgery: the decisive role of intraoperative ultrasound |
Dr. M.P. van den Tol | ||||||
Krenning, B.J. | Prof. Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. M.L. Geleijnse | Rotterdam | CDL | 28-11-07 | Quantitative three-dimensional echocardiography |
Prof. Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | ||||||
Krepel, V.M. | Prof. Dr. J.M. Greep | Dr. G.J. van Andel | Maastricht | HEE | 10-05-85 | Percutane transluminale angioplastiek van bekken- en beenarterien |
Erp, W.F.M. van | ||||||
Krestin, G.P. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. D.W. Behrenbeck | Keulen (D) | CDL | 13-03-84 | Clinical and hemodynamic results following multiple cardiac valve replacement | |
Krestin, G.P. (Habilitation) | Prof. Dr. G. Friedmann | Keulen (D) | RAD | 24-04-90 | Gradient-Echo-Sequences in MRI - Basic principles, image contrasts and clinical evaluation in disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands | |
Kriek, H.R. | Prof. Dr. G. den Otter | Amsterdam (VU) | HEE | 24-05-73 | Extracorporale irradiatie van het bloed. Een dierexperimenteel onderzoek | |
Prof. Dr. M. Vink | ||||||
Krijgsman, mw J.B. | Prof. Dr. E.D.A.M. Schretlen | Dr. G. Horsten | Nijmegen | KGK | 18-12-70 | Eendimensionale echo-encefalografie bij normale pasgeborenen en zuigelingen |
Krijne-Kubat, mw B. | Prof. Dr. J. Troost | Maastricht | NEU | 15-01-93 | Hemorrhagic infarction. A clinical, radiological and morphological study with special reference to cardioembolism | |
Prof. Dr. J.W. Arends | ||||||
Kroft, mw L.J.M. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. J. Doornbos | Leiden | RAD | 02-11-99 | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging: evaluation of blood pool contrast agents |
Kröner, mw A. | Prof. Dr. M.J. Schultz | Dr. P.E. Spronk | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 13-01-16 | Chest radiography in the critically ill |
Kröner, E.S.J. | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Leiden | CDL | 24-06-15 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of vessel wall morphology and function | |
Prof. Dr. H.J. Lamb | ||||||
Kroon, B.K. | Prof. Dr. S. Horenblas | Dr. O.E. Nieweg | Amsterdam (VU) | URN | 24-02-06 | Dynamic sentinel node biopsy in penile carcinoma |
Kroon, C.D. de | Prof. Dr. J.B.M.Z. Trimbos | Leiden | GYN | 17-06-04 | The diagnostic value of gynaecologic ultrasound | |
Kroon, H.M.J.A. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 21-06-94 | Radiologic aspects of neoplasms and tumor-like lesions of bone | |
Prof. Dr. R.O. van der Heul | ||||||
Kropman, R.F. | Prof. Drs. J. Zwartendijk | Leiden | URN | 11-05-94 | Evaluation of impotence : diagnosis and treatment of corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction | |
Kropveld, A. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 17-09-42 | De cascademaag en hare oorzaken | |
Kruchten, M. van | Mw Prof. Dr. G.A.P. Hospers | Groningen | IGN | 17-06-15 | Molecular imaging of estrogen receptors | |
Mw Prof. Dr. E.G.E. de Vries | ||||||
Kruit, M.Ch. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. L.J. Launer | Leiden | RAD | 20-01-10 | Migraine and brain lesions: data from the population-based CAMERA study |
Prof. Dr. M.D. Ferrari | ||||||
Krul, mw E.J.T. | Prof. Dr. G.J. Fleuren | Leiden | NON | 15-06-99 | Cervical carcinoma in Surinam and the Netherlands. A epidemiological and molecular genetic study | |
Prof. Dr. J.B.M.Z. Trimbos | ||||||
Kruse, mw J.J.C.M. | Prof. Dr. E.M. Noordijk | Leiden | RAT | 23-10-02 | Radiation-induced injury in the heart: histology, molecular mechanisms and modulation | |
Prof. Dr. J.W.H. Leer | ||||||
Kruyt, R.H. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 09-11-93 | Aspects of anorectal physiology and anorectal pathophysiology | |
Delemarre, J.B.V.M. | Prof. Dr. H.G. Gooszen | |||||
Kubben, P.L. | Prof. Dr. J.J. van Overbeeke | Dr. H. van Santbrink | Maastricht | NCH | 06-02-14 | Ultra low-field strength intraoperative MRI for glioblastoma surgery |
Kuijk, C. van | Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | Rotterdam | RAD | 05-06-91 | Evaluation of postprocessing dual-energy quantitative computed tomography | |
Kuijl, B. van der | Prof. Dr. G. Boering | Groningen | THK | 11-11-92 | Temporomandibular joint: evaluation of imaging techniques | |
Kuijpers, mw M.A.R. | Prof. Dr. S.J. Bergé | Dr. T.J.J. Maal | Nijmegen | THK | 16-11-18 | 3D imaging in patients with orofacial clefts |
Prof. Dr. C.E.L. Carels | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.S. Fudalej | ||||||
Kuijpers, Th.J.A. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 09-02-05 | Dobutamine stress Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the heart | |
Kuipers, R.A.J. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 03-04-52 | Het gebruik van radio-actief jodium, J131, voor de diagnostiek der schildklierdysfuncties | |
Kuipers, T. | ? | Leiden | RAT | 1972 | Carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Aspects of clinical oncology in patients referred for radiotherapy | |
Kun, J.E.M. van der | Prof. Dr. W.H. Brummelkamp | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 29-03-73 | Neurovasculaire compressie in het gebied van de schoudergordel en de nek | |
Kuo-Kim, mw W.Y. | Prof. Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens | Dr. M. de Bruijne | Rotterdam | KGK | 18-10-17 | Advanced pediatric chest Computed Tomography. Safe and standardized protocols and sensitive image analysis of cystic fibrosis lung disease |
Dr. Ir. M. van Straten | ||||||
Kusen, G.J. | Prof. Dr. J.W.A. Tjebbes | Utrecht | THK | 28-06-60 | Fracturen van de processus condylaris mandibulae | |
Kutty, Sh. | Prof. Dr. A.A.M. Wilde | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 18-05-16 | Modern echocardiography in pediatric righ heart assessment | |
Prof. Dr. N. Sreeram | ||||||
Kwa, V.I.H. | Prof. Dr. J. Stam | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 12-03-99 | Clinical and magnetic resonance observations in cerebral small-vessel disease | |
Kwee, R.M. | Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | Dr. M.E. Kooi | Maastricht | RAD | 13-12-10 | Imaging of carotid atherosclerosis |
Prof. Dr. W.H. Mess | Dr. R.J. van Oostenbrugge | |||||
Kwee, T.Ch. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. R.A.J. Nievelstein | Utrecht | RAD | 14-04-11 | New MRI techniques for staging malignant lymphoma |
Kwekkeboom, R.F.J. | Prof. Dr. W.J. Paulus | Dr. R.J.P. Musters | Amsterdam (VU) | FYS | 11-04-17 | Ultrasound triggered microbubble destruction for targeted delivery of miRNA-therapeutics |
Dr. J.P.G. Sluijter | ||||||
Dr. O. Kamp | ||||||
Laan, R.G.J.M. | Prof. Dr. L.B.A. van de Putte | Dr. P.L.C.M. van Riel | Nijmegen | REU | 19-11-92 | Bone mass in patients with rheumatoid arthritis |
Dr. Ir. J.J.Th.O. van Erning | ||||||
Laan, H.P. van der | Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | Groningen | RAT | 03-03-10 | Optimising CT guided radiotherapy for breast cancer | |
Laan, J. van der | Prof. Dr. A.M. van Leeuwen | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 17-06-76 | Hartinsufficiëntie bij het acute hartinfarct. Een vergelijking van een aantal diagnostische rnogelijkheden | |
Laan, M.J. van der | Prof. Dr. J.D. Blankensteijn | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | Utrecht | VCH | 22-03-07 | MRI-based assessment of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Laar, P.J. van | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. van der Grond | Utrecht | RAD | 04-09-07 | Cerebral perfusion territories |
Dr. J. Hendrikse | ||||||
Laarhoven, mw H.W.M. van | Prof. Dr. C.J.A. Punt | Nijmegen | IGK | 04-11-05 | Vascularization, oxygenation, and metabolism in colorectal cancer: implications for cytotoxic treatment | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Heerschap | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.J. van der Kogel | ||||||
Lahaye, M.J. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. G.L. Beets | Maastricht | RAD | 27-03-09 | MRI in rectal cancer: Prediction of the risk factors for a local recurrence |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | ||||||
Lakke, J.P.W.F. | Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | Groningen | NCH | 02-04-69 | Queckenstedt's test: electromanometric examination of CSF pressure on jugular compression and its clinical value | |
Prof. Dr. L. Penning | ||||||
Lalji, U.C. | Prof. Dr. J. Wildberger | Maastricht | RAD | 12-05-16 | Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography in clinical practice: results in a screening population | |
Mw Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | ||||||
Lam, M.G.E.H. | Prof. Dr. P.P. van Rijk | Dr. B.A. Zonnenberg | Utrecht | NGK | 24-06-09 | Improving radionuclide therapy in prostate cancer patients with metastatic bone pain |
Dr. J.M.H. de Klerk | ||||||
Lamb, H.J.L. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. J. Doornbos | Leiden | RAD | 24-06-98 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and phosphorus spectroscopy of the human heart |
Prof. Dr. A. van der Laarse | ||||||
Lamberts, H.B. | Prof. Dr. R. Brinkman | Groningen | FYS | 28-05-58 | Chemische bescherming tegen beschadigde bestraling, onderzocht aan enkele biologische reacties met zeer korte latenties | |
Lambregts, mw D.M.J. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. G.L. Beets | Maastricht | RAD | 08-05-13 | Organ saving treatment after chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer - MRI as a selection tool - |
Lameer, C. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 13-04-65 | Retroperitoneale lymfografie | |
Laméris, J.S. | Prof. Dr. J. Jeekel | Rotterdam | HEE | 14-10-87 | Echogeleide percutane drainage: toepassingen in het abdomen. Abcesdrainage, galblaasdrainage, galwegdrainage | |
Prof. Drs. K. Hoornstra | ||||||
Laméris, W. | Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | Dr. M.A. Boermeester | Amsterdam (UvA) | EPI | 28-05-10 | Diagnostic strategies for acute abdominal pain: the OPTIMA study |
Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | ||||||
Lamers, J.J.H. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 08-03-61 | De waarde van de eenvoudige röntgenografie der longvaten bij cardiologische patiënten | |
Lamers, R.J.S. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. G.J. Kemerink | Maastricht | RAD | 18-12-98 | Quantitative CT of the lungs: technical aspects and clinical studies |
Prof. Dr. E.F.M. Wouters | ||||||
Lammers, H.A.M.M. | Prof. Dr. H. Fehling | Straatsburg | GYN | 1904 | ? | |
Lampmann, L.E.H. | Prof. Dr. S.A. Duursma | Utrecht | IGK | 16-06-82 | Axial skeletal CT densitometry | |
Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | ||||||
Landman, G.H.M. | Prof. Dr. W.F.B. Brinkman | Nijmegen | KNO | 24-11-66 | Laryngografie en cinelaryngografie: de toepassing van contrastmiddelen in de röntgendiagnostiek van de larynx | |
Langerak, mw S.E. | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Leiden | CDL | 07-03-02 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of coronary artery bypass grafts | |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.B. Higgins | ||||||
Langezaal Jr, Ch.F.M. | Prof. Dr. A. Sikkel | Leiden | GYN | 06-07-71 | Echografie in de verloskunde | |
Lankeren, mw W. van | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. E.S. Gussenhoven | Rotterdam | RAD | 23-02-00 | Vascular interventions evaluated with intravascular ultrasound |
Lansberg, M.G. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 27-05-02 | Diffusion-weighted MRI in acute stroke | |
Prof. Dr. L.J. Kappelle | ||||||
Prof. G.W. Albers | ||||||
Laudij, mw J.A.M. | Prof. Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | Rotterdam | GYN | 15-11-00 | Doppler ultrasonography of the human fetal pulmonary circulation | |
Laurent-de Gast, mw A.N. | ||||||
zie: Gast, mw A.N. de | ||||||
Lazeron, R.H.C. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. S.A.R.B. Rombouts | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 03-07-06 | Functional and structural imaging in multiple sclerosis patients |
Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | ||||||
Leenders, K.L. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 07-11-86 | Movement disorders. A study with positron emission tomography | |
Leer, J.W.H. | Prof. Dr. P. Thomas | Leiden | RAT | 09-06-82 | Transversale tomografie en radiotherapie. Het gebruik van computertomografie en transversale analoge tomografie bij de radiotherapieplanning | |
Leersum, H.G.E. van | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 01-06-67 | Slokdarmkanker: een studie van een groep radiologisch behandelde patiënten | |
Leertouwer, mw T.C. | Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Dr. E.J. Gussenhoven | Rotterdam | RAD | 21-06-00 | Stent placement for renal artery stenosis: functional aspects and morphologic intravascular ultrasound parameters that define clinical success |
Prof. Dr. M.A.D.H. Schalekamp | ||||||
Leeuw, H.F. de | Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Rotterdam | EPI | 10-03-99 | Determinants of cerebral white matter lesions: a longitudinal population based MRI study |
Prof. Dr. J. van Gijn | ||||||
Leeuwen, C.M. van | Prof. Dr. C.R.N. Rasch | Dr. H.P. Kok | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 04-07-18 | Biological modeling of thermoradiotherapy |
Prof. Dr. L.J.A. Stalpers | Dr. J. Crezée | |||||
Leeuwen, D.J. van | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tydgat | Dr. R. Grijm | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 22-09-88 | The pathophysiology of the pre-cirrhotic portal hypertension |
Leeuwen, M.S. van | Prof. Dr. M.A.M. Feldberg | Utrecht | RAD | 14-12-94 | Triphasic spiral CT of the liver and three-dimensional liver imaging | |
Leeuwenburgh, B.P.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Baan | Dr. P. Steendijk | Leiden | NON | 22-10-03 | Chronic pressure overload of the right ventricle |
Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing | ||||||
Leeuwenburgh, mw M.M.N. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 07-02-14 | MRI in suspected appendicitis | |
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | ||||||
Prof. Dr. M.A. Boermeester | ||||||
Leferink, V.J.M. | Prof. Dr. H.J. ten Duis | Groningen | HEE | 27-11-02 | Thoracolumbar spinal fractures: aspects of epidemiology, classification, radiological results, and functional outcome | |
Legemate, D.A. | Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | Utrecht | VCH | 17-12-91 | Duplex scanning of aortoiliac and femoropopliteal arteries | |
Prof. Dr. Th. Théodoridès | ||||||
Leijser, mw L.M. | Prof. Dr. F.J. Walther | Dr. G. van Wezel-Meijler | Leiden | KGK | 14-10-09 | Imaging the preterm infant's brain |
Leiner, T. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. J.H.M. Tordoir | Maastricht | RAD | 14-03-02 | Optimization and clinical utility of peripheral MR Angiography |
Prof. Dr. P.J.E.H.M. Kitslaar | ||||||
Lekkerkerker, mw S.J. | Prof. Dr. P. Fockens | Dr. J.E. van Hooft | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 11-01-17 | Improvement of diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases |
Dr. M.G.H. Besselink | ||||||
Lely, J.W. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 05-03-18 | De invloed van radio-actieve stoffen en vrije bestraling op den vagus van het hart | |
Lemmens, J.A.M. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Nijmegen | RAD | 16-10-87 | Analyse van de radiologische veranderingen rond de totale heupprothese volgens Charnley-Müller | |
Prof. Dr. T.J.J.H. Slooff | ||||||
Lens, E. | Prof. Dr. C.R.N. Rasch | Dr. A. Bel | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 02-06-17 | Respiratory motion management for radiotherapy of pancreatic cancer patients |
Dr. G. van Tienhoven | ||||||
Lensing, A.W.A. | Prof. Dr. J.W. ten Cate | Dr H.R. Büller | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 10-05-90 | Deep-vein thrombosis: diagnosis and risk factors |
Lequin, M.H. | Prof. Dr. M. Maradji | Dr. C. van Kuijk | Rotterdam | RAD | 04-10-00 | Tibial ultrasonometry in children |
Letteboer, mw M.M.J. | Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. W.J. Niessen | Utrecht | MBV | 21-09-04 | Intraoperative 3D ultrasonography for image-guided neurosurgery |
Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | ||||||
Leusink, F.K.J. | Prof. Dr. P.J. van Diest | Utrecht | PAN | 31-01-17 | Molecular markers for diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma | |
Prof. Dr. R. Koole | ||||||
Levie, mw B. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 20-04-37 | Over kwaadaardige pharynxgezwellen, mede in verband met de moderne stralentherapie | |
Liauw, mw L. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 19-03-09 | MRI in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury | |
Lie, (K).T.A. | Prof. Dr. W. Noordenbos | Amsterdam (UvA) | NCH | 25-04-68 | Congenital anomalies of the carotid arteries | |
Liedenbaum, mw M.H. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. E. Dekker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 20-04-10 | CT colonography in faecal occult blood test positives |
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | Dr. S. Bipat | |||||
Liem, M.K.-Y. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 09-11-11 | Disease progression and high field MRI in CADASIL | |
Prof. Dr. M.D. Ferrari | ||||||
Liem, mw Y.S. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. W.C. Winkelmayer | Rotterdam | RAD | 18-06-08 | Modeling outcome of patients on renal replacement therapy |
Prof. Dr. J.B. Wong | Dr. J.L. Bosch | |||||
Lienden, K.P. van | Prof. Dr. T.M. van Gulik | Dr. O.M. van Delden | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 07-12-12 | Radiological aspects of portal vein embolization |
Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | ||||||
Ligtvoet-Gussenhoven, mw W.J. zie Gussenhoven, mw W.J. | ||||||
Lima Gomes de Menezes, mw G. de | Prof. Dr. R.M. Pijnappel | Dr. W.B. Veldhuis | Utrecht | RAD | 16-11-17 | Novel imaging strategies in breast cancer patients |
Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | ||||||
Limantoro, mw I. | Prof. Dr. H.J.G.M. Crijns | Dr. C.B. de Vos | Maastricht | CDL | 07-09-17 | Echo-cardiographic imaging in atrial fibrillation |
Prof. Dr. T. Delhaas | Dr. B. Weijs | |||||
Limburg, D. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 28-10-59 | Enteritis regionalis: een klinische en radiologische studie van 100 gevallen | |
Lind van Wijngaarden, F.O. de | Prof. Dr. P. Wittebol | Utrecht | HEE | 07-10-75 | Fracturae acetabuli | |
Lindeboom, G.A. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 28-05-30 | Encephalographie | |
Linden, E. van der | Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Prof. Dr. L.J. Schultze Kool | Rotterdam | RAD | 07-10-11 | Percutaneous treatment of peripheral vascular malformations |
Prof. Dr. H.A.M. Neumann | Dr. L.J. Kroft | |||||
Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Verhagen | ||||||
Linden, F.P.G.M. van der | Prof. K.G. Bijlstra | Groningen | THK | 14-10-59 | De aangezichtsschedel bij kinderen van 7 tot 11 jaar: een longitudinaal röntgencefalometrisch onderzoek | |
Linden, mw Y.M. van der | Prof. Dr. E.M. Noordijk | Leiden | RAT | 11-05-05 | Radiotherapy in bone metastases | |
Prof. Dr. J.W.H. Leer | ||||||
Linthorst, M.F.G. | Prof. Dr. Ing. G.C. van Rhoon | Dr. J. van der Zee | Rotterdam | RAT | 20-12-16 | Superficial hyperthermia for the treatment of breast cancer recurrence |
Lips, J. | Prof. Dr. C.J. Kalkman | Dr. P. de Haan | Amsterdam (UvA) | NON | 12-06-02 | Experimental spinal cord ischemia: detection and protection |
Prof. Dr. M.J.H.M. Jacobs | ||||||
Litjens, G.J.S. | Prof. Dr. N. Karssemeijer | Dr. H.J. Huisman | Nijmegen | MBV | 23-01-15 | Computerized detection of cancer in multi-parametric prostate MRI |
Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | ||||||
Littooij, mw A.S. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. R.A.J. Nievelstein | Utrecht | RAD | 14-09-17 | Diffusion-weighted MRI in paediatric oncology: lymphoma and nephroblastoma |
Dr. Ø.E. Olsen | ||||||
Liu, Y. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 07-06-17 | When East meets West: Comparative studies between neuromyelitis optica and multiple sclerosis through multimodality MRI |
Dr. M.P. Wattjes | ||||||
Ljumanović, mw R. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Prof. Dr. O.S. Hoekstra | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 23-11-10 | Prognostic MRI parameters in laryngeal cancer and lymphatic metastasis |
Prof. Dr. C.R. Leemans | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | ||||||
Lobbes, M.B.I. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. M.E. Kooi | Maastricht | RAD | 23-09-09 | Non-invasive assessment of cardiovascular disease: a study of atherosclerotic lesions using biomarkers and MRI |
Prof. Dr. M.J.A.P. Daemen | Dr. S. Heeneman | |||||
Lodder, mw M.C. | Prof. Dr. B.A.C. Dijkmans | Dr. W.F. Lems | Amsterdam (VU) | REU | 31-03-04 | Osteoporosis in rheumatoid arthritis |
Lodder, W.L. | Prof. Dr. A.J.M. Balm | Dr. F.A. Pameijer | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 25-09-13 | Significance of radiologically determined prognostic factors for head and neck cancer |
Prof. Dr. B.F.A.M van der Laan | ||||||
Prof. Dr. M.W.M. Brekel | ||||||
Loeve, mw M. | Prof. Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens | Rotterdam | LOZ | 20-01-12 | Chest Computed Tomography in early and advanced cystic fibrosis lung disease. Optimizing protocols, image analysis and further validation | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Lohle, P.N.M. | Prof. Dr. K.G. Go | Groningen | NCH | 22-09-99 | On the pathogenesis of cysts accompanying brain tumors | |
Prof. Dr. J.Th. Wilmink | ||||||
Lokate, A.J.M. | Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Peeters | Dr. C.H. van Gils | Utrecht | EPI | 15-05-12 | Changes in mammographic density and breast cancer risk |
Loo, mw C.E. | Prof. Dr. S. Rodenhuis | Dr. K.G.A. Gilhuijs | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 28-09-16 | Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for monitoring response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | ||||||
Loon, R.B. van | Prof. Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Dr. G. Veen | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 26-11-15 | Clinical impact of viability guided angioplasty after acute myocardial infarction. The VIAMI trial |
Lorenzato, C.S. | Prof. Dr. C.T.W. Moonen | Dr. C. Bos | Utrecht | NGK | 06-06-17 | MRI monitoring of drug delivery using thermosensitive magnetolipsomes |
Louie, A.V. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 30-06-16 | Optimizing patient selection in stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for early stage NSCLC through comparative effectiveness research | |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Lubbers, D.D. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Dr. Th.J.A. Kuijpers | Groningen | RAD | 09-12-09 | MR perfusion in the detection of myocardial ischemia |
Ludwig, J.W. | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 11-12-69 | Coronariografie: de röntgenologische diagnostiek van de arteriae coronariae bij de mens | |
Lugt, A. van der | Prof. Dr. H. van Urk | Rotterdam | VCH | 18-12-96 | Intravascular ultrasound: validation and clinical application | |
Luijckx, G.-J.R. | Prof. Dr. J. Troost | Dr. J. Lodder | Maastricht | NEU | 22-12-95 | Lacunar brain infarcts: a clinical and pathogenetical study |
Dr. J. Boiten | ||||||
Luijkx, T. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | Utrecht | RAD | 09-03-12 | Cardiac MRI in athletes |
Dr. M.J.M. Cramer | ||||||
Luit, mw P.A. van | Prof. Dr. H.J. de Koning | Dr. E.A.M. Heijnsdijk | Rotterdam | EPI | 29-11-16 | Overdiagnosis in the Dutch and Norwegian breast cancer screening program |
Luites, mw W.J.H. | Prof. Dr. Ir. N.J.J. Verdonschot | Dr. A.B. Wymenga | Nijmegen | BMC | 22-04-16 | Innovations in femoral tunnel positioning for anatomic ACL reconstruction |
Lupotti, F.A. | Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Bom | Rotterdam | RAD | 11-07-02 | Quantitative blood flow as assessed by intravascular ultrasound | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | ||||||
Lussanet de la Sablonière, Q.G. de | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Maastricht | |||
Dr. Ir. W.H. Backes | ||||||
Lustermans, F.A.T.W.B.H. | Prof. Dr. J. Gerbrandy | Rotterdam | IGK | 16-12-77 | Sonografie van nieren en andere buikorganen. Een klinisch en experimenteel onderzoek van 500 patiënten | |
Lutkenhaus, mw L.J. | Prof. Dr. C.R.N. Rasch | Dr. A. Bel | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 11-11-16 | Potential benefit and clinical implementation of adaptive radiotherapy |
Dr. M.C.C.M. Hulshof | ||||||
Luyendijk, W.L. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 12-04-62 | Canalografie: Röntgenologisch onderzoek van de peridurale ruimte in het lumbosacrale deel van het wervelkanaal | |
Lycklama à Nijeholt, G.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Dr. F. Barkhof | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 30-06-00 | Spinal cord Magnetic Resonance Imaging in multiple sclerosis |
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. J.A. Castelijns | |||||
Lycklama à Nijeholt, H.J. | Prof. Dr. T. Zaaijer | Leiden | ANE | jan-00 | De onderlinge verhouding der beenderen van den voorarm en van den handwortel bij verschillende standen van de hand | |
Maas, mw F. | Mw Prof. Dr. H. Bootsma | Dr. A. Spoorenberg | Groningen | REU | 08-03-17 | Clinical and spinal radiographic outcome in axial spondyloarthritis |
Mw Dr. S. Arends | ||||||
Maas, M | Prof. Dr. G.J. den Heeten | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 19-06-02 | Clinical applications of Dixon chemical shift MR imaging: Morbus Gaucher, Morbus Hansen | |
Prof. Dr. W.R. Faber | ||||||
Maas, mw M. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. G.L. Beets | Maastricht | RAD | 08-05-13 | Rectal cancer: are we ready for a paradigm shift? |
Dr. P.J. Nelemans | ||||||
Maas, A.H.M. van der | Prof. Dr. G.M. San Giorgi | Nijmegen | ORT | 27-06-68 | Femur kop necrose na mediale collumfracturen met accent op de vroegdiagnostiek | |
Maas, A.P.C. van der | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 05-02-74 | J131-fibrinogeen klinisch onderzoek bij normalen en bij patiënten met veneuze thrombose | |
Maatman, mw G. | Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | Utrecht | RAD | 09-09-86 | High resolution Computed Tomography of the paranasal sinus, pharynx and related regions | |
Prof. Dr. L.A. Ravasz | ||||||
Machado, P.M.M.C. | Prof. Dr. D.M.F.M. van der Heijde | Leiden | REU | 18-10-16 | Health and imaging outcomes in axial spondyloarthritis | |
Prof. Dr. R.B.M. Landewé | ||||||
Maccioni, mw F. | Prof. Dr. A. Signore | Groningen | NGK | 13-05-13 | Evaluation of Crohn's disease activity: an integrated imaging approach | |
Prof. Pr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Madlener, M.M. | Prof. Dr. J.G.G. Borst | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 31-05-51 | Galblaasziekten, een balans van zeven jaren interne diagnostiek en chirurgische therapie | |
Maenhout, mw M.J.G. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. J.R.N. van der Voort van Zyp | Utrecht | RAD | 08-11-17 | Focal MRI-guided brachytherapy for prostate cancer |
Dr. Ir. M.A. Moerland | ||||||
Maes, H.J. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. W. Hagen | Bonn | NON | 1955 | Das Selfkantgebiet NW von Aachen. Medizinische Demographie | |
Maes, R.M. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. F. Wacker | Berlijn (Charité) | RAD | 18-06-09 | Experimentelle Kernspintomografische Verfahren zur Anwendung von Kontrastmitteln in MR-Angiographie und MR-Arthrographie | |
Magro, M. | Prof. Dr. P.W.J.C. Serruys | Rotterdam | CDL | 20-01-15 | Percutaneous coronary interventions in stable and acute coronary syndromes - stent technology, lesion complexity and clinical outcome | |
Prof. Dr. R.J.M. van Geuns | ||||||
Maijers, mw M.C. | Prof. Dr. M.J.P.F. Ritt | Dr. F.B. Niessen | Amsterdam (VU) | PCH | 16-05-14 | Safety & imaging of modern silicone breast implants. The PIP recoil placed in perspective |
Dr. P.W.B. Nanayakkara | ||||||
Majoie, C.B.L.M. | Prof. Dr. D.A. Bosch | Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 08-10-98 | MR Imaging of the trigeminal nerve |
Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Dr. F.J.H. Hulsmans | |||||
Majoie, H.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.T. Wilmink | Dr. M.W. Berfelo | Maastricht | RAD | 03-12-98 | Conventional roentgenograms of the cervical spine in anteflexion and retroflexion; a new method to optimize their clinical significance |
Prof. Dr. P.A. van den Brandt | ||||||
Majoor, M.H.J.M. | Prof. Dr. E.H. Huizing | Dr. F. Gmelig-Meyling | Utrecht | KNO | 10-5-199' | Cogan's Syndrome. A clinical and experimental study |
Prof. Dr. F.W.J. Albers | ||||||
Makris, N. | Prof. Dr. A.A. Lammertsma | Dr. Ir. M.C. Huisman | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 16-06-15 | Quantitative PET/CT imaging and dosimetrie op 89Zr labeled compounds |
Prof. Dr. R. Boellaard | ||||||
Mali, W.P.Th.M | Prof. Dr. B.L.R.A. Coolsaet | Utrecht | URN | 18-09-84 | The "Varicocele", a haemodynamic and spermatologic study | |
Prof. Dr. J. Kremer | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.C. Klinkhamer | ||||||
Mameren, H. van | Prof. Dr. J. Drukker | Maastricht | ANE | 16-06-88 | Motion patterns in the cervical spine | |
Mammatas, L. | Prof. Dr. H.M.W. Verheul | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 01-12-16 | Measurement of tumor kinase inhibitor concentrations using PET imaging in patients with advanced solid malignancies | |
Mangnus, L. | Prof. Dr. A.H.M. van der Helm-van Mil | Leiden | REU | 26-10-17 | MRI in the earliest phases of RA | |
Prof. Dr. T.W.J. Huizinga | ||||||
Mann, R.M. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Nijmegen | RAD | 24-11-10 | The effectiveness of breast MRI in invasive lobular carcinoma | |
Prof. Dr. C. Boetes | ||||||
Mannaerts, H.F.J. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. O. Kamp | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 11-06-04 | Clinical applications of 3D echocardiography |
Manoliu, R.A. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 27-06-88 | Radiologic contribution to the diagnosis of infravesical obstruction in adult men. An urodynamic interpretation of the micturition cysto-urethrography | |
Mansour, M. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. H. Nägerl | Göttingen | NCH | 13-02-02 | Die biomechanische Funktion der Articulationes zygapophysiales der Lendenwirbelsäule | |
Prof. Dr. med. R. Putz | ||||||
Prof. Dr. med. B. Kummer | ||||||
Marijnen, mw C.A.M. | Prof. Dr. E.M. Noordijk | Leiden | RAT | 10-04-02 | Radiotherapy in rectal cancer | |
Marsan, mw N.A. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 03-11-11 | Incremental value of advanced cardiac imaging modalities for diagnosis and patient management. Focus on real-time three-dimensional echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging | |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Marsman, J.W.P. | Prof. Dr. D. Westra | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 24-11-83 | Venography and coil embolization of clinical and subclinical varicocele | |
Marsouvanidis, P.-I. | Prof. Dr. M. de Jong | Dr. B.A. Nock | Rotterdam | NGK | 17-12-14 | Radiopharmaceutical design for GRPR targeting in prostate cancer |
Dr. T. Maina-Nock | ||||||
Martijn, A. | Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | Groningen | RAD | 11-05-88 | Thoracale en lumbale wervelfracturen. Een evaluatie van conventionele röntgendiagnostiek | |
Prof. Drs. B. Binnendijk | ||||||
Massuger, L.F.A.G. | Prof. Dr. P. Kenemans | Nijmegen | GYN | 27-09-91 | Detection and localization of ovarian cancer with the monoclonal antibody OV-TL3 | |
Prof. Dr. F.H.M. Corstens | ||||||
Mast, T.P. | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Dr. M.J.M. Cramer | Utrecht | CDL | 02-02-17 | Echocardiographic deformation characteristics in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy |
Dr. A.J. Teske | ||||||
Mastrogiacomo, S. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Jansen | Dr. X.F. Walboomers | Nijmegen | THK | 19-04-18 | Pre-clinical imaging strategies for bone and dental restorative biomaterials |
Mattart, A.V.J. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 27-03-79 | Dynamisch longtransmissie onderzoek; een methode ter bepaling van regionale longvolumes | |
Prof. Dr. H. Deenstra | ||||||
Maur, G.A.P. in der | Prof. Dr. S.A. Duursma | Utrecht | IGK | 10-06-75 | Preoperatieve localisatie van vergrote bijschildklieren | |
Prof. Dr. A.C. Klinkhamer | ||||||
Mauritz, G.J. | Prof. Dr. A. Vonk Noordegraaf | Dr. J.T. Marcus | Amsterdam (VU) | LOZ | 19-12-11 | Insights into the progression of right ventricular failure in pulmonary arterial hypertension |
Maus, F.C. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 10-06-64 | Het intraveneuze nephrogram | |
Meeder, J.G. | Prof. Dr. K.I. Lie | Groningen | CDL | 26-03-97 | Myocardial perfusion imaging in coronary microvascular disorders. Studies with positron emission tomography | |
Prof. Dr. W. Vaalburg | ||||||
Meer, mw B.L. van | Mw Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra | Dr. M. Reijman | Rotterdam | HUI | 18-03-15 | Identification of early degenerative changes in the knee after anterior cruciate ligament rupture |
Dr. D.E. Meuffels | ||||||
Meer, M.P.A. van | Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. R.M. Dijkhuizen | Utrecht | MBV | 15-04-11 | Brain reorganization after experimental stroke: functional and structural MRI correlates |
Dr. J.W. Berkelbach van der Sprenkel | ||||||
Meer, S.B. van de | Prof. Dr. R.H. Kuijten | Dr. P.P. Forget | Maastricht | KGK | 14-03-91 | Recurrent abdominal pain in children |
Prof. Dr. J.W. Arends | ||||||
Meer, mw M.G. van der | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Dr. Y. Appelman | Utrecht | CDL | 17-06-15 | Gender differences in diagnosis & prognosis of coronary artery disease |
Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. H.M. Nathoe | |||||
Meer, R.W. van der | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. H.J. Lamb | Leiden | RAD | 20-11-08 | Myocardial steatosis and left ventricular function in type 2 diabetes mellitus assessed with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy |
Prof. Dr. J.W.A. Smit | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J.A. Romijn | ||||||
Meeuwis, mw C. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. R.M. Mann | Nijmegen | RAD | 27-09-11 | Computer aided detection and guided breast biopsies using 3T MRI |
Dr. H.N. van Hall | ||||||
Meihuizen, P.W. | Prof. Dr. Th. Mc Gillavry | Leiden | NON | 10-05-01 | Verslag der heelkundige kliniek van het Rijks-Academisch Ziekenhuis te Leiden, cursus 1898-1899 | |
Meij, A.V.M. | Prof. Dr. J.G. Remijnse | Utrecht | EPI | 15-04-47 | Periodiek röntgenologisch longonderzoek bij steenarbeiders der staatsmijnen 1936-1946 | |
Meijboom. E.J. | Prof.Dr. Ir. N. Bom | Rotterdam | MBV | 18-12-85 | Quatification of cardiac blood flow by Doppler technique | |
Prof. Dr. J. Roelandt | ||||||
Meijboom, mw L.J. | Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Mulder | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 13-09-05 | Cardiovascular complications in patients with Marfan syndrome | |
Meijboom, W.B. | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Rotterdam | CDL | 18-03-09 | Diagnostic performance of 64-slice CT coronary angiography | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Meijenhorst, G.C.H. | Prof. Dr. Wm.H.A.M. Penn | Nijmegen | RAD | 28-06-79 | Transfemoral epidural double-catheter venography in the diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation | |
Prof. Dr. H.A.D. Walder | ||||||
Meijer, F.J.A. | Prof. Dr. B.M. Góraj | Dr. Ir. M.M. Verbeek | Nijmegen | RAD | 23-06-15 | Clinical application of brain MRI in parkinsonism: from basic to advanced imaging |
Prof. Dr. B.R. Bloem | ||||||
Meijer, mw H.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.H.A.M. Kaanders | Dr. E.N.J.T. van Lin | Nijmegen | RAT | 28-05-13 | Magnetic Resonance lymphography and lymph node irradiation in prostate cancer |
Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | ||||||
Meijer, W.T. | Prof. Dr. A.W. Hoes | Rotterdam | EPI | 03-11-99 | Peripheral arterial disease in the elderly | |
Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | ||||||
Meijerink, M.R. | Prof. Dr. C. van Kuijk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 18-06-10 | Novel dynamic imaging methods and image-guided ablative therapies of metastatic liver disease | |
Meijers, F.S. (Doktorarbeit) | ? | Jena | NON | 1898 | Über das Vorkommen von Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus bei den sogenannten skrofulolösen Augenentzündungen | |
Meijers, mw K.A.E. | Prof. Dr. J.M.F. Landsmeer | Leiden | ANE | 19-10-61 | Een studie over de articulatie van de schouder | |
Meiners, mw L.C. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 25-04-97 | The role of MRI in drug-resistant epilepsy with special emphasis on mesial temporal sclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. C.W.M. van Veelen | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.C. van Huffelen | ||||||
Meltzer, R.S. | Prof. P.G. Hugenholtz | Rotterdam | CDL | 14-04-82 | Contrast echocardiography | |
Menning, mw S. | Prof. Dr. D.J. Veltman | Dr. M.B. de Ruiter | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 15-12-17 | Multimodal MR imaging in breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. S.B. Schagen | Mw Prof. Dr. L. Reneman | |||||
Menting, mw M.E. | Mw Prof. Dr. J.W. Roos-Hesselink | Dr. A.E. van den Bosch | Rotterdam | CDL | 10-05-16 | Adult congenital heart disease: Clinical outcome and novel echocardiographic techniques |
Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing | ||||||
Meppelink, mw A.M. | Prof. Dr. K.L. Leenders | Groningen | NEU | 13-04-11 | Visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease; clinical and fMRI studies | |
Meradji, M. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. J. Kimig | Hamburg | NON | 26-02-60 | Experimetelle Untersuchungen über die anti-pruginöse Wirkung von Antihistaminen an der menschlichen Haut | |
Merchant, Th.E. | Prof. Dr. W. den Otter | Dr. P.W. de Graaf | Utrecht | MBL | 25-02-92 | Characterization of human breast disease using phophorous Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and proton Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Prof. Dr. J.F.G. Vliegenthart | Dr. T. Glonek | |||||
Merckel, mw L.G. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | Utrecht | RAD | 28-10-14 | MRI-guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound of breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Mervennée, C.J. van | Prof. Dr. L Polak Daniëls | Groningen | FAR | 24-05-30 | Over de bestraling van het maligne granuloom | |
Met, mw R. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. M.J.W. Koelemay | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 26-03-10 | Diagnosis and treatment of critical limb ischæmia |
Prof. Dr. D.A. Legemate | Dr. S. Bipat | |||||
Mets, O.M. | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. P.A. de Jong | Utrecht | RAD | 16-10-12 | More than lung cancer: automated analysis of low-dose screening CT scans |
Prof. Dr. J.W.J. Lammers | Dr. P. Zanen | |||||
Mettau, J.W. | Prof. Dr. H.K.A. Visser | Rotterdam | KGK | 23-06-78 | Measurement of total body fat in low birth weigth infants | |
Metting, mw Z. | Prof. Dr. H.P.H. Kremer | Groningen | NEU | 11-02-13 | Advanced neuroimaging in mild traumatic brain injury | |
Meuwissen, S.G.M. | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tydgat | Mw. Dr. Th.M. Feltkamp-Vroom | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 24-03-77 | Crohn's disease. Clinical, immunological and genetic aspects |
Dr. P.Th.A. Schellekens | ||||||
Mieghem, C.A.G. van | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Dr. N.R.A. Mollet | Rotterdam | CDL | 21-01-09 | CT coronary angiography: validation and clinical implementation |
Prof. Dr. P.W.J.C. Serruys | ||||||
Miete, M. | Prof. Dr. J. Dankmeijer | Leiden | NON | 1960 | Enkele aspecten van de embryonale ontwikkeling van de menselijke maag | |
Minneboo, A. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 23-06-08 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging predictors for disability in multiple sclerosis |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | ||||||
Miranda, S.I. | Prof. Dr. M. Vink | Leiden | HEE | 01-03-67 | Percutane transhepatische cholangiografie | |
Miserus, R.J. | Prof. Dr. M.J.A.P. Daemen | Dr. S. Heeneman | Maastricht | PAN | 22-01-10 | Molecular imaging of atherosclerosis and thrombus formation |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. M.E. Kooi | |||||
Moelker, A. | Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Rotterdam | RAD | 30-06-04 | Evaluation of acoustic noise in Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Moerland, M.A. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Batterman | Dr. C.J.G. Bakker | Utrecht | RAT | 05-11-96 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Radiotherapy treatment planning |
Dr.ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | ||||||
Mol, J.M.F.A. | Prof. Dr. W. Storm van Leeuwen | Utrecht | NEU | 15-05-73 | Doppler-haematotachografisch onderzoek bij cerebrale circulatiestoornissen | |
Prof. Dr. L.H. van der Tweel | ||||||
Mollema, S.A. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 09-12-10 | Echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular function in ischemic heart disease | |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Möller, mw Ch. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 01-05-15 | Imaging patterns of tissue destruction. Towards a better discrimination between different types of dementia |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.M. van der Flier | ||||||
Mollet, N.R.A. | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Dr. F. Cademartiri | Rotterdam | CDL | 12-10-05 | Non-invasive coronary imaging with multislice Computed Tomography coronary angiography |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Moman, mw M.R. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. M. van Vulpen | Utrecht | RAD | 07-09-10 | Towards focal salvage therapy for prostate cancer recurrencies |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Batterman | Dr. U.A. van der Heide | |||||
Mombaerts, I.M.Ch.W. | Prof. Dr. L. Koornneef | Dr. R.O. Schlingemann | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 06-06-96 | Orbital pseudotumor |
Prof. Dr. L. Misotten | ||||||
Montauban van Swijndrecht, A.D. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 28-04-98 | An evaluation of the arterial vascular wall with B-mode ultrasound. The carotid artery | |
Monyé, W. de | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 20-03-03 | Pulmonary embolism: results of the Antelope study | |
Prof. Dr. A.E. Meinders | ||||||
Mooiweer, R. | Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. J.M. Hoogduin | Utrecht | RAD | 15-05-18 | Personalized 2D-selective RF excitation in high field MRI |
Dr.Ir. C.A.T. van den Berg | ||||||
Moojen, W.A. | Prof.dr. W.C. Peul | Leiden | NCH | 19-11-14 | Introducing new implants and imaging techniques for lumbar spinal stenosis | |
Mooren, mw K. van der | Prof. Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | Rotterdam | GYN | 18-03-92 | Doppler echocardiography in the human fetus | |
Moos, mw S.I. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. S. Bipat | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 09-01-15 | Contrast induced nephropathy following intravenous contrast enhanced Computed Tomography |
Mooyaart, E.L. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 02-07-86 | Computertomografie van de grote speekselklieren: een vergelijking met sialografie | |
Prof. Dr. A.K. Panders | ||||||
Prof. A. Vermey F.A.C.S. | ||||||
Moppes, F.I. van | Prof. Dr. J.M. Greep | Maastricht | HEE | 15-01-82 | Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of inversion trauma of the ankle joint | |
Hoogenband, C.R. van den | ||||||
Moraal, B. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 12-02-10 | 3D and subtraction MR imaging in multiple sclerosis: improved detection of spatiotemporal disease activity |
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | |||||
Moulijn, A.C. | Prof. Dr. W.J.H. Schmidt | Nijmegen | HEE | 12-10-73 | Over de waarde van Röntgendiagnostiek bij het galsteenlijden: een retrospectief onderzoek | |
Mourits, M.Ph. | Prof. Dr. L. Koornneef | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 12-12-90 | Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy | |
Prof. Dr. W.M. Wiersinga | ||||||
Movassaghi, B. | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Utrecht | CDL | 04-03-05 | 3D rotational X-ray coronography | |
Muijs, mw C.T. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | Groningen | RAT | 07-05-14 | The use of PET/CT in the radiotherapy treatment planning for esophageal cancer | |
Prof. Dr. J.T.M. Plukker | ||||||
Muinck Keizer, R.J.O. de | Prof. Dr. J.C. Goslings | Dr. N.W.L. Schep | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 27-06-17 | Imaging in fracture surgery |
Mw Prof. Dr. D. Eygendaal | ||||||
Mulder, J.D. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 04-12-68 | Radiologische aspecten van renovasculaire hypertensie | |
Mulder, Th.J. | Prof. Dr. J.M.F. Landsmeer | Leiden | ANE | 18-06-70 | Röntgencinematografie en draadreconstructie van de pols | |
Muller, J.W.Th. | Prof. Dr. A.C. Klinkhamer | Utrecht | RAD | 12-11-85 | Mammography in breastcancer screening | |
Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | ||||||
Muradin, G.S.R. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Rotterdam | RAD | 30-10-02 | Percutaneous treatment of peripheral artery disease | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Muramatsu, T. | Prof. Dr. P.W.J.C. Serruys | Dr. Y. Onuma | Rotterdam | CDL | 22-05-15 | Multimodality imaging and clinical implications of bioresorbable scaffolds in complex coronary artery disease |
Mutsaerts, H.J.M.M. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 26-03-15 | Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI. Inter-vendor reproducibility and clinical applicability |
Nab, H.W. | Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. J.W.W. Coebergh | Rotterdam | EPI | 15-03-95 | Trends in incidence and prognosis in female breast cancer since 1955. Registry-based studies in south-east Netherlands |
Nabuurs, R.J.A. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 28-05-14 | Molecular neuroimaging of Alzheimer's disease | |
Nakatani, S. | Prof. Dr. P.W.J.C. Serruys | Dr. Y. Onuma | Rotterdam | CDL | 23-05-16 | Validation and clinical application of novel coronary imaging methods to assess metallic or bioresorbable coronary stents |
Nauta, Z. | Prof. Dr. J.G.G. Borst | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 09-05-46 | Spontane caverneverdwijning | |
Nederend, J. | Prof.dr. J.W.W. Coebergh | Dr. L.E.M. Duijm | Rotterdam | EPI | 19-09-14 | Breast cancer detected and missed by screen-film and digital screening mammography. Studies on trends in classification and surgical treatment in the south of the Netherlands since 1997 |
Dr. A.C. Voogd | ||||||
Nederkoorn, P.J. | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | EPI | 14-06-02 | Non-invasive imaging of carotid artery stenosis | |
Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Neefjes, mw L.A.E. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Rotterdam | RAD | 04-06-13 | CT Coronary Angiography to detect coronary artery disease: low dose radiation in high risk individuals | |
Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | ||||||
Neyens, H.J.H. | Prof. Dr. A. Biemond | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 13-05-54 | De arteriografische diagnose en differentiaaldiagnose van de thrombose van de arteria cerebri media | |
Nielsen, mw J.M. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 23-02-12 | Diagnosis and early prognosis in multiple sclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Nielsen, mw K. | Prof. Dr. S. Meijer | Dr. M.P. van den Tol | Amsterdam (VU) | PAN | 17-04-15 | Ablative treatment and follow-up imaging of colorectal liver metastases; the search for optimal management continues |
Prof. Dr. E.F.I. Comans | Dr. M.R. Meijerink | |||||
Nieman, K. | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Rotterdam | CDL | 04-06-03 | Coronary spiral CT | |
Nierop, mw L.E. van | Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Kromhout | Dr. M.J.E. Van Zandvoort | Utrecht | DGK | 25-06-15 | The magnetized brain. Working mechanisms for the effects of MRI related magnetic fields on cognition, postural stability and oculo-motor function |
Prof. Dr. H. Kingma | Dr. P. Slottje | |||||
Niesten, J.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | Utrecht | RAD | 28-03-14 | CT-imaging in acute ischemic stroke: thrombus characterization and technique optimization |
Mw Dr. I.C. van der Schaaf | ||||||
Nieuwenhuis, mw E.J.C. | Prof. Dr. G.B. Snow | Dr. R.H. Brakenhoff | Amsterdam (VU) | KNO | 26-09-03 | Staging of the N0 neck in oral cancer patients by ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology: Is there a role for sentinel node identification and molecular diagnosis? |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Dr. R. Pijpers | |||||
Nieuwenhuis, L.L. | Prof. Dr. J.A.F. Huirne | Dr. W.J.K. Hehenkamp | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 21-11-17 | Three dimensional (3D) ultrasonography in uterine disorders |
Prof. Dr. H.A.M. Brölmann | Dr. W.M. van Baal | |||||
Nievelstein, J.Th.K.G. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 14-05-68 | De isodens techniek of fluidografie bij het röntgenonderzoek van de mamma | |
Nievelstein, R.A.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Dr. Chr. Vermeij-Keers | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 09-01-98 | The caudal regression syndrome and anorectal malformations. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and embryological studies |
Nieweg, O.E. | Prof. Dr. M.G. Woldring | Prof. Dr. H.J. Sluiter | Groningen | NGK | 01-06-83 | 57Co-Bleomycin scintigraphy and 55Co-Bleomycin positron emission tomography |
Prof. Dr. H.O. Nieweg | ||||||
Niezen R.A. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 16-11-99 | Evaluation of anatomy and function in congenital cardiovascular malformations using Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Prof. Dr. E. E. van der Wall | ||||||
Nijenhuis, R.J. | Prof. Dr. M.J.H.M. Jacobs | Dr. Ir. W.H. Backes | Maastricht | CTC | 22-06-07 | Non-invasive imaging of spinal cord blood supply |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | ||||||
Nijhof, M.W. | Prof. Dr. A.J. Verbout | Dr. W.J.A. Dhert | Utrecht | ORT | 22-05-01 | Musculoskeletal infections. Developments in diagnosis and treatment |
Dr. A. Fleer | ||||||
Nijhuis, R.L.G. | Prof. Dr. Th. Stijnen | Dr. J.C.M. Witteman | Rotterdam | EPI | 09-06-04 | Cardiovascular disease prevention strategies: a decision-analytic approach |
Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | ||||||
Nijkeuter, mw M. | Prof. Dr. A.E. Meinders | Dr. M.V. Huisman | Leiden | IGK | 07-06-07 | The diagnostic management of suspected pulmonary embolism |
Nijnatten, Th.J.A. van | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. M.L. Smidt | Maastricht | RAD | 21-12-17 | The enigma of lymph node staging in breast cancer. |
Dr. M.B.I. Lobbes | ||||||
Nijveldt, R. | Prof. Dr. A.Ch. van Rossum | Dr. M.B.M. Hofman | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 15-10-08 | Myocardial function and microvascular injury after percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction. Evaluation by cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. |
Nikken, J.J. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. A.Z. Ginai | Rotterdam | RAD | 01-10-03 | MRI for the initial evaluation of acute wrist, knee, and ankle trauma |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Nix, G.A.J.J. | Prof. Dr. J.H.P. Wilson | Rotterdam | IGK | 23-09-81 | Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography: an evaluation of ERCP in various pancreatic and biliary diseases | |
Prof. Dr. P.J. van Kuijk | ||||||
Noij, D.P. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 12-11-18 | Functional MRI in head and neck cancer. Potential applications, reproducibility, diagnostic and prognostic capacity | |
Prof. Dr. R. de Bree | ||||||
Noordijk, E.M. | Prof. Dr. P. Thomas | Leiden | RAT | 17-11-83 | Classificatie, stadiumindeling en radiotherapie van het bronchuscarcinoom | |
Noordzij, W. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Dr. R.H.J.A. Slart | Groningen | NGK | 29-04-15 | SPECT and PET in cardiac sympathetic innervation |
Noort, A. van | Prof. Dr. Ch. Van der Werken | Utrecht | HEE | 29-04-15 | SPECT and PET in cardiac sympathetic innervation | |
Notten, mw K.J.B. | Prof. Dr. R.F.P.M. Kruitwagen | Dr. M. Weemhoff | Maastricht | GYN | 21-05-15 | Translabial 3D ultrasound for diagnosing levator ani defects in women with pelvic organ prolapse |
Prof. Dr. J.P.W.R. Roovers | ||||||
Nout, E. | Prof. Dr. K.G.H. van der Wal | Dr. J.F. Veenland | Rotterdam | THK | 19-11-10 | On Le Fort III osteotomy |
Dr. E.B. Wolvius | ||||||
Nucifora, G. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 02-04-15 | Clinical applications of non-invasive imaging techniques in suspected coronary artery disease and in acute myocardial infarction | |
Nusman, mw C.M. | Prof. Dr. M. Maas | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 02-10-15 | Innovating imaging in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: an ongoing quest | |
Prof. Dr. T.W. Kuijpers | ||||||
Nysingh, J.G. | Prof. Dr. J.F. Nuboer | Utrecht | HEE | 19-01-60 | Zygomatico-maxillaire fracturen | |
Obdeijn, mw A.I.M. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Rotterdam | RAD | 15-12-15 | Breast MRI in high risk patients | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Obermann, W.R. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 12-09-91 | Radiology of carpal instability - a clinical and anatomical study | |
Prof. Dr. P.M. Rozing | ||||||
Odink, mw A.E. | Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. J.C.M. Witteman | Rotterdam | EPI | 17-01-07 | Epidemiologic studies on arterial calcification : The Rotterdam Study |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. A. van der Lugt | |||||
Odink, H.F. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 28-04-94 | Conventional and laser-assisted recanalization of femoropopliteal occlusions. | |
Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | ||||||
Oei, E.H.G. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. A.Z. Ginai | Rotterdam | RAD | 04-03-09 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging for traumatic knee injury |
Oei, H.L.D.W. | Prof. Dr. A.G. Uitterlinden | Dr. F. Rivadeneira | Rotterdam | EPI | 14-12-16 | Epidemiological, radiological and genetic aspects of endocrine bone diseases |
Oei, H.Y. | Prof. Dr. K. H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | ?-?-1981 | De betekenis van de renoscintigrafie voor de niertransplantatie | |
Prof. Dr. A. Struyvenberg | ||||||
Oepkes, D. | Prof. Dr. J. Bennebroek Gravenhorst | Dr. H.H.H. Kanhai | Leiden | GYN | 25-11-93 | Ultrasonography and Doppler in the management of red cell alloimmunized pregnancies |
Okker, J.J. | Prof. Dr. L.D. Eerland | Groningen | HEE | 30-05-42 | De behandeling van prostatisme met diathermie volgens Remijnse | |
Oldehinkel, mw M. | Prof. Dr. J.K. Buitelaar | Dr. M.J.J. Mennes | Nijmegen | NEU | 03-10-16 | Investigation of cortico-striatal network dysfunction in ADHD using applications of resting state fMRI |
Prof. Dr. C.F. Beckmann | ||||||
Öner, F.C. | Prof. Dr. A.J. Verbout | Dr. W.J.A. Dhert | Utrecht | ORT | 01-12-99 | Thoracolumbar spine fractures. Diagnostic and prognostic parameters |
Ong, C.L. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 19-09-12 | Volumetric modulated arc therapy for stereotactic body radiotherapy: planning considerations, delivery accuracy and efficiency | |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Onvlee, G.J. | Prof. Dr. P.M. Rozing | Leiden | ORT | 29-04-98 | The Charcot foot. A critical review and an observational study of a group of 60 patients | |
Oord, S.C.H. van den | Prof. Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | Dr. A.F.L. Schinkel | Rotterdam | CDL | 08-10-14 | Clinical evaluation of contrast-enhanced carotid ultrasound imaging |
Prof. Dr. E.J.G. Sijbrands | ||||||
Oostayen, J.A. van | Prof. Dr A. de Roos | Dr. M.N.J.M. Wasser | Leiden | RAD | 04-06-98 | Doppler ultrasonography of superior mesenteric artery bloodflow in the assessment of Crohn's disease activity |
Prof. Dr C.B.H.W. Lamers | ||||||
Oostendorp, mw M. | Prof. Dr. M. Post | Dr. Ir. W.H. Backes | Maastricht | FYS | 15-01-10 | Quantitative contrast-enhanced MRI of the microvasculature |
Oosterveld, B.J. | Prof. Dr. Ir. E.G.J. Eijkman | Dr. J.M. Thijssen | Nijmegen | RAD | 01-05-90 | Over kwantitatieve analyse van ultrageluidssignalen met toepassing op diffuse leverziekten |
Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | ||||||
Oostveen, H.W. | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 24-04-80 | Over de waarde van de parasternale lymfoscintigrafie bij de behandeling van het operabele mammacarcinoom | |
Oprea-Lager, Mw D.E. | Prof. Dr. O.S. Hoekstra | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 16-02-16 | Towards personalized therapy for metastatic prostate cancer: technical validation of [18F]fluoromethylcholine | |
Prof. Dr. R.J.A. van Moorselaar | ||||||
Orbaan, C. | Prof. Dr. J. Rotgans | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 23-03-20 | Behandeling der inoperabele kwaadaardige gezwellen der amandelklieren, in het bijzonder met röntgenstralen en radium, aan de hand van 44 ziektegeschiedenissen | |
Orth, J.O. op den | Prof. Dr. J.R von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 10-01-79 | The standard biphasic contrast examination of the stomach and duodenum: method, result, and radiological atlas | |
Ossenkoppele, R. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. B.N.M. van Berckel | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 08-05-13 | Alzheimer PEThology |
Prof. Dr. A.A. Lammertsma | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | |||||
Otten, K. | Prof. Dr. P. Nieuwenhuijse | Utrecht | PAN | 04-12-51 | Enige oncologische onderzoekingen met radioactief zwavel. De verdeling van radioactiviteit over de weefsels van muizen met tumoren na het inspuiten van met S35 gemerkte Isamine-blauw en Methionine (D- en L-) | |
Ottenheijm, R.P.G. | Prof. Dr. G.J. Dinant | Dr. J.W.L. Cals | Maastricht | HUI | 19-11-15 | Ultrasound imaging to tailor treatment of shoulder pain in general practice |
Prof. Dr. R.A. de Bie | ||||||
Ottens, Ir. D.E. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. L.G. Strauss | Heidelberg | NGK | 14-06-04 | PET-Untersuchungen mit F-18-Deoxyglukose (FDG) und O-15-Wasser im Rahmen der Differentialdiagnostik kolorektaler Rezidive | |
Otterloo, L.C. | Dr. H.C.S. Wallenburgh | Rotterdam | GYN | 17-11-76 | Foetale nierfunctie. Een echoscopisch en biochemisch onderzoek bij de mens | |
Oude Munnik, T.H. | Prof. Dr. E.G.E. de Vries | Groningen | IGK | 05-10-11 | PET imaging with zirconium-89 labeled antibodies to guide cancer therapy | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Oudeman, J. | Mw Prof. Dr. M. de Visser | Dr. C. Verhamme | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 11-10-17 | Diffusion Tensor Imaging: a diagnostic tool for neuromuscular conditions |
Prof. Dr. M. Maas | Prof. Dr. Ir. G.J. Strijkers | |||||
Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | ||||||
Oudenaarde, mw K. van | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. M. Reijnierse | Leiden | RAD | 22-11-18 | MR imaging of the knee in primary care |
Dr. P.A.J. Luijsterburg | ||||||
Oudkerk, M. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Dr. L.J.F. Hermans | Leiden | RAD | 24-11-81 | Infusionrate in enteroclysis examination |
Ouhlous, M. | Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Dr. A. van der Lugt | Rotterdam | RAD | 13-11-09 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Multi-Detector Computed Tomography Angiography of the atherosclerotic plaque of the carotid artery: optimization, validation, and clinical implication |
Ouwendijk, R. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Rotterdam | EPI | 02-11-05 | Non-invasive diagnostic imaging of peripheral arterial disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | ||||||
Overbeek, J.J.M. van | Prof. Dr. P.E. Hoeksema | Dr. Ir. L. De Pater | Groningen | KNO | 07-09-77 | The hypopharyngeal diverticulum |
Overhagen, H. van | Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | Dr. J.S. Laméris | Rotterdam | RAD | 30-06-93 | Radiologic staging of esophageal and gastroesophageal junction carcinoma |
Paans, A.M.J. | Prof. Dr. M.G. Woldring | Groningen | NGK | 15-02-84 | Imaging in nuclear medicine with cyclotron generated radionuclides | |
Prof. Dr. R.H. Siemssen | ||||||
Paap, mw E. | Prof. Dr. A.L.M. Verbeek | Dr. M.J.M. Broeders | Nijmegen | EPI | 14-02-12 | Breast cancer screening effectiveness and the case-referent design: a well matched pair |
Prof. Dr. R. Holland | ||||||
Paardt, mw M.P. van der | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. S. Bipat | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 15-06-15 | Advances in MRI for colorectal cancer and bowel motility |
Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | ||||||
Pal, mw F. van der | Prof. Dr. F.M.J. Debruyne | Dr. J.P.F.A. Heesakkers | Nijmegen | NON | 11-10-06 | Tibial nerve stimulation in the treatment of refractory overactive bladder syndrome |
Prof. Dr. B.L.H. Bemelmans | ||||||
Palm-Meinders mw I.H. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. M.C. Kruit | Leiden | RAD | 15-02-18 | Migraine and brain changes |
Prof. Dr. M.D. Ferrari | ||||||
Palma, D.A. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 01-07-11 | Stereotactic radiation therapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer: measuring outcomes in patients and populations | |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Pameijer, F.A. | Prof. Dr. G.M.M. Bartelink | Utrecht | RAT | 09-11-99 | Pre- and post-radiotherapy Computed Tomography in laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer. Imaging-based prediction of local control. | |
Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | ||||||
Panders, A.K. | Prof. Dr. H.N. Hadders | Groningen | THK | 14-01-70 | Fibro-osseuze en fibro-osseuze-cementeuze dysplasie van de kaken. Een klinisch, röntgenologisch en pathologisch-anatomisch onderzoek | |
Panth, mw K.M. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Dr. L.J. Dubois | Maastricht | RAT | 30-06-16 | Novel molecular imaging methods for cancer detection: more than meets the eye |
Dr. A. Yaromina | ||||||
Papadopoulou, mw S.-L. | Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra | Dr. H.M. Garcia Garcia | Rotterdam | RAD | 26-10-16 | Imaging of oronary atherosclerosis with Computed Tomography coronary angiography |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Parsa, A. | Prof. Dr. P.F. van der Stelt | Dr. B.A. Hassan | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 07-10-14 | Application of cone beam Computed Tomography in bone quality assessment prior to implant placement |
Pasterkamp, G. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 07-06-95 | Diagnostic applications of intravascular ultrasound | |
Prof. Dr. C. Borst | ||||||
Patijn, J. | Prof. Dr. J. Bethlem | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 16-06-83 | De ziekte van Landouzy-Dejerine; een computer-tomografische studie van de skeletmusculatuur | |
Pattje, W.J. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | Groningen | RAT | 11-05-16 | Radiosensitivity and metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck | |
Pattynama, P.M.T. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 14-06-94 | Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the heart | |
Paul, M.A. | Prof. Dr. T.H.M. Falke | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 24-10-97 | Biliary CEA Concentrations and intraoperative ultrasonography in colorectal cancer | |
Paul, S. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Groningen | NGK | 24-03-14 | PET imaging to measure therapy-related occupancy and disease-induced changes of expression of adenosine A1 receptors in the rodent brain | |
Prof. Dr. P.H. Elsinga | ||||||
Paula Faria, mw D. De | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Dr. C.A. Buchpiquel | Groningen | NGK | 13-01-14 | New avenues in PET imaging of multiple sclerosis |
Peer, mw P.G.M. | Prof. Dr. A.L.M. Verbeek | Dr. R. Holland | Nijmegen | EPI | 30-01-96 | Screening for breast cancer in women under age 50: determinants of the effect on breast cancer mortality |
Dr. J.H.C.L. Hendriks | ||||||
Peeters, F.L.M. | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-02-69 | Het vertebralis angiogram bij intracraniële tumoren | |
Peeters, mw P.H.M. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Vooijs | Nijmegen | PAN | 06-04-89 | The extent of side-effects in screening for breast cancer | |
Peeters, mw S.G.J.A. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Dr. L. Dubois | Maastricht | RAT | 09-07-15 | The hypoxic tumor microenvironment: from imaging to targeting |
Pekošak, mw A. | Prof. Dr. A.D. Windhorst | Dr. A.J. Poot | Amsterdam | NGK | 03-04-18 | Carbon-11 labeled amino acids and peptides: chemistry and applications |
Pelgrim-Korf, mw E.S.C. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. L.J. Launer | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 29-11-06 | Medial temporal lobe atrophy on MRI: vascular risk factors and predictive value for dementia |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Pelt, J.F. van | Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Prick | Nijmegen | NEU | 09-12-60 | Gargoylism | |
Peluso, J.P.P. | Prof. Dr. W.J.J. van Rooij | Dr. M. Sluzewski | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 06-09-07 | Endovascular treatment of posterior circulation aneurysms |
Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | ||||||
Pengel, K.E. | Prof. Dr. S. Rodenhuis | Dr. K.G.A. Gilhuijs | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 30-10-15 | Multimodality imaging of breast cancer for selection and monitoring of treatment |
Prof. Dr. E.J.T. Rutgers | ||||||
Penn, Wm.H.A.M. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 13-06-67 | Pulstechniek en snelcinematografie in de röntgendiagnostiek | |
Penning, L. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Lenshoek | Groningen | NCH | 16-11-60 | Functioneel röntgenonderzoek bij degeneratieve en traumatische aandoeningen der laag-cervicale bewegingssegmenten | |
Peperzeel, H.A. van | Prof. Dr. K. Breur | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 02-07-70 | Patterns of tumor growth after irradiation. A comparative study in men, dogs and mice | |
Perlberger, R. | Prof. Drs. K. Hoornstra | Rotterdam | RAD | 1970 | Renal masses | |
Peters, mw H.G.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. C.J.G. Bakker | Utrecht | RAD | 02-04-09 | MRI in nonpalpable breast lesions: towards a less invasive diagnosis and treatment |
Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Peeters | ||||||
Peters, J.M. | Prof. Dr. K.P.J. Braun | Dr. F.E. Jansen | Utrecht | KGK | 28-04-16 | Neurophysiological and neuroimaging markers of neurological outcome in tuberous sclerosis complex |
Prof. Dr. S.K. Warfield | Dr. M. Sahin | |||||
Peters-Bax, mw L. zie: Bax, mw L. | ||||||
Petersen, A.S. van | Prof. Dr. R.H. Geelkerken | Dr. C.J.A.M. Zeebregts | Enschede | MBV | 10-02-17 | Chronic mesenteric ischemia: with a focus on collateral circulation |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Kolkman | ||||||
Phoa, S.S.K.S. | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 06-02-03 | Computed Tomography in pre-operative staging of pancreatic cancer | |
Prof. Dr. D.J. Gouma | ||||||
Pieper, P.G. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Groningen | CDL | 04-12-96 | Echocardiography in evaluation and management of mitral regurgitation | |
Prof. Dr. J.G.P. Tijssen | ||||||
Pieters-van den Bos, mw I.C. zie: Bos, mw I.C. van den | ||||||
Pieterse, M.C. | Prof. Dr. A.H. Willemse | Dr. M.A.M. Taverne | Utrecht | DGK | 31-05-90 | Clinical use of ultrasound in bovine reproduction |
Piggelen-Gietema, mw H.A. van zie: Gietema, mw H.A. | ||||||
Pijl, M.E.J. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. M.N.J.M. Wasser | Leiden | RAD | 25-01-05 | Radiology of colorectal cancer with emphasis on imaging of liver metastases |
Prof. Dr. C.J.H. van der Velde | ||||||
Pijnappel, R.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. P.H.M. Peeters | Utrecht | RAD | 17-05-02 | The diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions |
Prof. Dr. R. Holland | ||||||
Pijpers, L. | Prof. Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | Rotterdam | GYN | 29-05-85 | Blood flow in the human fetal descending aorta: a pulsed Doppler study | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Bom | ||||||
Pinedo, H.M. | Prof. Dr. J. de Graeff | Prof. Dr. A. Struyvenberg | Leiden | URN | 06-09-72 | Renovasculaire hypertensie. Een retrospektief onderzoek bij 167 patiënten |
Plaats Jr., G.J. van der | Prof. Dr. G.J. van der Plaats Sr. | Groningen | RAD | 09-07-58 | Onderzoek naar de terugstrooiing bij de contact- en oppervlakte-therapie | |
Plaats Sr., G.J. van der | Prof. Dr. Th.M. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | DMT | 15-11-38 | Over de behandeling van huidcarcinomen met röntgenbestraling volgens de röntgenkaustiekmethode | |
Plaisier, mw A. | Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss | Rotterdam | KGK | 25-03-14 | MR Imaging of the preterm brain: safer, better, faster, stronger | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Planken, R.N. | Prof. Dr. P.J.E.H.M. Kitslaar | Dr. J.H.M. Tordoir | Maastricht | VCH | 01-06-07 | Hemoldialysis vascular access imaging. Duplex ultrasound and contrast-enhanced |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. T. Leiner | magnetic resonance angiography | ||||
Poels, mw M.M.F. | Mw Prof. Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Rotterdam | EPI | 19-01-12 | Population imaging of cerebral small vessel disease | |
Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | ||||||
Dr. M.W. Vernooij | ||||||
Pol, L.A. van de | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 11-05-07 | Hippocampal atrophy on MRI from aging to dementia; a clinical perspective |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkkhof | ||||||
Polak, J.B. | Prof. Dr. I.K.A. Wertheim Salomonson | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 08-05-14 | De betekenis van het electrocardiogram voor de kliniek der hartziekten | |
Pompe, W.B. van der | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 08-12-78 | Tumor imaging with non specific substances: an ionic model to explain the distribution patterns of tumour imaging radiopharmaceuticals in normal and pathological tissues | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.A. Maes | ||||||
Pool, S.E. | Prof. Dr. M. de Jong | Dr. G.A. Koning | Rotterdam | NGK | 16-12-14 | Optimisation of neuroendocrine tumor treatment: locoregional administration, combination therapy and multimodal imaging |
Prof. Dr. C.H.J. van Eijk | ||||||
Poort, L.J. | Prof. Dr. P. Kessler | Dr. F.J.P. Hoebers | Maastricht | RAD | 10-12-15 | Evaluatie van bestralingseffecten op het bot en osteoradionecrose van de mandibula in een groot dier model |
Mw Dr. A.A. Jacobi-Postma | ||||||
Poortman, P. | Prof. Dr. J.F. Hamming | Dr. E.S.M. de Lange-de Klerk | Leiden | VCH | 29-10-09 | Assessment of ultrasonography and computed tomography in the diagnostic strategy of suspected appendicitis |
Prof. Dr. M.A. Cuesta | ||||||
Pop, H. | Prof. Dr. L.D. Eerland | Groningen | HEE | 09-07-52 | De betekenis van cholangiographie en manometrie der galwegen | |
Popescu, mw V. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 29-06-15 | Brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis: quantification, pathological substrate and clinical relevance |
Prof. Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | ||||||
Posma, J.L. | Prof. Dr. K.I. Lie | Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Groningen | CDL | 16-10-96 | Hypertrophic cadiomyopathy. New diagnostic and therapeutic options |
Dr. P.K. Blanksma | ||||||
Post, J.C. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. A.C. van Rossum | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 10-12-97 | Magnetic Resonance coronary angiography: a clinical evaluation |
Post, R.B. | Prof. Dr. H.J. ten Duis | Dr. C.K. van der Sluis | Groningen | HEE | 29-10-08 | Functional outcome after a spinal fracture |
Dr. V.J.M. Leferink | ||||||
Postema, mw S. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 29-09-00 | Clinical significance of MRI in invasive cervical carcinoma | |
Prof. Dr. J.B.M.Z. Trimbos | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | ||||||
Postma, mw E.L. | Prof. Dr. R. van Hillegersberg | Dr. A.J. Witkamp | Utrecht | HEE | 19-04-13 | Localisation and staging of early stage breast cancer |
Prof.Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. H.M. Verkooijen | |||||
Prager, G.R. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 20-06-67 | De simulator, een hulpmiddel voor geometrische bepalingen in de radiotherapie. | |
Prakken, N.H.J. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | Utrecht | RAD | 26-01-10 | Cardiac MRI of the athlete's heart |
Dr. M.J.M. Cramer | ||||||
Preda, mw A. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. C.F. van Dijke | Rotterdam | RAD | 02-09-05 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging assessment of tumor microvessels and response to antiangiogenesis therapy |
Prof. Dr. R.C. Brasch | ||||||
Prehn, J. van | Prof. Dr. F.L. Moll | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | Utrecht | HEE | 09-04-09 | Dynamic morphology of the aorta. Pre- and postoperative imaging |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. J.A. van Herwaarden | |||||
Prevo, R.L. | Prof. Dr. G.W. Bruyn | Dr. G.J. Vielvoye | Leiden | NEU | 29-10-92 | Tumours of the brainstem: clinical and radiological aspects |
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Dr. S.G. van Duinen | |||||
Priester, J.A. de | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. Ir. J.A. den Boer | Maastricht | RAD | 17-04-03 | Magnetic Resonance renography, optimization and clinical orientation |
Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Hasman | ||||||
Prins, J.G. | Prof. Dr. A. Huson | Prof. Dr. R. Marti | Leiden | ORT | 11-10-78 | Diagnosis and treatment of injury to the lateral ligament of the ankle. A comparative clinical study |
Prins, mw F.M. | Prof. Dr. C.H.J. Terhaard | Dr. M.M. Barendrecht | Utrecht | RAT | 31-05-18 | Towards MRI-guided radiotherapy of renal cell carcinoma |
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | Dr. L.G.W. Kerkmeijer | |||||
Prins, N.D. | Prof. Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Rotterdam | EPI | 24-03-04 | Cerebral small vessel disease in dementia and depression: a prospective population-based MRI study | |
Prof. Dr. P.J. Koudstaal | ||||||
Prokop, W.M. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. med W. Döhring | Hannover | RAD | 25-06-92 | Experimentelle, theoeretische und klinische Evaluierung der Dual-Energy Computertomographie | |
Prokop, W.M. (Habilitation) | Prof. Dr. med M. Galanski | Hannover | RAD | 15-07-98 | Individualisierung der Scandosis in der Spiral-Computertomographie. Minimierung der Patientenexposition. | |
Optimierung der Bildqualität | ||||||
Pruim, R. | Prof. Dr. J.K. Buitelaar | Dr. M.J.J. Mennes | Nijmegen | NEU | 25-09-17 | Disentangling the functional brain architecture in mental disorders |
Prof. Dr. C.F. Beckmann | ||||||
Pugliese, mw F. | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Dr. N.R.A. Mollet | Rotterdam | CDL | 29-10-08 | Multi-Slice Computed Tomography of coronary arteries |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Pundziūtė, mw G. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 19-03-09 | Imaging of coronary atherosclerosis with Multi-Slice Computed Tomography | |
Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema | ||||||
Putte-Katier, mw N. van | Prof. Dr. J.L. Kimpen | Dr. C.K. van der Ent | Utrecht | NON | 20-01-06 | Lung function in early life: origins and consequences |
Prof. Dr. T.J.M. Verheij | Dr. C.S.P.M. Uiterwaal | |||||
Putten, L. van der | Prof. Dr. R. de Bree | Prof. Dr. O.S. Hoekstra | Amsterdam (VU) | KNO | 16-06-17 | Diagnosis and salvage surgery of recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy |
Prof. Dr. C.R. Leemans | ||||||
Puylaert, C.A.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. C.Y. Ponsioen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 15-11-18 | MRI for Crohn's disease: from quantification to automation |
Prof. Dr. Ir. L.J. van Vliet | Dr. F.M. Vos | |||||
Puylaert, C.B.A.J. (ook Puijlaert) | Prof. Dr. J. Mulder | Leiden | IGK | 12-12-56 | Radiological diagnosis of bronchiectasis | |
Puylaert, J.B.C.M. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 30-06-88 | The use of ultrasound in patients with clinical signs of appendicitis | |
Pyxaras, S. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Dr. J.T. Tamsma | Leiden | CDL | 08-05-18 | Multi-modality diagnostic assessment in interventional cardiology |
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.H.C. Reiber | ||||||
Quarles van Ufford, mw H.M.E. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J.M.H. de Klerk | Utrecht | RAD | 08-12-09 | Imaging in malignant lymphoma |
Prof. O.S. Hoekstra | Dr. R.A.J. Nievelstein | |||||
Quekel, L.G.B.A. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. R. Goei | Maastricht | RAD | 28-09-01 | Detectability of early lung cancer on the chest radiograph: a study on miss-rate and observer performance in clinical practice |
Raad, R. de | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 23-06-64 | Ervaringen met het angiographisch onderzoek bij pathologische processen in en rondom de orbita (with special reference to the substraction method of Ziedses des Plantes) | |
Raamsdonk, mw C.Ph. van | Prof. Dr. A.H.M.J. van Rooy | Amsterdam (UvA) | GYN | 30-11-21 | Resultaten van stralenbehandeling bij carcinoma uteri | |
Raamt, mw A.F. van | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. S. Kalmijn | Utrecht | EPI | 24-03-06 | Brain damage in patients with manifest arterial disease |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Raaymakers, mw Th.W.M. | Prof. Dr. J. van Gijn | Dr. G.J.E. Rinkel | Utrecht | NEU | 03-09-99 | Unruptured intracranial aneurysms in relatives of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage: Screening and treatment |
Rademakers, W.J.A.C. | Prof. Dr. R.A. Crone | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 02-06-77 | Nystagmus alternans | |
Prof. Dr. L.B.W. Jongkees | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.J. Oosterveld | ||||||
Radu, M.D. | Prof. Dr. P.W. Serruys | Dr. H. Kelbæk | Rotterdam | CDL | 03-12-14 | The contribution of Optical Coherence Tomography to interventional cardiology: methodological considerations and clinical application |
Dr. H.M. García-García | ||||||
Ramshorst, B. van | Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | Utrecht | VCH | 03-06-92 | Duplex scanning in the diagnosis and follow-up of deep vein thrombosis | |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Sixma | ||||||
Ramwadhdoebe, S. | Prof. Dr. R.M. Castelein | Dr. E. Buskens | Utrecht | ORT | 17-12-10 | Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip in primary care. Implementation by simulation |
Dr. R.J.B. Sakkers | ||||||
Dr. F.J.A. Beek | ||||||
Randen, mw A. van | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. M.A. Boermeester | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 08-10-10 | Imaging in acute abdominal pain at the emergency department, the OPTIMA study |
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | ||||||
Rasker, J.J. | Prof. Dr. H.O. Nieweg | Groningen | IGK | 15-01-75 | Het opsporen van tumoren met radioactief gemerkt bleomycine | |
Prof. Dr. M.G. Woldring | ||||||
Ravasz, L.A. | Prof. Dr. H.A. van Peperzeel | Utrecht | RAT | 30-09-75 | Maligne tumoren van de bovenkaak | |
Ravesloot, mw C.J. | Prof. Dr. J.P.J. van Schaik | Dr. M.F. van der Schaaf | Utrecht | RAD | 24-03-16 | Assessing expertise in radiology - Evaluating and improving the quality of radiological knowledge and image interpretation skills testing |
Prof. Dr. Th.J. ten Cate | Dr. Ir. K.L. Vincken | |||||
Rebergen, S.A. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 06-10-94 | Magnetic Resonance velocity mapping in congenital heart disease |
Dr. E.E. van der Wall | ||||||
Ree, A. van | Prof. Dr. J. Rotgans | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 23-04-17 | Over X-stralenbehandeling van chirurgische tuberculose | |
Reeders, J.W.A.J. | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. T ytgat | Dr. S. Gratama | Nijmegen | IGK | 08-06-84 | Ischaemic colitis |
Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | ||||||
Reekers, J.A. | Prof. Dr. F.L.M. Peeters | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 27-10-94 | New techniques for percutaneous revascularization below the inguinal ligament: a clinical exploration | |
Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | ||||||
Regeer, mw M.V. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Dr. V. Delgado | Leiden | CDL | 18-04-17 | Imaging techniques in aortic valve and root surgery |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Regensburg, mw N.I. | Prof. Dr. M.Ph. Mourits | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 27-10-10 | CT-based volume assessment of orbital soft tissue in Graves' ophthalmopathy | |
Prof. Dr. W.M. Wiersinga | ||||||
Reichert, C.L.A. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 22-10-91 | Peri-operative applications of transesophageal echocardiography | |
Reijnierse, mw M. | Prof.Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 13-09-00 | MR imaging of the cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis. |
Prof.Dr. F.C. Breedveld | ||||||
Reinhold, H.S. | Prof. Dr. D.W. van Bekkum | Rotterdam | IGK | 12-01-67 | Stralingsgevoeligheid van tumoren. Een experimenteel onderzoek bij de rat | |
Rekers, mw N.H. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Dr. L. Dubois | Maastricht | RAT | 09-03-17 | Radiotherapy and immunotherapy: the perfect partnership |
Dr. A. Yaromina | ||||||
Ren, B. | Prof. Dr. F. Zijlstra | Dr. M.L. Geleijnse | Rotterdam | FYS | 28-10-14 | Advanced three-dimensional echocardiography |
Dr. Ir. J.G. Bosch | ||||||
Reneman, mw L. | Prof. Dr. G.J. den Heeten | Dr. J. Booij | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 06-12-01 | Investigating the potential neurotoxicity of Ecstacy (MDMA): an imaging approach. |
Prof. Dr. W. van den Brink | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.B. Gunning | ||||||
Rensing, B.J.W.M. | Prof. Dr. P.W. Serruys | Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Rotterdam | CDL | 29-04-92 | Restenosis after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. A quantitative angiographic approach |
Rering, C.H. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 15-12-49 | Over de moderne stralen therapie van kwaadaardige keelgezwellen | |
Resink, J.E.J. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-12-45 | Is het röntgenbeeld van fijne structuren een summatiebeeld of een echte afbeelding? | |
Rethmeier, B.J. | Prof. Dr. D.J. Steenhuis | Leiden | RAD | 19-12-45 | Planigraphie van het tracheobronchiale systeem | |
Reus, H.D. de | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 13-10-53 | Arterio- en aortographie bij arteriële circulatiestoornissen der extremiteiten | |
Reuwer, P.J.H.M. | Prof. Dr. A.A. Haspels | Dr. H.W. Bruinse | Utrecht | GYN | 29-04-86 | Doppler assessment of feto-placental circulatory competence |
Prof. Dr. R.M. Heethaar | ||||||
Revers, C.E. | Prof. Dr. R.J. Scholtmeyer | Dr. C.L. Rümke | Amsterdam (VU) | KGK | 17-10-75 | Arteriografie van blaastumoren |
Rhemrev, S.J. | Mw Prof. Dr. I.B. Schipper | Dr. F.J.P. Beeres | Leiden | HEE | 24-05-12 | The non-displaced scaphoid fracture: evaluation of diagnostic modalities and conservative treatment |
Dr. S.A.G. Meylaerts | ||||||
Rhijn, L.W. van | Prof. Dr. R.G.T. Geesink | Dr. B.E.E.M.J. Veraart | Maastricht | ORT | 09-09-05 | Dynamics and relationships in idiopathic scoliosis |
Rietberg, M. | Prof. Dr. H.C. Stam | Groningen | RAT | 15-03-72 | Methotrexate en radiotherapie | |
Prof. Dr. J. Oldhoff | ||||||
Rijcke, S. de | Prof. Dr. D. Draaisma | Dr. A. Beaulieu | Groningen | MGE | 08-02-10 | Regarding the brain. Practices of objectivity in cerebral imaging. 17th century-present |
Prof. Dr. G.C.G. Dehue | ||||||
Rijen, P.C. van | Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | Dr. E.J. Jonkman | Utrecht | NCH | 03-12-91 | Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and imaging in cerebral ischemia |
Prof. Dr. F.H. Lopes da Silva | ||||||
Rijk, P.P. van | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 25-01-77 | Purification, labeling and clinical applicability of radioactive asialo - orosomucoid | |
Rijk-Zwikker, mw G.L. van | ||||||
zie: Zwikker, mw G.L. | ||||||
Rijn, A.B.B. van | Prof. Dr. R.J.A.M. van Dongen | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 21-10-82 | Niet-invasieve meetmethoden bij de diagnostiek van diepe veneuze thrombose van het been: een onderzoek naar de waarde van segmentele veneuze luchtplethysmografie en onderzoek van de beenvenen met ultrageluid bij de opsporing van diepe veneuze thrombose | |
Rijn, A.M. van | Prof. Dr. L.S. de Vries | Dr. F. Groenendaal | Utrecht | IGK | 03-09-02 | Recent developments in perinatal brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging and proton MR spectroscopy |
Dr. J. van der Grond | ||||||
Rijn, J.C. van | Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | Dr. J.B. Reitsma | Amsterdam (UvA) | EPI | 20-09-06 | Multidimensionality in diagnostic imaging |
Rijn, R.R. van | Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | Dr. C. van Kuijk | Rotterdam | RAD | 07-10-98 | Radiological strength assessment of the proximal femur |
Prof. Dr. Ir. C.J. Snijders | ||||||
Rijsbosch, J.K.C. | Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | Groningen | NCH | 13-06-73 | Letsels van de hoog cervicale wervelkolom | |
Prof. Dr. L. Penning | ||||||
Rijswijk, mw C.S.P. van | Prof.Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 30-06-05 | Soft tissue tumors. Perfusion and diffusion-weighted MR imaging | |
Prof.Dr. A.H.M. Taminiau | ||||||
Rinkel, G.J.E. | Prof. Dr. J. van Gijn | Dr. E.F.M. Wijdicks | Utrecht | NEU | 04-06-91 | Perimesencephalic nonaneurysmal hemorrhage |
Ritsema, G.H. | Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | Groningen | RAD | 15-04-87 | Painful irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis: one hypermotile state? Correlation of pain and hypermotility | |
Prof. Dr. W. Veeger | ||||||
Prof. Dr. O.J. ten Thije | ||||||
Robben, S.G.F. | Prof. Dr. M. Meradji | Rotterdam | RAD | 16-06-99 | Ultrasonography of the painful hip in childhood | |
Robbers-Visser, mw D. | Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing | Rotterdam | CDL | 14-06-12 | Outcome, hemodynamic and genetic assessment in patients with functionally univentricular hearts after the Fontan operation at young age | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Rociu, mw E. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Rotterdam | RAD | 12-01-00 | Endoluminal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in fecal incontinence | |
Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | ||||||
Rodenburg, J. | Prof. Dr. A. de Minjer | Utrecht | PAN | 03-05-66 | Gevolgen van inademing van steenstof en kolenstof. Vergelijkende studie van öntgenfoto's en macrocoupes van longen en longfunctiewaarden | |
Rodermond, J.M. | Prof. Dr. L. Penning | Groningen | RAD | 19-09-73 | Differentiële diagnostiek met behulp van scintigrafie bij intracraniële afwijkingen | |
Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | ||||||
Rodjan, mw F. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Dr. P. de Graaf | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 01-12-14 | Imaging of retinoblastoma patients: advanced MRI techniques and associated morbidity |
Prof. Dr. A.C. Moll | ||||||
Rodrigues, G. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Dr. F.J. Lagerwaard | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 02-10-13 | Novel radiotherapy approaches and prognostic models in brain metastases |
Roelandt, J.R.Th.C. | Prof. P.G. Hugenholtz | Rotterdam | CDL | 06-02-80 | Ultrasonic two-dimensional imaging of the heart with multiscan | |
Roelen, A.D. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 11-11-69 | Hypotone duodenografie | |
Roeloffzen, E.M.A. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Dr. E.M. Monninkhof | Utrecht | RAT | 10-12-10 | Prediction of acute urinary retention after I-125 prostate brachytherapy |
Prof. Dr. M. van Vulpen | ||||||
Roes, mw S.D. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 24-06-10 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques for risk stratification in cardiovascular disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | ||||||
Roesink, J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Utrecht | RAT | 08-06-05 | Parotid gland function after radiotherapy | |
Prof. Dr. C.H.J. Terhaard | ||||||
Roest, A.A.W. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 07-03-02 | Exercise Magnetic Resonance Imaging in congenital heart disease | |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing | ||||||
Rombach, J.J. | Prof. Dr. F. de Waard | Utrecht | EPI | 30-09-80 | Breast Cancer Screening. Results and implications for diagnostic decision-making | |
Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | ||||||
Rombach, K.A. | Prof. Dr. W. Nolen | Leiden | MBL | 18-03-08 | De orthodiagraphie en haar waarde voor de bepaling der hartfiguur | |
Rombouts, S.A.R.B. | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 10-02-99 | Functional MRI. Studies of the primary visual cortex and the memory system with reference to Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis | |
Romeih, mw S.H.A.I. | Prof. Dr. N.A. Blom | Dr. M. Groenink | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 06-02-14 | Role of cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Prof. Dr. B.J.M. Mulder | Dr. A.M. Spijkerboer | |||||
Ronckers, mw C.M. | Prof. Dr. Ir. F.E. van Leeuwen | Amsterdam (VU) | EPI | 14-11-01 | Long-term health effects of nasopharyngeal radium irradiation. A retrospective cohort study in the Netherlands | |
Rongen, R.J. | Prof. Dr. C.D.A. Verwoerd | Rotterdam | KNO | 04-04-90 | Ultrasound examination of the head and neck | |
Baatenburg de Jong, R.J. | Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | |||||
Ronnen, J.R. von | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 03-07-56 | Het röntgenonderzoek van de mamma zonder toepassing van contrastmiddelen | |
Roo, T. de | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 28-10-64 | Lymfografie: een studie van de diagnostische en therapeutische mogelijkheden in de praktijk | |
Rood, M.J. | Prof. Dr. F.C. Breedveld | Dr. T.W.J. Huizinga | Leiden | 05-04-00 | Clinical studies on neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus | |
Dr. M.A. van Buchum | ||||||
Rooden, C.J. van | Prof. Dr. A.E. Meinders | Leiden | IGK | 16-02-06 | Risk assessment of thrombosis associated with central venous catheters | |
Prof. Dr. F.R. Rosendaal | ||||||
Rooden, S. van | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 10-06-15 | MR imaging in cerebral amyloidoses: entering a new phase | |
Prof. Dr. A. Webb | ||||||
Rooij, M. de | Mw Prof. Dr. M.M. Rovers | Nijmegen | HEE | 06-07-17 | Multiparametric MRI in prostate cancer: diagnostic accuracy and economic evaluation | |
Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | ||||||
Rooij Jr, W.J. van | Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | Drs. D. Wijnalda | Utrecht | NCH | 10-11-98 | Endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Rook, mw M. | Prof. Dr. G.J. Navis | Dr. H. van Goor | Groningen | NON | 28-01-09 | Living kidney donor safety: insights and outcome |
Prof. Dr. R.J. Ploeg | Dr. W.J. van Son | |||||
Dr. J.J. Homan van der Heide | ||||||
Roolker, mw W. | Prof. Dr. E.A. van Royen | Dr. A.H. Broekhuizen | Amsterdam (UvA) | NGK | 19-12-96 | Imaging strategies in the management of wrist injury: in particular the scaphoid bone |
Dr. M.M.C. Tiel-van Buul | ||||||
Roos, A. de | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 20-02-85 | Biphasic colon examination | |
Roosendaal, S.D. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 15-04-10 | Whiter shades of grey. Clinical relevance of grey matter abnormalities as visualized by MRI in multiple sclerosis |
Roovers, J.-P. | Prof. Dr. A.P.M. Heintz | Dr. J.G. van der Bom | Utrecht | GYN | 19-06-01 | Effects of genital rolapsed surgery and hysterectomy on pelvic floor function |
Dr. C.H. van der Vaart | ||||||
Roozendaal, K.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Vreeken | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 28-06-73 | De regulatie van de trombopoiese bestudeerd met behulp van de 35S-sulfaat inbouw in trombocyten | |
Rosenbaum, mw C.E.N.M. | Prof. Dr. M.G.E.H. Lam | Utrecht | NGK | 07-11-17 | Yttrium-90 radioembolization for treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases | |
Mw Prof. Dr. M. Koopman | ||||||
Rosenbusch, G.J.E. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. E. Habermann | Würzburg | NON | 05-06-62 | Reinigung und Spaltung von Kininogen aus Rinderblut | |
Prof. Dr. Dr. E. Neumann | ||||||
Rossi, mw A. | Prof. Dr. J.W. Roos-Hesselink | Rotterdam | CDL | 28-06-13 | Quantification in non-invasive cardiac imaging: CT and MR | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Rossum, mw A.B. van | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Leiden | RAD | 03-09-98 | Spiral Volumetric Computed Tomography in patients suspected of pulmonary embolism |
Dr. G.J. Kieft | ||||||
Rossum, A.Ch. van | Prof. Dr. J.P. Roos | Dr. F.C. Visser | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 26-05-89 | Cardiovascular applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Prof. Dr. J. Valk | ||||||
Rossum, mw. M.A.J. van | Prof. Dr. B.A.C. Dijkmans | Dr. R.M. van Soesbergen | Amsterdam (VU) | KGK | 17-01-07 | Effect of sulfasalazine treatment in juvenile idiopatic arthritis: Clinical and radiological observations |
Prof. Dr. M. Boers | ||||||
Rotte, A.A.J. de | Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. J. Hendrikse | Utrecht | RAD | 14-04-15 | High resolution MRI in patients with Stroke or Cushing's disease |
Dr. G.J. de Borst | ||||||
Rövekamp, mw M.H. | Prof. Dr. W.H. Brummelkamp | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 24-06-82 | Indium-111 labelled leucocyte scintigraphy in the diagnosis of inflammatory disease: a clinical study | |
Prof. Dr. J.B. van der Schoot | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J. Vreeken | ||||||
Ru, V.J. de | Prof. Dr. D.W. van Bekkum | Leiden | IGK | 25-05-94 | The effect of hyperthermia in combination with various irradiation regimens. Studies on a transplantable rhabdomyosarcoma in rats. | |
Rugge, F.P. van | Prof. Dr. A.V.G. Bruschke | Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Leiden | CDL | 29-09-93 | Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging during pharmacologic stress |
Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Ruggiero, A. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. M. Bernsen | Rotterdam | RAD | 02-11-12 | The molecular imaging suite: applications in nanotechnology, targeted imaging and cell tracking |
Prof. Dr. H. Hricak | ||||||
Ruhé, H.G. | Prof. Dr. A.H. Schene | Dr. J. Booij | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 05-11-08 | Dose-escalation in the picture. Pharmacological and Imaging studies in depression |
Ruijs, J.H.J. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 25-09-73 | Scintifotografie van het skelet met behulp van strontium 87m | |
Ruiter-Bootsma, mw A.L. de | ||||||
zie Bootsma, mw A.L. | ||||||
Runge, J.H. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-02-15 | Towards quantitative Magnetic Resonance assessment in parenchymal liver disease |
Rutgers, D.R. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. van der Grond | Utrecht | RAD | 16-12-03 | Cerebral circulation and metabolism in obstructive carotid artery disease. Initial changes, long-term changes and unfavourable conditions |
Prof. Dr. L.J. Kappelle | ||||||
Rutten, mw A. | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. M.L. Bots | Utrecht | RAD | 20-02-08 | Multi-detector row CT of the heart: methodological evaluation and application in high-risk patients |
Rutten, G.J.M. | Prof. Dr. C.W. M. van Veelen | Dr. N.F. Ramsey | Utrecht | NCH | 04-09-02 | Presurgical identification of language areas with functional MRI. |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. P.C. van Rijen | |||||
Rutten, M.J.C.M. | Prof. Dr. L.A.L.M. Kiemeney | Dr. G.J. Jager | Nijmegen | EPI | 15-06-10 | Ultrasound of the shoulder - efficacy studies |
Dr. M.C. de Waal Malefijt | ||||||
Rybalov, M. | Prof. Dr. I.J. de Jong | Groningen | URN | 04-03-15 | Morphological aspects in recurrent prostate cancer. On molecular imaging for local salvage treatment | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Saadatmand, mw S. | Prof. Dr. C. Verhoef | Mw Dr. M.M.A. Tilanus-Linthorst | Rotterdam | HEE | 07-07-15 | Breast cancer screening in women with hereditary or familial risk |
Prof. Dr. H.J. de Koning | ||||||
Sala, M.L. | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 14-12-16 | MR and CT evaluation of cardiovascular risk in metablic syndrome | |
Sallevelt, P.E.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Dr. F.M.J. Heijstraten | Nijmegen | RAD | 09-03-94 | De substitutiewaarde van MRI inzake de preoperatieve diagnostiek van het Arteriosclerotische Aneurysma Aortae Abdominalis (AAAA) |
Prof. Dr. F.G.M. Buskens | ||||||
Salm, mw L.P. | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Dr. H.W. Vliegen | Leiden | CDL | 07-11-06 | Multimodality imaging of coronary artery bypass grafts |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Sambeek, M.R.H.M. van | Prof. Dr. H. van Urk | Dr. E.J. Gussenhoven | Rotterdam | VCH | 04-11-98 | Intravascular ultrasound and peripheral endovascular interventions |
Samim, mw M. | Prof. Dr. R. van Hillegersberg | Dr. I.Q. Molenaar | Utrecht | HEE | 26-10-17 | Advances in local treatment & imaging strategies for colorectal liver metastases |
Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | ||||||
Sanches, H. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 31-05-61 | Het meten van de integrale dosis in de röntgendiagnostiek | |
Sánchez Catasùs, C.A. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Dr. Ir. A.T.M. Willemsen | Groningen | NGK | 05-03-18 | Brain perfusion SPECT analysis |
Prof. Dr. P.P. De Deyn | ||||||
Prof. Dr. R. Boellaard | ||||||
Sanders, H.W.A. | Prof. Dr. J.W.H. Mali | Nijmegen | NON | 25-06-68 | Herpes zoster in de huisartspraktijk | |
Prof. Dr. A. Mertens | ||||||
Sanders, R.J. | Prof. Dr. Th.J.G. van Rens | Nijmegen | ORT | 27-01-78 | De habituele anterieure schouderluxatie. Een na-onderzoek naar de operatieresultaten bij 105 patiënten | |
Santos, mw E.M.M. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. H.A. Marquering | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 21-09-16 | When void matters. Imaging, detection, quantification, and analysis of thrombi in patients with acute ischemic stroke |
Prof. Dr. W.J. Niessen | ||||||
Sattler, mw G.A. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | Groningen | RAT | 27-05-15 | The long-term side effects of postoperative radiation therapy in pituitary adenoma patients | |
Prof. Dr. B.H.R. Wolffenbuttel | ||||||
Savolainen, mw H.A. | Prof. Dr. P.H. Elsinga | Dr. G. Luurtsema | Groningen | NGK | 10-09-18 | PET imaging of P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier with new 18F-tracers |
Schaaf, mw I.C. van der | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | Utrecht | RAD | 16-12-05 | CT angiography and CT perfusion in subarachnoid hemorrhage. There is more to it than meets the eye. |
Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rinkel | ||||||
Schaap, J. | Prof. Dr. J.F. Verzijlbergen | Dr. B.J.W.M. Rensing | Rotterdam | NGK | 04-10-13 | Non-invasive imaging of coronary artery disease and its functional consequences. The hybrid SPECT and CCTA approach. |
Prof. Dr. K.G.M. Moons | Dr. K. Nieman | |||||
Dr. J.A.H. de Groot | ||||||
Schaap, mw K. | Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Kromhout | Dr. Ir. F.G. de Vocht | Utrecht | DGK | 30-06-15 | Working with MRI. An investigation of occupational exposure to strong static magnetic fields and associated symptoms |
Dr. Y. Christopher - de Vries | ||||||
Schaefer-Prokop, mw C.M. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. rer nat L. Busch | Aachen | NON | 01-12-88 | Vergleichende funktionell-anatomische Studie der Perianaldruese des Nerzes (Mustela vison) | |
Prof. Dr. med P. Kaufmann | ||||||
Schaefer-Prokop, mw C.M. (Habilitation) | Prof. Dr. med M. Galanski | Hannover | RAD | 16-07-97 | Digitale Radiographie des Thorax: ein Systemvergleich unter Beruecksichtigung des Dosisbedarfs und der diagnostischen Leistungsfaehigneit im Vergleich zur konventionellen Film-Folien Radiographie | |
Schaik, J.P.J. van | Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | Utrecht | RAD | 15-05-84 | Cross-sectional CT morphology of the three lower lumbar vertebrae | |
Prof. Dr. H. Verbiest | ||||||
Schalekamp, S. | Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Karssemeijer | Mw Dr. C.M. Schaefer-Prokop | Nijmegen | RAD | 10-09-15 | Advanced processing in chest radiography: impact on observer performance |
Prof. Dr. B. van Ginneken | ||||||
Schalla, S.M. | Prof. Dr. H.J.G.M. Crijns | Maastricht | RAD | 06-07-15 | Cardiovascular magnetic resonance; a key to imaging cardiac function | |
Prof. Dr. J. Wildberger | ||||||
Schamhardt, H.C. | Prof. Dr. P.R. Saxena | Rotterdam | FAR | 17-12-80 | Regional myocardial perfusion and performance | |
Prof. P.G. Hugenholz | ||||||
Prof. Dr. R.S. Reneman | ||||||
Schats, R. | Prof. Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | Dr. C.A.M. Jansen | Rotterdam | GYN | 30-01-91 | Transvaginal sonography in early human pregnancy |
Scheeper, J.H. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 26-05-64 | Onderzoek van de schildklierfunctie met jodium-125 en jodium-132 | |
Scheers, M.M. | Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | Dr. T.W. Beeker | Utrecht | RAD | 17-11-94 | The natural history of scoliosis in meningomyelocele (a radiographic study) |
Scheltens, Ph. | Prof. Dr. J.C. Koetsier | Dr. E.C. Wolters | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 03-03-93 | MRI in Alzheimer's disease |
Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Prof. Dr. W. van Tilburg | |||||
Schep, G. | Prof. Dr. W.L. Mosterd | Utrecht | SPG | 13-02-01 | Functional vascular problems in the iliac arteries in endurance athletes. A new concept to explain flow limitations: diagnosis and treatment | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. P.F.F. Wijn | ||||||
Schepers, R.H. | Prof. Dr. A. Vissink | Groningen | THK | 20-04-16 | 3D planning in the reconstruction of maxillofacial defects | |
Prof. Dr. G.M. Raghoebar | ||||||
Schepper, mw E.I.T. de | Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra | Rotterdam | HUI | 02-02-16 | Diagnostics in low back pain | |
Dr. P.A.J. Luijsterburg | ||||||
Schermers, G.G. | Prof. Dr. J. Nieveen | Groningen | CDL | 19-03-69 | Aortasclerose: bevindingen bij een bevolkingsonderzoek te Zutphen | |
Scherptong, R.V.C. | Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | Leiden | CDL | 26-02-13 | Characterization of the right ventricle: embryonic development, noninvasive imaging and electrocardiography | |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | ||||||
Schinkel, A.F.L. | Prof.Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. D. Poldermans | Rotterdam | CDL | 27-11-02 | Myocardial stress imaging: a clinical tool has come of age. |
Schipper, R.-J. | Mw Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. M.L. Schmidt | Maastricht | RAD | 13-11-15 | Exploring innovative nodal imaging and treatment strategies in breast cancer |
Dr. M.B.I. Lobbes | ||||||
Schlich-Bakker, mw K.J. | Prof. Dr. J. van den Bout | Dr. H.F.J. ten Kroode | Utrecht | NEU | 26-06-08 | Breast cancer genetic counseling during adjuvant radiotherapy: patients' psychological distress |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Dr. M.G.E.M. Ausems | |||||
Schlösser, T.P.C. | Prof. Dr. R.M. Castelein | Dr. Ir. K.L. Vincken | Utrecht | ORT | 14-11-14 | Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: from normal spinal anatomy to three-dimensional deformity |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Schmitz, mw A.C. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. K.G. Gilhuijs | Utrecht | RAD | 03-03-11 | Towards MRI-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound of breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | ||||||
Schmitz, A.M.Th. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Viergever | Dr. K.G.A. Gilhuijs | Utrecht | RAD | 12-01-16 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging for therapy selection in breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. W.B. Veldhuis | |||||
Schneiders, J.J. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. H.A. Marquering | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 20-06-14 | Hemodynamics in intracranial aneurysms |
Prof. Dr. E.T. van Bavel | Dr. R. van den Berg | |||||
Schoenmaker, J. | Prof. Dr. J. Janssens | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 12-10-73 | Seriehysterosalpingografie | |
Scholte, A.J.A.H. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Dr. J.D. Schuijf | Leiden | CDL | 19-11-09 | Cardiac imaging for risk stratification in asymptomatic diabetes |
Prof. Dr. E. E. Van der Wall | ||||||
Scholte, P.J.L. | Prof. Dr. F.H. Sobels | Leiden | MFY | 18-12-73 | Verschuivingen in de geslachtsverhoudingen bij nakomelingen van patiënten, die een radiotherapeutische behandeling ondergingen | |
Scholten, E.Th. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. P.A. de Jong | Utrecht | RAD | 09-09-14 | SubSolid Nodules in lung cancer screening |
Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Dr. H.A. Gietema | |||||
Scholten, F.G. | Prof. Dr. B. Hillen | Utrecht | ANE | 21-03-95 | Atherogenesis in the distal part of the femoral artery | |
Wensing, P.J.W. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | |||||
Schoonheim, M.M. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 20-05-14 | Are you connected? A network perspective on cognitive dysfunction in early multiple sclerosis |
Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | ||||||
Schoot, J.B. van der | Prof. Dr. P. Formijne | Amsterdam (UvA) | PAN | 18-06-59 | Het LE-phenomeen | |
Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | ||||||
Prof. Dr. D. Durrer | ||||||
Schoots, I.G. | Prof. Dr. T.M. van Gulik | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 10-12-04 | Clinical and experimental studies on treatment of acute mesenteric ischemia | |
Prof. Dr. M.M. Levi | ||||||
Schouten, mw C.S. | Prof. Dr. R. de Bree | Prof. Dr. O.S. Hoekstra | Amsterdam (VU) | KNO | 06-11-17 | Diffusion-weighted MRI and 18F-FDG-PET-CT in head and neck cancer |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | Prof. Dr. C.R. Leemans | |||||
Schouten, M.G. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. T.W.J. Scheenen | Nijmegen | RAD | 19-06-17 | MRI-guided prostate biopsy: which direction? |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Fütterer | Dr. S. Misra. Link | |||||
Schouw, mw M.L.J. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. L. Reneman | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 05-07-13 | Pharmacological MRI in the assessment of monoaminergic function |
Prof. Dr. F. Boer | Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | |||||
Schreij, G | Prof. Dr. P.W. de Leeuw | Maastricht | URN | 20-12-95 | Diagnostic aspects of renovascular hypertension | |
Prof. Dr. W.H. Birgenhäger | ||||||
Schreuder, T.C.M.A. | Prof. Dr. C.J.J. Mulder | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 13-12-12 | Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): from epidemiology to diagnosis | |
Prof. Dr. P.L.M. Jansen | ||||||
Schreur, J.H.M. | Prof. Dr. T.J.C. Ruigrok | Dr. C.J.A. van Echteld | Utrecht | CDL | 16-12-93 | Influence of reperfusion and extracellular milieu on myocardial energy and ions: a 31P and 23Na NMR study |
Schreurs, mw L.M.A. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Langendijk | Groningen | RAT | 19-02-14 | FDG-PET/CT in staging and treatment of esophageal cancer | |
Prof. Dr. J.T.M. Plukker | ||||||
Schrijver, mw A.M. | Prof. Dr. F.L. Moll | Dr. J.P.P.M. de Vries | Utrecht | HEE | 24-03-16 | Catheter-directed thrombolysis for acute limb ischemia |
Schrijvers, A. | ? | ? | RAD | 1979 | Echografie van het abdomen | |
Schuijf, mw J.D. | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Leiden | CDL | 18-10-07 | Multimodality imaging of anatomy and function in coronary artery disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Schuitemaker, mw A. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltema | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 27-01-12 | Inflammation in Alzheimer's disease. In vivo quantification | |
Prof. Dr. A.A.L. Lammertsma | ||||||
Schultze Kool, L.J. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Leiden | RAD | 17-04-94 | AMBER: Advanced multiple beam equalization radiography | |
Schurink, G.W.H. | Prof. Dr. J.H. van Bockel | Leiden | VCH | 07-10-99 | Endoleakage after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms | |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Schütte, H.E. | Prof. Dr. M. Vink | Leiden | HEE | 16-06-66 | De vascularisatie van de abdominale aorta in verband met atherosclerose: een microangiografisch en histologisch onderzoek van de menselijke abdominale aorta | |
Schuur, K.H. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 07-12-83 | Angiografie bij levercirrose | |
Prof. Dr. C.H. Gips | ||||||
Schuurman, A.H. | Prof. Dr. J.M.G. Kauer | Utrecht | ANE | 14-05-02 | The ulnocarpal region of the wrist: morphological, biomechanical, radiological and surgical considerations. | |
Prof. Dr. M. Kon | ||||||
Sedelaar, J.P.M. | Prof.Dr. F.M.J. Debruyne | Dr. J.J.M.C.H. de la Rosette | Nijmegen | URN | 07-02-02 | Contrast ultrasonography in the detection and follow up of prostate cancer. |
Dr.Ir. H. Wijkstra | ||||||
Seelen, J.L. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 07-03-96 | Radiologic assessment of the Mecron acetabular prosthesis | |
Seemann, mw I. | Prof. Dr. M. Verheij | Dr. F.A. Stewart | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 23-04-15 | Radiation and anthracycline induced cardiovascular damage. Late side effects of thoracic cancer treatment |
Seeters, T. van | Prof. Dr. L.J. Kappelle | Mw Dr. B.K. Velthuis | Utrecht | RAD | 14-04-16 | CT angiography and CT perfusion in acute ischemic stroke |
Mw Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | ||||||
Prof. Dr. G.J. Biessels | ||||||
Sellink, J.L. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 22-09-71 | Examination of the small intestine by means of duodenal intubation | |
Selwaness, mw M. | Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | Dr. J.J. Wenzel | Rotterdam | RAD | 21-10-14 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of carotid atherosclerosis: a population-based approach |
Prof. Dr. O.H. Franco | Dr. M.J. Vernooij | |||||
Semmelink, H.F. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 19-06-56 | The use of Odelca mirror camera's for simultaneous two-direction angiocardiography in infants and children with congenital cardiac malformations | |
Senthi, S. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 24-09-14 | Optimizing the detection and treatment of recurrence following stereotactic ablative radiotherapy | |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Serbanescu-Kele, mw P.G. | Prof. Dr. E.J. van der Jagt | Groningen | RAD | 20-03-13 | Radiological assessment of the postoperative liver | |
Prof. Dr. R.J. Porte | ||||||
Setz-Pels, mw W. | Prof. Dr. J.W.W. Coebergh | Dr. L.E.M. Duijm | Rotterdam | EPI | 20-02-14 | Improving screening mammography in the south of the Netherlands. Using an extended data collection on diagnostic procedures and outcome parameters |
Dr. A.C. Voogd | ||||||
Sever, A.R. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. H.M. Verkooijen | Utrecht | RAD | 06-09-11 | The preoperative identification of sentinel nodes by the microbubble-enhanced ultrasound technique in patients with breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. R. Holland | ||||||
Shalgunov, V. | Prof. Dr. J. Booij | Groningen | NGK | 15-06-17 | Development of 18F-labeled agonist radioligands for PET imaging of the high-affinity state of cerebral dopamine D2/3 receptors | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Shanks, mw M. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 05-09-13 | Evolving imaging techniques for the assessment of cardiac structure and function and their potential clinical applications | |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Sharouni, S.Y. El | Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Dr. Ir. H.B. Kal | Utrecht | RAT | 08-06-09 | Treatment of stage III non-small cell lung cancer and limited-disease small-cell lung cancer |
Shivashankar, S. | Prof. Dr. P.H. Elsinga | Groningen | NGK | 15-09-14 | Development and preclinical evaluation of radioligands for the PET studies of cerebral adenosine A1 and A2a receptors | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Siddré, J.W. | Prof. Dr. C.D. de Langen | Utrecht | IGK | 16-12-41 | De abnormale ligging en bewegelijkheid van de galblaas als oorzaak van buikklachten (Een röntgenologisch onderzoek) | |
Sie, L.T.L. | Prof. Dr. M.S. van der Knaap | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 16-05-01 | Early MRI and outcome in perinatal hypoxic-ischemic white matter injury | |
Prof. Dr. H.N. Lafeber | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J. Valk | ||||||
Sierink, J.C. | Prof. Dr. J.C. Goslings | Dr. N.W.L. Schep | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 27-03-15 | Total-body CT scanning in trauma patients. Benefits and boundaries |
Prof. Dr. M.J.R. Edwards | Dr. M.G.W. Dijkgraaf | |||||
Sieswerda, G.Tj. | Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | Dr. O. Kamp | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 21-11-03 | Clinical studies in contrast echocardiography |
Sieswerda-Hoogendoorn, mw T. zie: Hoogendoorn, mw T. | ||||||
Sijbrandij, mw E.S. | Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | Dr. A.P.G. van Gils | Utrecht | RAD | 29-05-01 | Radiological aspects of sprained ankle syndrome |
Sikkens, H. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Gips | Groningen | IGK | 15-06-83 | Gesystematiseerd echografisch onderzoek van de bovenbuik: een onderzoek bij gezonden en ssurance met macronodulaire levercirrose | |
Prof. Dr. E. Mandema | ||||||
Simon, K.J. | Prof. Dr. M.J. van Lieburg | Groningen | MGE | 16-02-15 | De wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen in de radiologie en radiotherapie binnen de geneeskunde in Nederland 1896-1922. | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Simons, mw P.C.G. | Prof. Dr. D.E. Grobbee | Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | EPI | 05-02-99 | Second manifestations of ARTerial disease. The SMART study |
Dr. A. Algra | ||||||
Simonsz, H.J. | Prof. Dr. R.A. Crone | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 30-08-84 | Investigations of ocular counterrolling and Bielschowsky head-tilt test, stiffness in passive ocular rolling and displacement of recti eye muscles | |
Slagter, K.W. | Prof. Dr. G.M. Raghoebar | Groningen | THK | 06-04-16 | Immediate dental implant placement in the aesthetic zone | |
Prof. Dr. H.J.A. Meijer | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A. Vissink | ||||||
Slart, R.H.J.A. | Prof. Dr. D.J. van Veldhuisen | Dr. P.L. Jager | Groningen | CDL | 27-06-05 | New Nuclear Medicine techniques for the assessment of myocardial viability |
Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Dr. J.J. Bax | |||||
Slegte, mw R.G.M. de | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 03-09-86 | Cisternographic anatomy of the posterior cranial fossa (High resolution CT and MRI study) | |
Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Lohman | ||||||
Prof. Dr. H.O.M. Thijssen | ||||||
Sleutjens, mw J. | Prof. Dr. P.R. van Weeren | Dr. I.D. Wijnberg | Utrecht | DGK | 16-09-13 | The effect of the head and neck position on the equine athlete |
Prof. dr. W. Back | ||||||
Slingenberg, B.J.W. | Prof. Dr. H. Treub | Amsterdam (UvA) | GYN | 16-04-07 | Misvormingen van extremiteiten | |
Slob, mw M.J. | Prof. Dr. W.J.J. van Rooij | Dr. M. Sluzewski | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 26-04-06 | Reopening of coiled cerebral aneurysms. Mechanisms, treatment and prevention |
Sloothaak, mw D.A.M. | Prof. Dr. W.A. Bemelman | Dr. C.J. Buskens | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 21-01-15 | Evolving concepts in staging and treatment of colorectal cancer |
Dr. P.J. Tanis | ||||||
Dr. E.S. van der Zaag | ||||||
Sluimer, J.D. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 28-04-11 | Visualizing the shrinking brain. Longitudinal MR studies in the spectrum of cognitive decline |
Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | |||||
Sluis, A.S. | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 14-02-52 | Over prognose, aetiologie en behandeling van het primaire mammacarcinoom | |
Sluis, mw I.M. van der | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Rotterdam | RAD | 23-01-02 | Children's bone health | |
Prof. Dr. S.L.S. Drop | ||||||
Sluys Veer, J. van der | Prof. Dr. D. Smeenk | Leiden | IGK | 15-05-68 | Een onderzoek over osteoporose bij het syndroom van Cushing met behulp van tetracycline en radioactief calcium | |
Sluzewski, M. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Dr. K. Schuur | Nijmegen | RAD | 12-01-90 | Real-time echografie in de diagnostiek van diep veneuze trombose |
Prof. Dr. Th.J.M.V. van Vroonhoven | ||||||
Smeets, A.J. | Prof. Dr. W.J.J. van Rooij | Dr. P.N.M. Lohle | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 30-06-10 | Clinical aspects of uterine artery embolization |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. P.F. Boekkooi | |||||
Smelt, G.J. | Prof. Dr. E. Huizinga | Groningen | KNO | 01-10-47 | Dubbelzijdige bronchographie | |
Smid-Geirnaerdt, mw M.J.A. | ||||||
zie: Geirnaerdt, mw M.J.A. | ||||||
Smit, A.J.G.M. | Prof. Dr. L. Koornneef | Amsterdam (UvA) | OOG | 30-05-91 | The postenucleation socket syndrome | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. F.W. Zonneveld | ||||||
Smit Sibinga, C.Th. | Prof. Dr. H.B. Lamberts | Groningen | MFY | 20-12-72 | Prevention of vessel wall damage in experimental irradiation | |
Prof. Dr. H.O. Nieweg | ||||||
Smits, H.F.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. P.J. Blankesteijn | Utrecht | RAD | 15-02-00 | Radiological diagnosis and treatment of hemodyalysis access graft dysfunction |
Prof. Dr. H.A. Koomans | Dr. C.J.G. Bakker | |||||
Smits, mw M. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. D.W.J. Dippel | Rotterdam | RAD | 25-06-08 | Imaging in minor head injury. Early complications and late consequences |
Dr. A. van der Lugt | ||||||
Smits, M.G. | Prof. Dr. H.O.M. Thijssen | Nijmegen | RAD | 02-03-84 | Familial strio-pallido-dentate calcinosis: some clinical and etiological aspects | |
Prof. Dr. F.J.M. Gabreëls | ||||||
Smits, M.L.J. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. J.F.W Nijsen | Utrecht | RAD | 18-12-13 | Holmium radioembolization of liver metastases |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. B.A. Zonnenberg | |||||
Smits, P.C. | ? | Utrecht | CDL | 30-11-97 | Clinical aspects of intracoronary imaging with angioscopy and intravascular ultrasound | |
Snellen, H.A. | Prof. Dr. W.A. Kuenen | Leiden | IGK | 27-04-39 | De röntgenologische diagnostiek der sclerose van hart en aorta | |
Snijders, H. | Prof. Dr. A.G. Brom | Leiden | CDL | 17-12-70 | De totale correctie van de tetralogie van Fallot | |
Snijders-Keilholz, mw A. | Prof. Dr. J.B.M.Z. Trimbos | Leiden | GYN | 16-09-93 | Side-effects following irradiation for gynaecological tumors and methods to reduce or prevent small bowel injury | |
Prof. Dr. J.W.H. Leer | ||||||
Soest, J.P.A. van | Prof. Dr. Ir. A.L.A.J. Dekker | Maastricht | RAT | 28-11-18 | Clinical data science in radiotherapy; data extraction and quantitative analysis | |
Prof. Dr. V. Valentini | ||||||
Sollie, J.E. | Prof. Dr. N.F.Th. Arts | Dr. H.P. van Geijn | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 28-06-85 | Antenatale echoscopische diagnostiek van congenitale afwijkingen |
Sombekke, mw M.H. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 13-03-13 | Genetic and imaging markers of multiple sclerosis prognosis and diagnosis |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. Ir. H. Vrenken | |||||
Somford, D.M. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Witjes | Dr. J.J. Fütterer | Nijmegen | URN | 26-09-13 | Challenges in diagnosis, grading and staging of localized prostate cancer |
Mw Dr. I.M. van Oort | ||||||
Song, H.H. | Prof. Dr. H. Verbiest | Utrecht | NCH | 14-10-80 | Radionuclide cisternographie: de betekenis van radionuclide cisternographie voor de diagnose en behandeling van hydrocephalus en sommige aandoeningen, die met hydrocephalus gepaard kunnen gaan | |
Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | ||||||
Sozzi, F.A.M.A. | Prof.Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. D. Poldermans | Rotterdam | CDL | 31-10-01 | New directions in myocardial stress imaging |
Spanjaard, E.A. | Prof. Dr. C.F.A. Koch | Groningen | HEE | 06-06-25 | Het röntgenonderzoek van het nierbekken | |
Speijer, B. | Prof. Dr. D.J. Steenhuis | Leiden | RAD | 01-03-50 | Betekenis en bepaling van de skeletleeftijd | |
Spek, A. van der | Prof. Dr. B.A. den Herder | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 21-11-69 | De tomografische localisering en de lineaire tomografie van de ductus hepatocholedochus: een röntgen-anatomisch onderzoek | |
Spek, J. van der | Prof. Dr. Noordenbos | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 30-06-33 | On osteogenic sarcoma | |
Spijkerboer, mw A.M. | Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | Utrecht | VCH | 06-09-96 | Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for lower limb ischemia. Follow-up with duplex ultrasound | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Spilt, A. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Dr. G.J. Blauw | Leiden | RAD | 09-03-06 | Changes in total cerebral blood flow and morphology in aging |
Dr. A.J.M. de Craen | ||||||
Sprengers, A.M.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 19-12-13 | Continuously tagged MRI of non-periodic motion |
Dr. R.M.J.N. Lamerichs | ||||||
Sprengers, mw M.E.S. | Prof. Dr. W.J.J. van Rooij | Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 08-06-09 | Long term follow-up of patients with coiled intracranial aneurysms |
Dr. M. Sluzewski | ||||||
Sprengers, R.W. | Prof. Dr. F.L. Moll | Utrecht | HEE | 25-03-10 | Stem cell therapy in no-option critical limb ischemia patients | |
Prof. Dr. M.C. Verhaar | ||||||
Spronk, mw S. | Prof. dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. J.L. Bosch | Rotterdam | RAD | 16-01-08 | Management of patients with intermittent claudication |
Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Dr. P.T. den Hoed | |||||
Spronsen, P.H. van | Prof. Dr. B. Prahl-Andersen | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 03-09-93 | Masticatory muscles in normal and long-face humans (an MRI study) | |
Prof. Dr. W.A. Weijs | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J. Valk | ||||||
Šrámek, A. | Prof. Dr. F.R. Rosendaal | Leiden | EPI | 11-09-02 | Defects in haemostasis and the development of atherosclerosis | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.H.C. Reiber | ||||||
Staalman, Ch.R. | Prof. Dr. P.A. Voûte | Dr. J.W.A.J. Reeders | Amsterdam (UvA) | KGK | 09-06-95 | Imaging of embryonal abdominal tumours in children |
Stadler, mw A.A.R. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. A. Thron | Aken (D) | RAD | 19-05-04 | Gamma-Knife Bestrahlung cerebraler arteriovenöser Malformationen: Analyse des Einflusses angiographischer Parameter auf die Obliterationsrate | |
Prof. Dr. J.M. Gilsbach | ||||||
Staekenborg, S.S. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Dr. W.M. van der Flier | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 23-12-09 | From normal aging to dementia: risk factors and clinical findings in relation to vascular changes on brain MRI |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Stallmann, H.P. | Prof. Dr. P.I.J.M. Wuisman | Dr. A.L.J.J. Bronckers | Amsterdam (VU) | NON | 09-03-07 | Antimicrobial peptides: experimental prevention of osteomyelitis |
Prof. Dr. A. van Nieuw Amerongen | Dr. E.C. Veerman | |||||
Stam, H.C. | Prof. Dr. G.J. van der Plaats | Groningen | RAD | 25-06-58 | Röntgenologisch onderzoek van kwaadaardige gezwellen van het strottenhoofd | |
Stammes, mw M.A. | Prof. Dr. L-F. de Geus-Oei | Dr. A.R. Vahrmeijer | Leiden | NGK | 22-05-18 | Multimodal image-guided interventions using oncological biomarkers |
Dr. L.J. Cruz-Ricondo | ||||||
Star, J.G. van der | Prof. Dr. N.G.M. Orie | Groningen | LOZ | 12-06-79 | Gecombineerde chemo- en radiotherapie van het kleincellig anaplastisch longcarcinoom. Een klinisch onderzoek | |
Prof. Dr. H.J. Sluiter | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J. Vermeij | ||||||
Steen, W.H.A. | Prof. Drs. G.E. Flögel | Utrecht | THK | 27-03-84 | Measuring mandibular ridge reduction. The development of a radiological registration method and a clinical application in a comparison between complete denture- and overdenture wearers | |
Prof. Drs. J. van Aken | ||||||
Steenbakkers, R.H.J.M. | Prof. Dr. G.M.M. Bartelink | Dr. C.R.N. Rasch | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAT | 31-01-07 | Optimizing target definition for radiotherapy |
Prof. Dr. M.B. van Herk | ||||||
Steenhuis, D.J. | Prof. Dr. W. Nolen | Leiden | MBL | 18-05-22 | Over de interpretatie van het röntgenologisale longbeeld ten behoeve van de diagnose der long-tuberculose | |
Steens, S.C.A. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 31-05-06 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies on neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus | |
Prof. Dr. T.W.J. Huizinga | ||||||
Steenweg, M.E. | Prof. Dr. M.S. van der Knaap | Dr. P.J.W. Pouwels | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 14-04-15 | Childhood white matter disorders: research at the interface of MRI, clinical phenotype and genetics |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Steggerda, mw S.J. | Prof. Dr. F.J. Walther | Dr. G. Meijler | Leiden | KGK | 24-09-14 | The neonatal cerebellum |
Stehouwer, mw B.L. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. W.B. Veldhuis | Utrecht | RAD | 12-06-14 | Ultra-high field Magnetic Resonance Imaging of breast cancer |
Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. Ing. D.W.J. Klomp | |||||
Steketee, mw R.M.E. | Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | Mw Dr. M. Smits | Rotterdam | RAD | 05-02-16 | Advanced MR neuroimaging in early stage presenile dementia |
Prof. Dr. J.C. van Swieten | ||||||
Stelt, P.F. van der | Prof. Dr. C.O. Eggink | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 31-08-79 | Periapical bone lesions. An experimental research into noticing periapical bone lesions and the effect of color conversion on it | |
Stenvers, H.W. | Prof. Dr. C. Winkler | Utrecht | NEU | 01-06-20 | Klinische studie over de functie van het cerebellum en de diagnostiek der cerebellum- en bruggehoektumoren | |
Stevens, P. | Prof. Dr. J de Graeff | Leiden | URN | 12-04-67 | Renografie. Het onderzoek van de nieren met 131J-Hippuran | |
Steyvers, M.J. | Prof. Dr. S.P. Swinnen | K.U. Leuven (B) | NON | 16-05-04 | Transcranial magnetic stimulation: virtual lesion, proprioceptive stimulation and human motor cortex reorganisation | |
Prof. Dr. J.C. Rothwell | ||||||
Stieltjes, B. | Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | Leiden | RAD | 06-12-11 | On connectivity in the central nervous system, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging study | |
Prof. Dr. M. Essig | ||||||
Stigt, J.A. | Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Groen | Groningen | LOZ | 19-06-13 | Thoracic masses: from chest radiography and ultrasound guided biopsies to molecular biology | |
Stoelinga, P.J.W. | Prof. Drs. C.A. Merkx | Nijmegen | THK | 24-09-71 | Over kaakcysten. Een histologisch en klinisch onderzoek | |
Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Schillings | ||||||
Stoker, J. | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Rotterdam | RAD | 16-11-94 | The percutaneous use of the Wallstent endoprosthesis in malignant biliary obstruction | |
Prof. Dr. H.S. Schütte | ||||||
Stokkel, M.P.M. | Prof. Dr. G.J. Hordijk | Dr. P.P. van Rijk | Utrecht | KNO | 24-09-99 | The clinical applicability of F18-FDG detection with a dual-head coincidence camera |
Dr. C.H.J. Terhaard | ||||||
Stolker, R.J. | Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | Dr. G.J. Groen | Utrecht | NCH | 08-02-94 | Pain management by radiofrequency procedures in the cervical and thoracic spine: a clinical and anatomical study |
Vervest A.C.M. | Prof. Dr. J.Th.A. Knape | |||||
Stomp, W. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 23-06-16 | MRI in early rheumatoid arthritis: techniques and applications | |
Stoop, mw E.M. | Prof. Dr. E.J. Kuipers | Dr. M. van Leerdam | Rotterdam | IGK | 20-10-13 | Population-based colorectal cancer screening by colonoscopy or CT colonography |
Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | ||||||
Stoutenbeek, P. | Prof. Dr. Haspels | Utrecht | GYN | 1982 | Echo-abdominometrie en foetale groei | |
Prof. Dr. A.C. Klinkhamer | ||||||
Stoutjesdijk, M.J. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. H.J. Huisman | Nijmegen | RAD | 11-11-11 | Automated analysis of contrast enhancement in MRI of the breast |
Prof. Dr. N Karssemeijer | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C Boetes | ||||||
Stouwe, mw A.M.M. van der | Prof. Dr. Ir. N.M. Maurits | Groningen | NRF | 23-09-15 | Diagnosis and functional imaging of essential and other tremors | |
Prof. Dr. M.A.J. de Koning-Tijssen | ||||||
Straaten, E.C.W. van | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 11-01-08 | MRI correlates of vascular cerebral lesions and cognitive impairment | |
Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | ||||||
Straatman, H.J.S. | Prof. Dr. F.C. Stam | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 16-06-67 | Pneumoencefalografisch en electroencefalografisch onderzoek bij defectschizofrene patiënten | |
Strake te, L. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 30-09-87 | MRI of the kidney | |
Prof. Dr. G.K. van der Hem | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | ||||||
Straten, A. van | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Dr. H.W. Vliegen | Leiden | RAD | 17-12-08 | Optimal timing of pulmonary valve replacement in tetralogy of Fallot |
Prof. Dr. M.G. Hazekamp | ||||||
Strijbis, mw E.M.M. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 06-06-14 | Towards endophenotyping multiple sclerosis |
Prof. Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.M.J. Uitdehaag | ||||||
Strijen, M.J.L. van | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. M.V. Huisman | Leiden | RAD | 22-03-07 | Diagnosing pulmonary embolism: establishing and consolidating the role of spiral CT |
Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | ||||||
Strijk, S.P. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Nijmegen | RAD | 16-01-87 | Radiologic techniques in staging malignant lymphoma | |
Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | ||||||
Stroet, M.A.J. te | Prof. Dr. A. van Kampen | Nijmegen | ORT | 16-12-16 | Clinical and radiographic outcome of cemented revision total hip arthroplasty | |
Stroosma, O.C. | Prof. Dr.P.J. Klopper | Prof. Dr. A. van den Hooff | Amsterdam UvA | HEE | 27-05-82 | Het losse botfragment. Een experimenteel onderzoek |
Dr. J.R. Borggreve | ||||||
Strübbe, E.H. | Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | Groningen | RAD | 26-05-93 | The Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome; a descriptive study of radiological and physical signs | |
Prof. Dr. R. Holland | ||||||
Stümper, O.F.W. | Prof. Dr. J. Hess | Rotterdam | CDL | 13-02-91 | Pediatric transesophageal echocardiography | |
Prof. Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | ||||||
Styblo, K. | Prof. Dr. P.M. Rozing | Leiden | ORT | 04-09-91 | Conservative treatment of juvenile and idiopathic scoliosis: a clinical, roentgenological and comparative retrospective study on the effects of conservative treatment by brace in 290 juvenile and adolescent consecutive patients | |
Sueters, mw M. | Prof. Dr. H.H.H. Kanhai | Dr. F.P.H.A. Vandenbuscche | Leiden | GYN | 05-06-07 | Ultrasound studies in monochorionic twin pregnancies. Results of TULIPS: Twins and ultrasound in pregnancy studies |
Sukhai, R.N. | Prof. Dr. R.J. Scholtmeijer | Rotterdam | KGK | 12-06-87 | Obstructieve uropathie bij kinderen voorspellende waarde van 99m Tc-DTPA renografische studies verricht tijdens maximale diurese | |
Prof. Dr. H.K.A. Visser | ||||||
Suwannasom, mw M.P. | Prof. Dr. R.J. de Winter | Dr. J.J. Wykrzykowska | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 14-09-17 | Preprocedural planning, procedural guidance and follow-up assessment in percutaneous coronary intervention using multimodality coronary imaging |
Prof. Dr. P.W.J.C. Serruys | Dr. Y. Onuma | |||||
Swen, W.A.A. | Prof. Dr. J.W.J. Bijlsma | Dr. J.W.G. Jacobs | Utrecht | REU | 06-04-01 | Sonography in rheumatology. A new approach in diagnosis and treatment |
Swijnenburg, R.-J. | Prof. Dr. J.F. Hamming | Leiden | NCH | 21-04-09 | Characterization of embryonic stem cell transplantation immunobiology using molecular imaging | |
Prof. Dr. R.C. Robbins | ||||||
Symersky, P. | Prof. Dr. Mr. B.A.J.M. de Mol | Dr. R.P.J. Budde | Amsterdam (UvA) | CTC | 05-04-12 | Multidetector-row Computed Tomography imaging of prosthetic heart valves: clinical and experimental aspects |
Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | ||||||
Syriopoulos, K. | Prof. Dr. P.F. van der Stelt | Dr. X.L. Velders | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 21-04-99 | Developing procedures and quality assurance in dental radiography |
Suryapranata, H. | Prof. Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Rotterdam | CDL | 14-09-88 | Percutaneaous transluminal coronary angioplasty in acute ischemic syndromes | |
Szatmári, V. | Prof. Dr. J. Rothuizen | Dr. G. Voorhout | Utrecht | DGK | 22-04-04 | Ultrasonography of portosystemic shunting in dogs; Doppler studies before, during and after surgery |
Prof. Dr. K. Vörös | ||||||
Taams, M.A. | Prof. Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. W.J. Gussenhoven | Rotterdam | CDL | 31-10-90 | Transesophageal echocardiography for clinical decision making |
Taconis, W.K. | Prof. Dr. J.D. Mulder | Leiden | RAD | 16-06-82 | Fibrosarcoom van het skelet, een klinisch-radiologisch onderzoek | |
Prof. Dr. Th.G. van Rijssel | ||||||
Takx, R.A.P. | Prof. Dr. T. Leiner | Dr. P.A. de Jong | Utrecht | RAD | 07-01-16 | CT imaging of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
Dr. I. Isğum | ||||||
Tam, mw C.K.L. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. A. van der Lugt | Rotterdam | RAD | 07-01-09 | Functional MRI studies into the neuroanatomical basis of the eye movements |
Dr. J.N. van der Geest | ||||||
Tan Kimeng, A.H. | Prof. Dr. E. Wollheim | Würzburg | CDL | 1967 | Die simultane Bestimmung verschiedener hämodynamischer Grössen und Teilkreislaufzeiten mittels radioaktivem J 131 Albumin | |
Tan, mw I.L. | Prof.Dr. R.A. Manoliu | Dr. P.J.W. Pauwels | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 14-06-02 | Time-series analysis of disease activity in multiple sclerosis with MR imaging: towards a 4D approach |
Prof.Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Tan, T.J. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 29-05-57 | De lumbale aortographie | |
Tan, W.H. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 22-10-68 | Diagnostiek van hersentumoren met radio-actieve stoffen. (Klinische toepassing en theoretische grondslagen) | |
Tanis, W. | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Dr. S.A.J. Chamuleau | Utrecht | CDL | 20-06-14 | Novel imaging strategies for the detection of prosthetic heart valve obstruction and endocarditis |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. R.P.J. Budde | |||||
Tans, J.Th.J. | Prof. Dr. J.H.A. van der Drift | Dr. J.C. Koetsier | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 08-06-78 | Computer tomografie bij intracraniële tumoren en bloedingen |
Taphoorn, M.J.B. | Prof. Dr. J.C. Koetsier | Dr. J.J. Heimans | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 23-09-94 | Treatment of primary and metastatic brain tumours. Beneficial and adverse effects. |
Tas, C. van der | Prof. Dr. A. Biemond | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 19-06-69 | De arterioveneuze misvorming van de hersenen: een bewerking van 93 gevallen uit het St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis te Tilburg | |
Taverne, P.P. | Prof. Dr. A.J. Salomé | Groningen | NON | 04-06-80 | Een fysisch-antroplogisch onderzoek van de gebitten van vier Surinaamse bevolkingsgroepen | |
Teernstra, O.P.M. | Prof. Dr. E.A.M. Beuls | Dr. J. Lodder | Maastricht | NCH | 12-12-02 | Stereotactic treatment of intracerebral hematoma by means of a plasminogen activator |
Dr. G. Blaauw | ||||||
Teixeira, mw S.C. | Prof. Dr. E.J.T. Rutgers | Dr. M.J.T.F.D. Baas-Vrancken Peeters | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 14-09-17 | Breast cancer tailored staging using molecular imaging |
Dr. M.P.M. Stokkel | ||||||
Tekatli, H.Z. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 05-06-18 | Stereotactic and hypofractionated radiotherapy for high risk lung tumors | |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Temmerman, O.P.P. | Prof. Dr. G.J.J. Teule | Dr. P.G.H.M. Raijmakers | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 04-10-07 | A comparison of radiographic and scintigraphic techniques to assess aseptic loosening of a total hip prosthesis |
Dr. I.C. Heyligers | ||||||
Tepper, mw L.A. | Prof. Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens | Dr. M. de Bruijne | Rotterdam | LOZ | 05-11-14 | Monitoring cystic fibrosis lung disease: chest imaging and patient-related outcome measures |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Dr. E.M.W.J. Utrens | |||||
Terra, mw M.P. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 24-03-06 | Faecal incontinence: diagnosis and treatment | |
Prof. Dr. C.G.M.I. Baeten | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | ||||||
Terwindt, V.A.M. | Prof. Dr. F.S.P van Buchem | Groningen | IGK | 13-06-56 | Functioneel schildklieronderzoek met behulp van jodium 131 bij endemisch struma, subcutane thyreoiditis en het syndroom van Page | |
Tetteroo, E. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | RAD | 20-05-97 | The Dutch Iliac Stent Trial - results from a randomized multicenter study |
Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | ||||||
Teunen, A. | Prof. Dr. G,.N.J. Tydgat | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 14-06-84 | The human pancreas. Studies on endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and pancreatic exocrine function in health and disease | |
Tewarie, P.K.B. | Prof. Dr. C.J. Stam | Dr. Ir. A. Hillebrand | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 19-12-14 | Functional brain networks in multiple sclerosis: linking structural pathology to clinical disability |
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | |||||
The, S.H. (Doktorarbeit) | Priv.-Doz. Dr. Med. G. Schmidt | Essen | HEE | 22-02-79 | Beitrag zur Klinik: epipharynx carcinoma. | |
Prof. Dr. Med. E. Scherer | ||||||
The, S.H.K. | Prof. Dr. H. van Urk | Dr. E.J. Gussenhoven | Rotterdam | VCH | 18-01-95 | Intravascular ultrasound in peripheral vessels |
The, S.K. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 20-11-73 | Patroonherkenning van longscintigrammen met behulp van een digitale computer | |
Thier, P.F.X. | Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Noyons | Utrecht | FYS | 04-07-33 | Over actiestroomen der retina bij bestraling met radium | |
Thijn, C.J.P. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 18-03-64 | De waarde van het dubbelcontrastonderzoek bij de diagnostiek van kleine colon- en rectumtumoren | |
Thijs, L.G. | Prof. Dr. C. van der Meer | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 05-04-73 | De koude schildkliernodus. Een klinisch onderzoek in het bijzonder naar de betekenis van de ultrageluidsdiagnostiek | |
Prof. Dr. G.A. Lindeboom | ||||||
Thijssen, H.O.M. | Prof. Dr. Wm.H.A.M. Penn | Nijmegen | RAD | 25-06-71 | Over angiografie bij trauma capitis | |
Prof. Dr. L. Penning | ||||||
Thimister, P.W.L. | Prof. Dr. J.B.M.J. Jansen | Dr. W.P.M. Hopman | Nijmegen | NON | 30-01-97 | Physiological aspects of gallbladder motility and pancreatic enzymesecretion in humans: studies on plasma cholecystokinin, intraduodenal bile salts, protease activity, and nerve-gut interaction |
Prof. Dr. G.J.E. Rosenbusch | ||||||
Thoma, S.R. | ? | ? | NON | 1993 | PDS in de vaatchirurgie. | |
Thomas, P. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 19-06-63 | Bronchuscarcinoom: stadiumindeling en andere factoren die een rol spelen bij de bepaling van de prognose | |
Thomeer, M.G.J. | Mw Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Mw Dr. H.C. van Doorn | Rotterdam | RAD | 21-11-18 | Abdominal MRI in women's health: advanced imaging |
Tiehuis, mw A.M. | Prof. Dr. W.P.T.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 07-07-09 | Brain MRI in type 2 diabetes | |
Prof. Dr. L.J. Kappelle | ||||||
Prof.Dr. G.J. Biessels | ||||||
Tiel, J. van | Prof. Dr. Ir. H.H. Weinans | Dr. E.H.G. Oei | Rotterdam | RAD | 17-11-15 | Quantitative imaging biomarkers of knee cartilage composition |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Tiel-van Buul, mw M.M.C. | Prof. Dr. F.L.M. Peeters | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 23-09-92 | Diagnostic imaging in suspected scaphoid fracture: the use of bone scintigraphy in the management of clinically suspectes scaphoid fracture | |
Prof. Dr. F.H.M. Corstens | ||||||
Tielbeek, A.V. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 12-11-96 | Treatment of lower limb ischaemia. The role of directional atherectomy | |
Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | ||||||
Tielbeek, J.A.W. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. C.Y. Ponsioen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 03-10-14 | MRI for grading Crohn's disease |
Prof. Dr. Ir. L.J. van Vliet | Dr. F.M. Vos | |||||
Tilborg, mw A.A.J.M. van | Prof. Dr. C. van Kuijk | Dr. M.R. Meijerink | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 18-05-17 | Thermal ablation of liver tumors validation and implementation in clinical practice |
Dr. M.P. van den Tol | ||||||
Timmer, P.R. | Prof. Dr. J. Janssens | Groningen | GYN | 21-04-82 | De behandeling van het cervix carcinoom in het Academisch Ziekenhuis te Groningen van 1970 tot 1979 | |
Prof. Dr. J. Vermeij | ||||||
Timp, mw S. | Prof. Dr. C.C.A.M. Gielen | Dr. N. Karssemeijer | Nijmegen | MFY | 06-06-06 | Analysis of temporal mammogram pairs to detect and characterise mass lesions |
Tjen, H.S.L.M. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 30-01-79 | Cholescintigraphy, the clinical application of 99m Technetiumdiethyl-IDA to the investigation of the liver and biliary tract | |
Tjon a Tham, R.T.O. | Prof. Dr. C.B.H.W. Lamers | Dr. T.H.M. Falke | Leiden | RAD | 20-05-92 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the pancreas |
Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | ||||||
Dr. J.L. Bloem | ||||||
Tonge(-Jones), mw H.M. | Prof. Jhr. Dr. J.W. Wladimiroff | Rotterdam | GYN | 14-01-87 | A Doppler ultrasound study of human fetal vascular dynamics | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Bom | ||||||
Tongeren, J.H.M. van | Prof. Dr. C.L.H. Majoor | Nijmegen | IGK | 28-04-67 | Eiwitverlies via de darmwand: het meten van eiwitlekkage door de darmwand met behulp van met Cr51 gemerkte plasma-eiwitten | |
Tops, L.F. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 15-04-10 | Multimodality imaging to guide cardiac interventional procedures | |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Toxopeus, mw C.M. | Prof. Dr. Ir. N.M. Maurits | Dr. B.M. de Jong | Groningen | NFY | 06-06-12 | The organization of initiation and inhibition of movement. Linking muscle and brain in healthy subjects and patients with Parkinson's disease |
Prof. Dr. K.L. Leenders | ||||||
Troostwijk, A.L. | Prof. Dr. J. Janssens | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 09-03-72 | Echoscopie in de jonge zwangerschap | |
Trouerbach, W.Th. | Prof. Drs. K. Hoornstra | Rotterdam | RAD | 26-05-82 | Radiographic aluminium equivalent value of bone. The development of a registration method and some clinical applications | |
Prof. Drs. J. van Aken | ||||||
Truijman, mw M.T.B. | Prof. Dr. W.H. Mess | Dr. M.E. Kooi | Maastricht | RAD | 19-02-16 | Plaque vulnerability in stroke patients: a multimodality imaging approach |
Prof. Dr. J. Wildberger | ||||||
Tummers, mw W.S.F.J. | Prof. Dr. C.J.H. van de Velde | Dr. A.L. Vahrmeijer | Leiden | HEE | 13-11-18 | Diagnostic and intraoperative targeted Molecular Imaging for pancreatic cancer |
Dr. R.J. Swijnenburg | ||||||
Tutein Nolthenius, mw C.J. | Prof. Dr. E. Dekker | Dr. A.D. Montauban van Swijndregt | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 10-11-16 | CT colonography for polyp surveillance and MRI features in Crohn's disease |
Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | ||||||
Ubbens, R. | Prof. Dr. J.R. Blickman | Groningen | RAD | 08-06-60 | Over de röntgendiagnostiek van de lumbale hernia nuclei pulposi | |
Uden, mw I.W.M. van | Mw Prof. Dr. C.J.M. Klijn | Dr. E.J. van Dijk | Nijmegen | HEE | 14-02-17 | The behavioural consequences of cerebral small vessel disease. An MRI approach |
Prof. Dr. H.F. de Leeuw | ||||||
Uijl, D.W. den | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 12-03-14 | Radiofrequency catheter ablation in atrial arryhtmias: Insights into pre-procedural evaluation and procedural guidance | |
Prof. Dr. M.J. Schalij | ||||||
Uittenboogaard, L.B | Prof. Dr. J.M.G. van Vugt | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 01-04-11 | The fetal heart. Critical appraisal of three-dimensional echocardiography | |
Umans, V.A.W.M. | Prof. Dr. P.W. Serruys | Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Rotterdam | CDL | 26-10-94 | Clinical, angiographic and histologic aspects of directional coronary atherectomy |
Valk, J. | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 13-05-71 | Atrofia cerebri bij chronische psychiatrische patiënten: een neuroröntgenologische studie | |
Vallez García, D. | Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | Dr. A. Otte | Groningen | NGK | 02-12-15 | PET imaging of mild traumatic brain injury and whiplash associated disorder |
Valois, J.C. de | Prof. Dr. J.J. Ariens Kappers | Amsterdam (UvA) | NON | 03-03-66 | An electrophysiological study of cerebral anoxia | |
Vanderschueren, G.M.J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 04-02-09 | Radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma | |
Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Taminiau | ||||||
Vanneste, B.G.L. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Dr. E. van Lin | Maastricht | RAT | 04-07-18 | Reduction of rectal toxicity in prostate cancer radiation therapy by implantable rectum spacers |
Dr. A. Hoffmann | ||||||
Vanneste, J.A. | Prof. Dr. H. van Crevel | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 14-11-91 | Normal pressure hydrocephalus | |
Prof. Dr. D.A. Bosch | ||||||
Varekamp, A.P. | Prof. Dr. A. Zwaveling | Leiden | HEE | 06-09-78 | De invloed van anoxie en lokale radiotherapie op implantatiemetastasen | |
Vasbinder, G.B.Ch. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. P.J. Nelemans | Maastricht | RAD | 30-10-03 | Evaluation of CT and MR angiography for the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis |
Prof. Dr. P.W. de Leeuw | Dr. A.A. Kroon | |||||
Veelen, G.A. van | Prof. Dr. C.H. van der Vaart | Utrecht | GYN | 15-01-15 | Ultrasound of the pelvic floor during and after first pregnancy | |
Veen, E.A. van der | Prof. Dr. C. van der Meer | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 13-06-78 | Adrenal scintigraphy: an experimental study and clinical application | |
Veen, G. | Prof. Dr. F.W.A. Verheugt | Amsterdam (VU) | CDL | 11-10-96 | Angiographic aspects of reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction | |
Veen, P.H. van der | Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. M.I. Geerlings | Utrecht | EPI | 16-12-14 | The aging brain in patients with manifest arterial disease |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. M. Muller | |||||
Veenland, mw J.F. | Prof. Dr. E.S. Gelsema | Rotterdam | WMI | 13-01-99 | Texture analysis of the radiographic trabecular bone pattern in osteoporosis | |
Prof. Dr. H.E. Schütte | ||||||
Veer-ten Kate, mw M. van 't | ||||||
zie: Kate, M. ten | ||||||
Veersema, S. | Prof. Dr. H.A.M. Brölmann | Dr. P.G.A. Hompes | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 05-06-14 | Histeroscopic sterilization |
Dr. M.P.H. Vleugels | ||||||
Veeze, P. | Prof. Dr. N.G.M. Orie | Groningen | LOZ | 22-05-68 | Rationale and methods of early detection in lung cancer | |
Velden, J.J.I.M. van der | Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | Rotterdam | RAD | 20-04-00 | Patient selection for cholecystectomy: the value of sonography | |
Prof. Dr. A. Prins | ||||||
Velders, mw X.L. | Prof. Dr. P.F. van der Stelt | Dr. P.J. van Aken | Amsterdam (VU) | THK | 31-08-89 | Patient exposure due to bitewing radiography |
Veldhuis, W.B. | Prof. Dr. K. Nicolay | Utrecht | MBV | 21-03-03 | Neuroprotection against excitotoxicity and inflammation in acute ischemic stroke - | |
Prof. Dr. P.R. Bär | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and spectroscopy studies | |||||
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Veldhuizen, A.G. | Prof. Dr. H.K.L. Nielsen | Groningen | ORT | 11-12-85 | Idiopathic scoliosis; a biomechanical and functional anatomical study | |
Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Lohman | ||||||
Veldt, mw A.A.M. van der | Prof. Dr. E. Boven | Amsterdam (VU) | IGK | 04-07-12 | Sunitinib for advanced renal cell cancer: pharmacodynamic aspects | |
Prof. Dr. J.B.A.G. Haanen | ||||||
Vellenga, C.J.L.R. | Prof. Dr. O.L.M. Bijvoet | Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Leiden | IGK | 24-11-82 | Bone scintigraphy in Paget's disease |
Vellinga, mw M.M. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. J.J.G. Geurts | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 21-01-09 | Imaging patterns of inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis: a multifocal approach |
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. H. Vranken | |||||
Velthuis, mw B.K. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. M.S. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | RAD | 15-12-98 | CT angiography in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage |
Dr. G.J.E. Rinkel | ||||||
Veltman, mw C.E. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 10-03-16 | Prognostic value of coronary anatomy and myocardial innervation imaging in cardiac disease | |
Veltman, J. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. Ir. H.J. Huisman | Nijmegen | RAD | 11-10-10 | Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI in the classification of breast lesions |
Prof. Dr. C. Boetes | ||||||
Velzen, C.L. van | Prof. Dr. C.J.M. de Groot | Dr. M.C. Haak | Amsterdam (VU) | GYN | 10-11-16 | Prenatal screening for congenital heart defects. The results of the standard anomaly scan in the Netherlands |
Prof. Dr. N.A. Blom | Dr. C.J. Bax | |||||
Velzen, mw J. van | Prof. Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Dr. J.D. Schuijf | Leiden | CDL | 16-02-12 | Imaging of coronary atherosclerosis and vulnerable plaque: from mechanism to management |
Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | ||||||
Ven, P.J.G. van de | Prof. Dr. H.A. Koomans | Dr. J.J. Beutler | Utrecht | FYS | 06-10-98 | Atherosclerotic renovascular disease: diagnosis and therapy |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Ven, mw S.M.W.Y. van de | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. A. Wiethoff | Utrecht | RAD | 03-03-11 | Optical breast imaging |
Prof. Dr. P.R. Luijten | Dr. S.G. Elias | |||||
Ven, W.J.M. van de | Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Karssemeijer | Dr. H.J. Huisman | Nijmegen | RAD | 04-07-16 | MRI guided TRUS prostate biopsy - a viable alternative? |
Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentz | ||||||
Venderink, Mr. W. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Fütterer | Dr. J.P.M. Sedelaar | Nijmegen | RAD | 11-12-18 | Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MRI-targeted biopsy of the prostate: The role of direct in-bore and MRI-ultrasound fusion guided biopsy |
Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. H.J. Huisman | |||||
Venema, mw C.M. | Mw Prof. Dr. G.A.P. Hospers | Dr. E.F.J. de Vries | Groningen | IGK | 09-05-18 | Imaging hormone receptors in metastatic breast cancer patients |
Mw Dr. C.P. Schroder | Dr. A.J.W.J. Glaudemans | |||||
Venmans, A. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. W.J.J. van Rooij | Utrecht | RAD | 18-10-11 | Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures |
Dr. P.N.M. Lohle | ||||||
Venrooij-IJsselmuiden, mw M.E. van | Prof. Dr. J.J. van der Werff ten Bosch | Utrecht | IGK | 07-11-78 | Growth and maturation of Dutch children. A mixed longitudinal study | |
Prof. Drs. H.J.L. Smeets | ||||||
Vente, M.A.D. | Prof. Dr. P.P. van Rijk | Dr. A.D. van het Schip | Utrecht | NGK | 09-07-09 | Preclinical studies on holmium-166 poly(L-lactic acid) microspheres for hepatic arterial radioembolization |
Dr. J.F.W Nijsen | ||||||
Veraart, B.E.E.M.J. | Prof. Dr. B. van Linge | Rotterdam | ORT | 29-05-85 | Operatieve behandeling van idiopathische scoliose bij het opgroeiend kind volgens de methode van Harrington | |
Verbeek, A.L.M. | Prof. Dr. F. Sturmans | Nijmegen | EPI | 26-04-85 | Population screening for breast cancer in Nijmegen: an evaluation of the period 1975-1982 | |
Verbeek, A.M. | Prof. Dr. A.F. Deutman | Nijmegen | OOG | 10-11-00 | Ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in ophthalmology | |
Verbeeten, B.G.J.M. | Prof. Dr. A.H.M.J. van Rooy | Amsterdam (UvA) | NON | 07-12-32 | Quantitatieve en qualitatieve veranderingen in het witte bloedbeeld tijdens het zoogen | |
Verberne, G.H.M. | Prof. Dr. W.H. Brummelkamp | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 04-07-85 | Enkele aspecten van bejaarde patiënten met fractura colli femoris | |
Prof. Dr. A.M. van Leeuwen | ||||||
Verbist, mw B.M. | Prof. Dr. J.H.M. Frijns | Dr. Ir. J.J. Briaire | Leiden | KNO | 10-02-10 | Cochlear imaging in the era of cochlear implantation: from silence to sound |
Prof. Dr. M.A. van Buchem | ||||||
Verburg, F.A. | Prof. Dr. C.J.M. Lips | Dr. J.W. van Isselt | Utrecht | IGK | 30-11-08 | Clinical studies on treatment and follow-up in differentiated thyroid carcinoma |
Prof. Dr. J.W.A. Smit | Dr. E.G.W.M. Lentjes | |||||
Verdaasdonk, R.M. | Prof. Dr. C. Borst | Dr. M.R.C. van Gemert | Utrecht | CDL | 01-05-90 | Laser angioplasty with modified fiber tips |
Verfaille, S.C.J. | Prof. Dr. W.M. van der Flier | Dr. B.M. Tijms | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 12-09-18 | Neuroimaging in subjective cognitive decline. Incipient Alzheimer's disease unmasked |
Prof. Dr. B.N.M. van Berckel | ||||||
Vergeldt, mw T.F.M. | Prof. Dr. M.E. Vierhout | Dr. M. Weemhoff | Nijmegen | GYN | 30-11-16 | Risk factors for pelvic organ prolapsed recurrence and the role of findings on translabial ultrasound |
Dr. K.B. Kluivers | ||||||
Vergroesen, A.J. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Cohen | Leiden | MBL | 15-12-65 | Bescherming door thiolverbindingen van in vitro gekweekte cellen tegen de invloed van röntgenstraling | |
Vergunst, H. | Prof. Dr. O.T. Terpstra | Rotterdam | HEE | 11-12-91 | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of gallbladderstones: an experimental study | |
Prof. Dr. F.H. Schröder | ||||||
Verhaak, R.L.O.M. | Prof. Dr. R.H. de Waard | Utrecht | RAD | 17-06-58 | Nierafwijkingen na pyelographie met thorotrast | |
Verhaar-Langereis, mw M.J. | Prof. Dr. G.H. Blijham | Dr. B.A. Zonnenberg | Utrecht | IGK | 14-12-99 | Tumour targeting using radiolabeled antibodies |
Dr. J.M.H. de Klerk | ||||||
Verhaaren, B.F.J. | Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. M.A. Ikram | Rotterdam | EPI | 16-04-14 | Determinants of subclinical vascular brain disease in aging |
Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | Dr. M.W. Vernooij | |||||
Verhey, J.B. | Prof. Dr. R.L.J. van Ruyven | Utrecht | CDL | 02-10-56 | Planigrafie van de aorta thoracica. Een klinische studie over de mogelijkheden welke de planigrafie biedt bij de diagnostiek van aandoeningen van de aorta thoracica | |
Verhoeff, A. | Prof. Dr. H. Burger | Amsterdam (UvA) | KNO | 18-10-21 | Behandeling van strottenhoofdtuberculose met röntgenstralen | |
Verhoeven, J.W. | Prof. Dr. R. Koole | Dr. M.S. Cune | Utrecht | THK | 22-02-00 | Some clinical and radiological aspects of implant treatment in mandibular atrophy |
Prof. Dr. C. de Putter | ||||||
Verkooijen, mw H.M. | Prof. Dr. Th.J.M.V. van Vroonhoven | Utrecht | HEE | 08-12-00 | Stereotactic large-core needle biopsy for nonpalpable breast disease. The COBRA study | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Verkooijen, R.B.T. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Romijn | Leiden | IGK | 15-09-09 | Differentiated thyroid carcinoma nuclear medicine studies | |
Prof. Dr. J.W.A. Smit | ||||||
Verlaan, J.J. | Prof. Dr. A.J. Verbout | Dr. F.C. Öner | Utrecht | ORT | 13-05-04 | Less invasive surgical treatment of traumatic thoracolumbar fractures |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | ||||||
Verlaat, mw J.W. van 't | Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | Dr. R.J.M. Croughs | Utrecht | NCH | 11-10-88 | Secreting pituitary adenomas |
Vermeij, J. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 17-05-73 | De periostreactie bij beentumoren | |
Prof. Dr. Th. G. van Rijssel | ||||||
Vermeltvoort, mw I.A.C. | Prof. Dr. G.J.J. Teule | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 31-05-11 | Diagnosis and prognosis of cardiac syndrome X | |
Vernooij, mw M.G. | Prof. Dr. M.M.B. Breteler | Dr. A. van der Lugt | Rotterdam | EPI | 11-03-09 | Imaging of age-related brain changes: a population-based approach |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Versijpt, J.J.A. | Prof. Dr. J. Korf | Groningen | FAR | 16-04-03 | Functional neuroinflammatory- and serotonergic imaging in Alzheimer's disease: validation and primary clinical findings | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Prof. Dr. G. Slegers | ||||||
Versluis, B. | Prof. Dr. Ir. W.H. Backes | Dr. T. Leiner | Maastricht | RAD | 03-07-14 | Quantitative morphologic and functional MRI of peripheral arterial disease |
Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | Dr. P.J. Nelemans | |||||
Verstegen, N.E. | Prof. Dr. S. Senan | Dr. F.J. Lagerwaard | Amsterdam (VU) | RAT | 25-06-15 | The evolving role of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in operable early stage non-small cell lung cancer |
Prof. Dr. B.J. Slotman | ||||||
Versteylen, M.O. | Prof. Dr. L. Hofstra | Dr. B.L.J.H. Kietselaer | Maastricht | CDL | 20-11-13 | Clinical cardiac Computed Tomographic Angiography. Implications for risk stratification |
Prof. Dr. H.J.G.M. Crijns | Dr. M. Das | |||||
Vervest A.C.M | Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | Dr. G.J. Groen | Utrecht | NCH | 08-02-94 | Pain management by radiofrequency procedures in the cervical and thoracic spine: a clinical and anatomical study |
Stolker, R.J. | Prof. Dr. J.Th.A. Knape | |||||
Verweij, H.F. | Prof. Dr. A.V.G. Bruschke | Leiden | CDL | 02-11-95 | Determinants of outcome after coronary bypass surgery. The significance of early recatheterization | |
Verwoerd, mw J.H. | Prof. Dr. B.W. Kroes | Dr. A.P. Verhagen | Rotterdam | HUI | 26-05-15 | Diagnosis and prognosis of sciatica |
Prof. Dr. W.C. Peul | ||||||
Verzijl, J.M. | Prof. Dr. J.H. Glerum | Utrecht | FAR | 01-02-95 | Internal contamination with radiocesium. Aspects of elimination enhancement by Prusian blue and extracorporal techniques | |
Prof. Dr. T.J.F. Savelkoul | ||||||
Verzijlbergen, J.F. | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Leiden | NGK | 19-03-96 | Imaging of myocardial perfusion and function with 99mTc sestamibi | |
Vet, A.C. de | Prof. Dr. B. Brouwer | Amsterdam (UvA) | NEU | 03-04-36 | Over de diagnostiek van het meningioma cerebri | |
Vette, J.K. | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Utrecht | RAD | 05-06-84 | Computed Tomography of the thyroid gland | |
Prof. Dr. G. Henneman | ||||||
Vielvoye, G.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Voogt | Leiden | NON | 07-09-77 | Spinocerebellar tracts in the White Leghorn (Gallus domesticus): an anatomical investigation with silverimpregnation methods | |
Prof. Dr. J.M.F. Landsmeer | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Lohman | ||||||
Vierzen, P.B.J. van | Prof. Dr. J.H.J. Ruijs | Dr. J.O. Barentz | Nijmegen | RAD | 11-06-97 | Fast dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of gynaecological tumors |
Prof. Dr. J.M.W.M. Merkus | ||||||
Vijlbrief, P. | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 01-12-65 | Een kritisch onderzoek naar de mogelijke betekenis van de xeroradiografie voor de röntgendiagnostiek | |
Vijverberg, P.L.M. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Kurth | Amsterdam (UvA) | URN | 11-06-92 | Transrectal ultrasound for diagnosis and treatment of ocalized prostatic carcinoma | |
Vincken, P.W.J. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. A.R. van Erkel | Leiden | RAD | 24-06-10 | MRI of the knee. Costeffective use |
Vis, J.B. de | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. Hendrikse | Utrecht | RAD | 30-01-15 | MRI quantitative hemodynamic evaluation of the brain |
Dr. E.T. Petersen | ||||||
Visser, J.D. | Prof. Dr. H.K.L. Nielsen | Groningen | ORT | 18-01-84 | Functional treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | ||||||
Visser, J.J. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. J.L. Bosch | Rotterdam | RAD | 14-11-07 | Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms: endovascular repair versus open surgery, a decision-analytic approach |
Dr. M.R.H.M. van Sambeek | ||||||
Visser, mw K. | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Rotterdam | RAD | 12-12-01 | Evaluation of diagnostic imaging work-up for peripheral arterial disease | |
Visser, P.J. | Prof. Dr. J. Jolles | Dr. F.R.J. Verhey | Maastricht | NEU | 20-09-00 | Predictors of Alzheimer type dementia in subjects with mild cognitive impairments |
Visser, R. | Prof. J.A. Langendijk | Dr. C.P. van der Schans | Groningen | RAT | 17-05-17 | Pre-treatment 3D dose verification for Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) |
Vlassenroot, G.E. | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 22-06-61 | Toepassing van de subtractie methode bij de kleinbeeld-angiocardiografie | |
Vleggaar, F.P. | Prof. Dr. S.W. Schalm | Rotterdam | IGK | 22-11-00 | Advances in classification, prognostication and treatment of immunicholangitis | |
Prof. Dr. G.P. van Berge Henegouwen | ||||||
Vleugels Schutter, G.J.N. | Prof. Dr. Th.M. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | DMT | 28-11-33 | Urethrographie en mannelijke gonorrhoe | |
Vliegen, R.F.A. | Prof. Dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan | Dr. G.L. Beets | Maastricht | RAD | 18-06-08 | Rectal cancer imaging, staging and restaging |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | ||||||
Vliegenthart, mw R. | Prof. Dr. A. Hofman | Dr. J.C.M. Witteman | Rotterdam | EPI | 19-03-03 | Coronary calcification and risk of cardiovascular disease: an epidemiologic study |
Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | ||||||
Vlieger, E.-J.P. | Prof. Dr. G.J. den Heeten | Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 10-03-06 | An inquiry into clinical applications of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques |
Prof. Dr. C.A. Grimbergen | Dr. E.M. Akkerman | |||||
Vlies, B. van | Prof. Dr. A.J. Dunning | Dr. E.A. van Royen | Amsterdam (UvA) | CDL | 06-12-89 | Indium-111 antimyosin scintigraphy in acute myocardial infarction |
Prof. Dr. C.A. Visser | ||||||
Vlies, C.H. van der | Prof. Dr. J.C. Goslings | Dr. K.J. Pomsen | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 21-09-12 | Blunt abdominal trauma. Changing patterns in diagnostic and treatment stratigies |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. O.M. van Delden | |||||
Vlijm, mw A. | Prof. Dr. R.T. Krediet | Dr. D.G. Struijk | Amsterdam (UvA) | URN | 07-10-10 | Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis and other aspects of long-term peritoneal dialysis |
Vlooswijk, M.C.G. | Prof. Dr. A.P. Aldenkamp | Dr. Ir. W.H. Backes | Maastricht | NEU | 30-09-11 | Connecting the dots - functional networks and cognition in chronic epilepsy |
Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | Dr. H.J.M. Majoie | |||||
Vlugt-Meijer, mw R.H. van der | Prof. Dr. P.Y. Barthez | Dr. G. Voorhout | Utrecht | DGK | 09-11-06 | Diagnostic imaging of the pituitary gland in dogs |
Dr. B.P. Meij | ||||||
Vogel, W.V. | Prof. Dr. W.J.G. Oyen | Dr. J.A. van Dalen | Nijmegen | NGK | 19-11-07 | Advances in PET and multimodality imaging. With emphasis on cancer of the head and neck and liver metastases from colorectal cancer |
Prof. Dr. J.H.A.M. Kaanders | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F.H.M. Corstens | ||||||
Volkers, mw N.A. | Prof. Dr. J.A. Reekers | Dr. W.M. Ankum | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 06-07-07 | Uterine artery embolization versus hysterectomy for symptomatic uterine fibroids |
Hehenkamp, W. | Prof. Dr. M.P.M. Burger | Dr. E. Birnie | ||||
Vonder, mw M. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 05-09-18 | Feasibility of cardiovascular population-based CT screening | |
Mw Prof. Dr. R. Vliegenthart | ||||||
Voogt, mw M.J. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. P.N.M. Lohle | Utrecht | RAD | 26-06-12 | Minimally invasive treatment of uterine fibroids |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | |||||
Voorhoeve, N. | Prof. Dr. P.K. Pel | Amsterdam (UvA) | NON | 03-07-12 | Bijdrage tot de kennis der kalkstofwisseling | |
Voorhoeve, R. | Prof. Dr. J.M. Greep | Dr. P.J. Breslau | Maastricht | HEE | 25-04-86 | The diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis |
Voorhout, G. | Prof. Dr. K.J. Dik | Utrecht | DGK | 10-11-88 | Diagnostic imaging of the pituitary and adrenal glands in hyperadrenocorticoid dogs | |
Prof. Dr. A. Rijnberk | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | ||||||
Voormolen, E.H.J. | Prof. Dr. P.A.J.T. Robe | Dr. J.W. Berkelbach van der Sprenkel | Utrecht | NCH | 10-07-18 | Computer-assisted surgery of the skull base: contributions to guidance and imaging |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. H.J. Noordmans | |||||
Voormolen, M.H.J. | Prof. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. L.E.H. Lampmann | Utrecht | RAD | 07-07-06 | Percutaneous vertebroplasty in osteoporotic compression fractures |
Prof. Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Dr. P.N.M. Lohle | |||||
Voorstad, J.N. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 16-10-23 | Alpha-stralen en hartswerking | |
Voort Maarschalk, E. van der | Prof. Dr. J. Droogleever Fortuyn | Groningen | NEU | 04-03-59 | Aanlegstoornissen van de craniovertebrale overgang | |
Voorthuisen, A.E. van | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 11-05-67 | Ervaringen met selectieve arteriografie van de arteria coeliaca en de arteria mesenterica superior | |
Vortman, B.J. | Prof. Dr. L. Penning | Groningen | RAD | 14-10-92 | Bewegingscentra van de lagere halswervelkolom: radiologisch bewegingsonderzoek bij normale proefpersonen: klinische betekenis bij discusaandoening C5/6 | |
Prof. Dr. W.H. Eisma | ||||||
Vos, A.M. de | Prof. Dr. P.A.F.M. Doevendans | Dr. B.J. Rensing | Utrecht | CDL | 24-04-09 | Non-invasive cardiac imaging and the risk of coronary atherosclerosis |
Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | ||||||
Prof. Dr. M.L. Bots | ||||||
Vos, C.G. | Prof. Dr. E.F. Smit | Dr. K.J. Hartemink | Amsterdam (VU) | OOG | 10-06-14 | Superior sulcus tumors. Response evaluation and quality of life |
Dr. M.R. Dahele | ||||||
Vos, mw E.K. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr.Ir. T.W.J. Scheenen | Nijmegen | RAD | 15-01-16 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of prostate cancer. Assessment of aggressiveness and pre-clinical developments |
Vos, F.I. | Prof. Dr. C.M. Bilardo | Groningen | GYN | 01-06-15 | Ultrasonography of the fetal nose, maxilla, mandible and forehead as markers for aneuploidy | |
Vos, H.J. | Prof. Dr. Ir. A.F.W. van der Steen | Rotterdam | CDL | 20-01-10 | Single microbubble imaging | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. N. de Jong | ||||||
Vos, J.A. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. R.G.A. Ackerstaff | Utrecht | RAD | 04-09-09 | Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting for carotid bifurcation stenosis |
Prof. Dr. J.C. van den Berg | ||||||
Vos, P.H. | Prof. Dr. A.R. Bakker | Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Leiden | WMI | 1982 | Nuclear cardiology |
Vos, R.J de | Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Weinans | Dr. J.L. Tol | Rotterdam | BMC | 22-09-10 | Imaging and treatment of chronic midportion achilles tendinopathy |
Prof. Dr. J.A.N. Verhaar | Dr. H.T.M. van Schie | |||||
Vosjan, M.J.W.D. | Prof. Dr. G.A.M.S. van Dongen | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 29-11-12 | Nanobody constructs, targeting growth factors and their receptors, for PET imaging and cancer therapy | |
Vourvourí, mw E. | Prof.Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. D. Poldermans | Rotterdam | CDL | 27-11-02 | Ultrasound stethoscopy. |
Vrenken, H. | Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | Dr. P.J.W. Pouwels | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 06-12-05 | Echoes of pathology. Quantitative Magnetic Resonance studies of the normal-appearing white and grey matter in multiple sclerosis |
Prof. Dr. J.A. Castelijns | ||||||
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | ||||||
Vriens, D. | Prof. Dr. W.J.G. Oyen | Dr. E.P. Visser | Nijmegen | NGK | 30-04-15 | Quantitative characterisation of solid tumours by 18F-FDG PET. What's in a number? |
Prof. Dr. L.F. de Geus-Oei | ||||||
Vries, A.H. de | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. E. Dekker | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 16-10-09 | Clinical evaluation of technical developments in CT colography |
Dr. H.W. Venema | ||||||
Vries, A.R. de | Prof. Dr. F.L.M. Peeters | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 12-01-84 | Digitale subractie angiografie van de carotisbifurcatie: de betrouwbaarheid van DSA en de substitutie van catheterangiografie door DSA in de diagnostiek van de carotisbifurcatie | |
Vries, mw M. de | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. M.W. de Haan | Maastricht | RAD | 09-12-05 | Peripheral MR Angiography; costs, effects and technical improvements |
Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Dr. P.J. Nelemans | |||||
P.J. de Vries | Prof. Dr. G.P. van Berge Henegouwen | Dr. J. van Hattum | Utrecht | IGK | 14-09-93 | Duplex Doppler studies of the portal venous flow |
Dr. P. de Hooge | ||||||
Vries, S.O. de | Prof. Dr. M.G.M. Hunink | Groningen | RAD | 02-09-98 | Management strategies for intermittent claudication | |
Vroegindeweij, D. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Dr. J. Buth | Utrecht | RAD | 10-05-95 | Follow-up after endovascular intervention for femoropopliteal obstructions |
Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | Dr. G.H.M. Landman | |||||
Vulpen, M. van | Prof. Dr. J.J. Battermann | Utrecht | RAT | 03-06-03 | Hyperthermia for prostate cancer | |
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk | ||||||
Waaijer, mw A. | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. M.S. van Leeuwen | Utrecht | RAD | 26-10-06 | Multislice CT of the symptomatic carotid artery |
Waal, mw D. van der | Prof. Dr. A.L.M. Verbeek | Dr. M.J.M. Broeders | Nijmegen | EPI | 15-04-16 | Borstdensiteit risicofactor in borstkankeronderzoek |
Waal Malefijt, M.C. de | Prof. Dr. Ir. H.W.J. Huiskes | Dr. Th.W. Beeker | Nijmegen | ORT | 05-09-90 | Klinische, röntgenologische en biomechanische analyse van de Tara-prothese |
Prof. Dr. T.J.J.H. Slooff | ||||||
Waard, R.H. de | Prof. Dr. L.S. Ornstein | Utrecht | NON | 11-02-24 | Ferromagnetisme en kristalstruktuur | |
Waes, P.F.G.M. van | Prof. Dr. A.C. Klinkhamer | Utrecht | RAD | 23-05-72 | High-dose urography in oliguric and anuric patients: excretion of urographic contrast media in advanced renal failure | |
Waesberghe J.H.T. van | Prof. Dr. J. Valk | Dr. F. Barkhof | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 09-06-99 | Magnetization transfer imaging of the brain in multiple sclerosis patients |
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. J.A. Castelijns | |||||
Wagenaar, J.P.M. | Prof. Dr. J. Swierenga | Leiden | LOZ | 07-07-70 | De zoogenaamde idiopathische spontane pneumothorax | |
Wahba, F.Th.A.W. | Prof.Dr. E.E. van der Wall | Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 21-06-01 | Detection of myocardial ischemia and viability with gated SPECT imaging. |
Prof.Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Dr. M.G. Niemeyer | |||||
Walderveen, mw M.A.A. van | Prof. Dr. R.A. Manoliu | Dr. F. Barkhof | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 02-02-99 | Hypointense laesies ('Black holes') op T1-gewogen SE MR beelden in multipele sclerosis |
Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Dr. J.A. Castelijns | |||||
Wall, J.W.M. van de | Prof. Dr. M. Vink | Leiden | HEE | 11-11-70 | De theorie van de gastrogene cholecystopathie | |
Walstra, B.R.J. | Prof. Dr. B.K. Janevski | Maastricht | RAD | 24-09-93 | Arteriography of the lower leg - a comparative study between conventional arteriography and intraarterial digital subtraction arteriography | |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | ||||||
Warnars, mw H.A.O. | ||||||
zie: Winter-Warnars, mw H.A.O. | ||||||
Wang, L.A. | Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | Rotterdam | RAD | 09-05-07 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the prostate | |
Prof. Dr. H. Hricak | ||||||
Wang, Y. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Dr. R.J. van Klaveren | Groningen | RAD | 23-06-10 | Methods and validation of nodule measurement in a lung cancer screening |
Wassenaer-van Hall, mw H.N. van | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 06-09-96 | Wilson disease; Magnetic Resonance findings | |
Wasser, M.N.J.M. | Prof. Dr. E.K.J. Pauwels | Dr. W. Nieuwenhuizen | Leiden | NGK | 12-12-89 | Thrombus detection using a Tc-99m labeled antifibrin monoclonal antibody (MoAb). Experiments in vitro and in animals |
Wee, N.J.A. van der | Prof. Dr. R.S. Kahn | Dr. H.G.J.M. van Megen | Utrecht | NEU | 13-05-05 | Functional neuroimaging studies in obsessive-compulsive disorder. |
Prof. Dr. H.G.M. Westenberg | ||||||
Weel, J.G.A. van | Prof. Dr. A.A. Hijmans van den Bergh | Utrecht | IGK | 17-12-35 | De röntgendoorlichting der borstorganen als methode van massa-onderzoek | |
Weert, T.T. de | Prof. Dr. P.M.T. Pattynama | Dr. D.W.J. Dippel | Rotterdam | RAD | 06-02-09 | Atherosclerotic carotid plaque assessment with Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography |
Prof. Dr. A. van der Lugt | ||||||
Weenink, R.P. | Prof. Dr. Dr. M.W. Hollmann | Dr. R.A. van Hulst | Amsterdam (UvA) | ANT | 18-09-13 | Advances in diagnosis and treatment of cerebral arterial gas embolism |
Prof. Dr. T.M. van Gulik | Dr. M.F. Stevens | |||||
Weering, IJ.F. van | Prof. Dr. E. Huizinga | Groningen | KNO | 27-02-63 | Bronchografie bij kinderen | |
Weijers, R.E. | Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. G.J. Kemerink | Maastricht | RAD | 28-10-05 | Footnotes: anatomical and functional studies of the sole of the foot |
Prof. Dr. H. van Mameren | ||||||
Weinstein, H.C. | Prof. Dr. W. van Tilburg | Dr. A. Hijdra | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 15-04-92 | SPECT in Alzheimer's disease |
Dr. E.A. van Royen | ||||||
Prof. Dr. H. van Crevel | ||||||
Weits, T. | Prof. Dr. A.C. Klinkhamer | Dr. H.P.F. Koppeschaar | Utrecht | RAD | 13-09-88 | Body fat: a radiologic view |
Prof. Dr. R. Luyken | ||||||
Wellenberg, R.H.H. | Prof. Dr. M. Maas | Dr. M.F. Boomsma | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 07-09-18 | Reducing metal artifacts and radiation dose in musculoskeletal CT |
Prof. Dr. Ir. C.H. Slump | Dr. Ir. G.J. Streekstra | |||||
Wenckebach, K.F. | Prof. Dr. Th.W. Engelmann | Utrecht | NON | 9-2-1888 | De ontwikkeling en de bouw der bursa Fabricii | |
Wens, S.C.A. | Prof. Dr. P.A. van Doorn | Dr. E. Brusse | Rotterdam | NEU | 18-05-16 | Neuromuscular imaging and phenotypical variation in Pompe disease |
Prof. Dr. A.T. van der Ploeg | ||||||
Wensing, P.J.W. | Prof. Dr. B. Hillen | Utrecht | ANE | 21-03-95 | Atherogenesis in the distal part of the femoral artery | |
Scholten, F.G. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | |||||
Werf-Messing, mw B.H.P. van der | Prof. Dr. J.R. von Ronnen | Leiden | RAD | 06-06-62 | Met radium behandelde blaaskanker | |
Werff, J.T. van der | Prof. Dr. J. van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 27-11-42 | De biologische werking der röntgenstralen | |
Werkhoven, J.M. van | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 23-06-11 | Cardiovascular Computed Tomography for diagnosis and risk stratification of coronary artery disease | |
Prof. Dr. J.W. Jukema | ||||||
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Wertheim Salomonson, J.K.A. | Prof. Dr. S.S. Rosenstein | Leiden | NON | 30-6-1888 | Stereognosis | |
Werven, J.R. van | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 23-06-11 | Applications of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for noninvasive assessment of hepatic steatosis |
Prof. Dr. T.M. van Gulik | Prof. Dr. P.L.M. Jansen | |||||
Werz, J.F.Ch | Prof. Dr. J.J. Zoon | Utrecht | IGK | 17-06-52 | De stralenkwaliteit bij de röntgentherapie van huidziekten. Een dosimetrisch onderzoek | |
Westenberg, J.J.M. | 13-10-99 | Acquisition and analysis of magnetic resonance. Angiographic imaging studies; correlation with conventional techniques | ||||
Westerlaan, mw H.E. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 02-05-11 | Noninvasive imaging of intracranial aneurysms: initial diagnosis in subarachnoid hemorrhage and follow-up after endovascular treatment | |
Westerhof, J.P. (Doktorarbeit) | Prof. Dr. E. Grabbe | Göttingen | RAD | 08-01-97 | Der Stellenwert der dynamischen MR-Mammographie beim Duktalen Carcinoma in Situ. (MRI of the breast in patients with metastatic disease of unknown primary) | |
Prof. Dr. U. Fischer (copromotor) | ||||||
Westerterp, mw M. | Prof. Dr. J.J.B. van Lanschot | Dr. R. Boellaard | Amsterdam (UvA) | HEE | 16-06-06 | Oesophageal cancer: novel diagnostic and therapeutic modalities |
Dr. J.Th. Plukker | ||||||
Dr. G.W. Sloof | ||||||
Westerveld-de Zwart, mw I.M. | ||||||
zie: Zwart, mw I.M. de | ||||||
Westra, D. | Prof. Dr. B.G. Ziedses des Plantes | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 07-07-66 | Zonography: the narrow angle tomography | |
Weustink, mw A.C. | Prof. Dr. P.J. de Feyter | Dr. N.R.A. Mollet | Rotterdam | CDL | 15-12-10 | CT coronary angiography in clinical practice |
Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin | ||||||
Wever, J.J. | Prof. Dr. B.C. Eikelboom | Dr. J.D. Blankensteijn | Utrecht | VCH | 08-12-99 | CT angiographc follow-up after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair |
Weyenberg, S.J.B. van | Prof. Dr. C. van Kuijk | Dr. J.H.T.M. van Waesberghe | Amsterdam (VU) | RAD | 26-09-14 | Minimally-invasive imaging of small intestine |
Prof. Dr. C.J.J. Mulder | ||||||
Wezel-Meijler, G. van | Prof.Dr. H.N. Lafeber | Amsterdam (VU) | KGK | 17-12-99 | A study on brain maturation, neuro-imaging and neurodevelopment in preterm infants. | |
Prof.Dr. M.S. van der Knaap | ||||||
Wiarda, B.M. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Rotterdam | RAD | 11-12-13 | Imaging of the small bowel | |
Prof. Dr. E.J. Kuipers | ||||||
Widya, R.L. | Prof. Dr. H.J. Lamb | Leiden | RAD | 05-09-17 | Obesity and type 2 diabetes: cardiovascular and cerebral aspects | |
Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | ||||||
Prof. Dr. J.W.A. Smit | ||||||
Wierema, Th.K.A. | Prof. Dr. P.W. de Leeuw | Dr. A.J.H.M. Houben | Maastricht | URN | 17-12-04 | Renal hemodynamics in hypertension. Clinical studies in patients with and without renal artery stenosis |
Prof. Dr. J.M.A. van Engelshoven | Dr. A.A. Kroon | |||||
Wieringa, A.J. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 07-07-25 | Emanatie en hart | |
Wieringen, J. van | Prof. Dr. J. Booij | Amsterdam (UvA) | NGK | 20-02-15 | Evaluation of potential agonist radioligands for imaging dopamine D2/3 receptors | |
Prof. Dr. M.C. Michel | ||||||
Prof. Dr. P.H. Elsinga | ||||||
Wiersma, mw F. | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Dr. H.C. Holscher | Leiden | RAD | 10-09-09 | Ultrasonographic features in children presenting with abdominal pain: normal versus abnormal |
Wiersma, Tj.G. | Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | Dr. C.J.J. Mulder | Utrecht | IGK | 10-05-94 | Dynamic rectal examination clinico-radiological correlation |
Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tytgat | Dr. J.W.A.J. Reeders | |||||
Wiesenhaan, P.F. | Prof. Dr. A. Sikkel | Leiden | GYN | 16-09-70 | Foetografie | |
Wiggenraad, R.G.J. | Prof. Dr. H. Struikmans | Leiden | RAT | 10-02-16 | Stereotactic radiotherapy of intracranial tumors | |
Wiggers-de Bruïne, mw F.T. | ||||||
zie Bruïne, mw F.T. de | ||||||
Wijkerslooth, T.R. de | Prof. Dr. P. Fockens | Dr. E. Dekker | Amsterdam (UvA) | IGK | 07-03-13 | Population screening for colorectal cancer by colonoscopy |
Prof. Dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt | ||||||
Wijlemans, J.W. | Prof. Dr. M.A.A.J. van den Bosch | Dr. Ir. L.W. Bartels | Utrecht | RAD | 13-01-15 | Towards MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of liver tumors |
Prof. Dr. C.T.W. Moonen | Dr. M.G. Ries | |||||
Wijnbergen, mw I.F. | Prof. Dr. N.H.J. Pijls | Dr. Ir. M. van 't Veer | Eindhoven | CDL | 04-06-15 | Primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction: a double edged sword |
Prof. Dr. J.G.P. Tijssen | ||||||
Wijngaard, I.R. van den | Prof. Dr. A. Algra | Mw Dr. M.A.A. van Walderveen | Leiden | EPI | 28-06-17 | Multimodal CT imaging in ischemic stroke |
Dr. M.J.H. Wermer | ||||||
Wijngaarden, H.A. van | Dr. P.H. Damsté | Utrecht | NEU | 13-09-77 | De invloed van geluid op het neerslaan van ingeademde nevel | |
Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | ||||||
Wijsman, R. | Prof. Dr. J. Bussink | Nijmegen | RAT | 06-09-18 | Radiotherapy induced toxicity in lung cancer patients | |
Prof. Dr. L-F. de Geus-Oei | ||||||
Prof. Dr. E.G.C. Troost | ||||||
Wildberger, J.E. (Doktorarbeirt) | Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. G. Alzen | Privat Dozent Dr. F.J. Deutz | Aken (D) | RAD | 08-02-94 | Diagnostic imaging in urologic disorders within the first two years of life: development and evaluation of a sonographic test for vesicoureteral reflux using air |
Wildberger, J.E. (Habilitation) | Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. R. W. Günther | Aken (D) | RAD | 18-07-02 | Multislice Spiral-CT of the chest: experimental and clinical results | |
Willemink, M.J. | Prof. Dr. T. Leiner | Dr. P.A. de Jong | Utrecht | RAD | 12-06-15 | Iterative reconstruction for cardiopulmonary Computed Tomography |
Dr. R.P.J. Budde | ||||||
Willems, P.W.A. | Prof. Dr. C.A.F. Tulleken | Dr. J.W. Berkelbach van der Sprenkel | Utrecht | NCH | 05-04-05 | Technische en klinische evaluatie van neuronavigatie |
Prof. Dr. Ir. M.A. Viergever | Dr. M.J.B. Taphoorn | |||||
Willems, mw T.P. | Prof. Dr. E. Bos | Dr. L.A. van Herwerden | Rotterdam | CTC | 17-11-99 | The value of echocardiography in follow-up of human tissue valves in aortic position |
Willemse, A.H.M. | ? | Amsterdam (VU) | HEE | 1917 | De schotfracturen der lange pijpbeenderen en hunne behandeling | |
Wilmink, J.Th. | Prof. Dr. L. Penning | Groningen | RAD | 20-04-88 | Radiology of sciatica | |
Prof. Dr. J.W.F. Beks | ||||||
Wilms, F.J. | Prof. Dr. L.B.W. Jongkees | Amsterdam (UvA) | KNO | 22-03-56 | Over de betekenis van het röntgenonderzoek van het rotsbeen | |
Win, mw M.M.L. de | Prof. Dr. W. van den Brink | Dr. J. Booij | Amsterdam (UvA) | EPI | 03-03-07 | Neurotoxicity of ecstacy: causality, course, and clinical relevance |
Prof. Dr. G.J. den Heeten | Dr. L. Reneman | |||||
Winter, L.H.L. | Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | Utrecht | RAD | 13-12-91 | Chest X-ray: a cost-diagnostic benefit analysis | |
Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | ||||||
Winter-Warnars, mw H.A.O. | Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | Utrecht | RAD | 07-04-94 | Duplex-echografie bij de diagnostiek van perifeer vaatlijden | |
Wit, L.Th. de | Prof. Dr. G.N.J. Tytgat | Amsterdam (UvA) | REU | 10-06-94 | Galstenen, diagnostiek & therapie: resultaat | |
Prof. Dr. D.J. Gouma | ||||||
Wit, N.J. de | Prof. Dr. R.A. de Melker | Dr. Y. van der Graaf | Utrecht | REU | 19-11-92 | Gastroscopie op verzoek van de huisarts: gevolgen voor diagnostisch en therapeutisch beleid |
Prof. Dr. F.W.M.M. Touw-Otten | ||||||
Wit-van der Veen, mw B.J. de | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 15-05-12 | Quantitative nuclear cardiology using SPECT | |
Wittenberg, mw R. | Prof. Dr. W.M. Prokop | Dr. C.M. Schaefer-Prokop | Utrecht | RAD | 22-03-12 | Computer-assisted detection of acute pulmonary embolism |
Prof. Dr. J.S. Laméris | ||||||
Wokke, mw B.H.A. | Prof. Dr. J.J.G.M. Verschuuren | Leiden | NEU | 09-09-15 | Muscle MRI in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy | |
Wolbers, J.G. | Prof. Dr. H.A.M. van Alphen | Amsterdam (VU) | NCH | 09-09-92 | Quantitative scintigraphy of the intracranial extracellular fluid spaces | |
Prof. Dr. L. Penning | ||||||
Wolf, R.F.E. | Prof. Dr. M.J.H. Slooff | Groningen | HEE | 24-06-96 | NMR studies of the human donor liver | |
Prof. Dr. C.J.P. Thijn | ||||||
Wolvekamp, W.Th.C. | Prof. Dr. K.J. Dik | Utrecht | DGK | 10-09-87 | Enteroclysis in the dog | |
Prof. Dr. J.P. Morgan | ||||||
Wondergem, M. | Prof. Dr. I.J. Jong | Groningen | URN | 20-10-17 | Exploring new molecular imaging concepts of prostate cancer | |
Prof. Dr. J. Pruim | ||||||
Wondergem, mw M.J. | Prof. Dr. S. Zweegman | Dr. J.M. Zijlstra-Baalbergen | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 16-10-15 | Visualizing transformation. Diagnosis and treatment of transformed follicular lymphoma |
Prof. Dr. O.J. Hoekstra | Dr. M.E.D. Chamuleau | |||||
Wortel, R.C. | Mw Prof. Dr. L. Incrocci | Mw Dr. W.D. Heemsbergen | Rotterdam | RAT | 31-10-18 | Prostate cancer radiotherapy: a field in motion |
Woude, H.-J. van der | Prof. Dr. J.L. Bloem | Leiden | RAD | 19-10-95 | Monitoring neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with high-grade bone sarcoma - preoperative assessment of response with emphasis on perfusion-sensitive imaging techniques | |
Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Taminiau | ||||||
Wouters, J.M.G.W. | Prof. Dr. L.B.A. van de Putte | Nijmegen | REU | 17-06-86 | Adult-onset Still's disease | |
Wu, Y.Ch. | Prof. Dr. F.J. Beekman | Groningen | NGK | 11-09-13 | Ultra-high-resolution quantitative multi-pinhole small-animal SPECT | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Wylick, W.A.H. van | Prof. Dr. G.A. Lindeboom | Amsterdam (VU) | MGE | 08-07-66 | Röntgen en Nederland. Röntgen's betrekkingen tot Nederland en de opkomst der Röntgenologie hier ten lande | |
Xi, T | Prof. Dr. S.J. Bergé | Dr. Th.J.M. Hoppenreijs | Nijmegen | THK | 02-12-15 | 3D analysis of condyles and their role in relapse following BSSO (Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy) |
Dr. T.J.J. Maal | ||||||
Xie, X. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 16-09-13 | CT biomarkers in lung cancer screening | |
Yakar, D. | Prof. Dr. J.O. Barentsz | Dr. J.J. Fütterer | Nijmegen | RAD | 04-12-12 | MR imaging in the localization of prostate cancer (recurrence) and guiding interventions |
Yoo, A.J. | Prof. Dr. C.B.L.M. Majoie | Dr. H.A. Marquering | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 17-11-16 | Imaging-based patient selection for intra-arterial stroke therapy |
Prof. Dr. Y.B.W.E.M. Roos | ||||||
Yu, Z. | Prof. Dr. P.H. Elsinga | Groningen | NGK | 10-02-14 | Development of radiolabelled bombesin analogues for imaging prostate cancer with SPECT and PET | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.J.O. Dierckx | ||||||
Yui, K.H. | Prof. Dr. J.J. Bax | Leiden | CDL | 28-04-16 | Advanced clinical applications of cardiac computed tomography and novel echocardiographic modalities | |
Zaaijer, J.H. | Prof. Dr. W.F. Suermondt | Leiden | HEE | 03-07-36 | De waarde der diathermie voor de behandeling van prostaatvergrootingen | |
Zachiu, C. | Prof. Dr. C.T.W. Moonen | Dr. M.G. Ries | Utrecht | RAT | 25-04-18 | Πάνταῥεῖ: Motion compensation strategies forimage-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound and external beam radiotherapy in deformable organs |
Prof. Dr. B.W. Raaymakers | Dr. B.D. de Senneville | |||||
Zapletal, J. | Prof. Dr. J.Th. Wilmink | Dr. R.E.M. Hekster | Maastricht | RAD | 08-09-95 | Osteoarthritis of the atlanto-odontoid joint. A radiological and clinical study |
Zee, mw J. van der | Prof. Dr. H.S. Reinhold | Rotterdam | RAT | 08-04-87 | Whole body hyperthermia. The development of and experience with a clinical method | |
Prof. Dr. W. Erdmann | ||||||
Zeegelaar, F.J. | Prof. Dr. G.J. van der Plaats | Groningen | RAD | 25-01-56 | Onderzoek naar de toepassingsmogelijkheden der doorlichting met de röntgenbeeldversterker voor gerichte schedelfotografie | |
Zeegers, M. | Prof. Dr. J.K. Buitelaar | Dr. J. van der Grond | Utrecht | NEU | 17-11-06 | Toddlers with autism: metabolic, radiologic and volumetric aspects of brain development |
Prof. Dr. H. van Engeland | Dr. H.E. Hulshoff Pol | |||||
Zeeman, mw G.G. | Prof. Dr. J.G. Arnoudse | Groningen | GYN | 21-09-05 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging and cerebrovascular hemodynamics in (pre)-eclampsia | |
Prof. Dr. F.G. Cunningham | ||||||
Prof. Dr. D.M. Twickler | ||||||
Zegers, mw C.M.L. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Lambin | Dr. W. van Elmpt | Maastricht | RAT | 09-03-16 | Imaging of tumor hypoxia with PET; a step towards individualized cancer treatment |
Dr. L. Dubois | ||||||
Zhao, mw Y. | Prof. Dr. M. Oudkerk | Groningen | RAD | 16-09-13 | Lung nodule assessment in low-dose CT lung cancer screening. Validation of detection and volumetric measurement | |
Ziech, mw M.L.W. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. C.Y. Ponsioen | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 22-03-13 | Crohn's disease advances in MRI |
Dr. Ir. A.J. Nederveen | ||||||
Ziedses des Plantes jr., B.G. | Prof. Dr. T.H.M. Falke | Utrecht | RAD | 14-01-92 | The value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mri) in a general hospital. Diagnostic impact, substitution effects, costs containment and projected patient volume | |
Prof. Dr. P.F.G.M. van Waes | ||||||
Ziedses des Plantes sr., B.G. | Prof. Dr. L. Bouman | Utrecht | NEU | 01-05-34 | Planigraphie en subtractie. Röntgenographische differentiatiemethoden | |
Zijlmans, J.C.M. | Prof. Dr. H.O.M. Thijssen | Nijmegen | RAD | 27-06-96 | Vascular Parkinsonism, a diagnosis challenged by MRI, MRS, quantative EEG and gait analysis | |
Zijlstra, F. | Prof. Dr. J.R.T.C. Roelandt | Dr. P.W. Serruys | Rotterdam | CDL | 14-09-88 | Coronary flow reserve: a functional measure of stenosis severity |
Zijlstra, J.J. | Prof. Dr. C.B.A.J. Puylaert | Utrecht | RAD | 23-11-89 | Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in vascular access for hemodialysis | |
Prof. Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali | ||||||
Zijta, F.M. | Prof. Dr. J. Stoker | Dr. A.D. Montauban van Swijndregt | Amsterdam (UvA) | RAD | 12-04-12 | Advances in MRI of the colon and pelvic floor |
Dr. A.J. Nederveen | ||||||
Zonderland, mw H.M. | Prof. Dr. A.E. van Voorthuisen | Dr. J. Hermans | Leiden | RAD | 05-04-00 | The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of breast cancer |
Zwaardemaker, J.B. | Prof. Dr. H. Zwaardemaker, Czn | Utrecht | FYS | 19-09-22 | Myogene harteigenschappen en radio-activiteit | |
Zwaan, mw H.B. van der | Prof. Dr. J.W. Roos-Hesselink | Rotterdam | CDL | 15-06-11 | Right ventricular assessment by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography in congenital heart disease | |
Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing | ||||||
Zwam, W. van | Prof. Dr. J.Th. Wilmink | Dr. P.A.M. Hofman | Maastricht | RAD | 28-06-13 | Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: imaging strategies and cost-effectiveness aspects in diagnostic work-up and post-therapeutic follow-up |
Prof. Dr. J.E. Wildberger | ||||||
Zwan, mw M.D. | Prof. Dr. Ph. Scheltens | Prof. Dr. B.N.M. van Berckel | Amsterdam (VU) | NGK | 03-03-16 | Visualizing Alzheimer's disease pathology. Implementation of amyloid PET in clinical practice |
Prof. Dr. A.A. Lammertsma | ||||||
Prof. Dr. W.M. van der Flier | ||||||
Zwan, A. van der | Prof. Dr. W.L. Luyendijk | Leiden | NCH | 26-05-71 | Hypofysetumoren | |
Zwart, mw I.M. de | Prof. Dr. A. de Roos | Leiden | RAD | 02-11-10 | MRI for evaluation of gastric physiology | |
Prof. Dr. A.A.M. Masclee | ||||||
Zwemmer, J.N.P. | Prof. Dr. C.H. Polman | Amsterdam (VU) | NEU | 15-02-11 | Heterogeneity in multiple sclerosis: a bio-marker approach | |
Prof. Dr. B.M.J. Uitdehaag | ||||||
Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof | ||||||
Zwetsloot, C.P. | Prof. Dr. G.W. Bruyn | Leiden | NEU | 15-01-97 | Transcranial Doppler and migraine. Clinical and experimental aspects | |
Prof. Dr. R.A.C. Roos | ||||||
Zwetsloot-Schonk, J.W.M. | Prof. Dr. J.W.H. Leer | Leiden | RAT | 01-11-90 | Hospital databases and decision analysis in evaluating diagnostic procedures: applications in clinical oncology | |
Prof. Dr. J.P. Vandenbroucke | ||||||
Zwikker, mw G.L. | Prof. Dr. K.H. Ephraïm | Utrecht | NGK | 25-01-77 | Radionuclide flebografie | |
Prof. Dr. H..A. Huysmans |